

Your Nickname:Your Email:
Your Password:Your year of Birth:

2d. 6h. 29m.

2d. 16h. 29m.

3d. 6h. 29m.

23d. 6h. 29m.

3d. 6h. 29m.

Doll Vote
Loft Vote
For a lifetime
This week
Friday votes and hugs from joyceeileen :)
28/03/2025 à 14:59:07
28/03/2025 à 13:52:46
28/03/2025 à 10:07:28
I read your comment to bruce. He laughed~!!
28/03/2025 à 00:37:47

Read all the com'z

sierradane has 2258 goodness points.


You aren't a VIP member yet!
To obtain the VIP room and lots of other advantages, you must be a VIP member!

You can subscribe for a week, so you proceed at your own pace.
If you already are a great OhMyDollz fan, you can subscribe for several months!

Join the VIP's very private circle!


The time change might be affecting the reset

Time change in Paris happens on

Sunday, March 30

Our normal reset time may not happen until after or on March 30



Sunday, April 20


If you are working on your LEVELS on your doll, here is the GUIDE that will help you get through them more effectively.

We have a FACEBOOK GROUP page where we all get together sometimes to talk about the game or anything.  It's called OMD PALS

If you want to join, we have a question or two that you need to answer, one of which is WHAT IS THE NAME OF YOUR DOLL?

If you want to join, you MUST answer that question.


I am an official Player!


Always accepting new



 Just send a PM


Please leave my LIFETIME votes even!


I will NOT vote back if you have given me +1

unless it was to make my lifetime votes even again


love how our community here on the US Server is a good group to be around.  Love how we all or most "get together" for Birthday Parties, Weddings, Anniversaries... love how everyone is very supportive of others when they are going through hard, sad times in their lives.  I am PROUD to be a part of the US Server!! =)




 I don't mind helping with the weekly trophy goals, but I feel that a person ought to have around 3,000 LIFETIME votes before trying to get their 1,000 WEEKLY votes. 


 in other words:


Weekly trophy/LT



If you have not done this goal and you decide to do it without asking for help, it appears that you are cheating by either voting for yourself or by convincing people to give you multiple votes daily.  Let people know you are doing this goal. It can be done in one week if you truly have help


If you don't have 3000 LIFETIME votes, just try Daily Voting for awhile to "get to know" people here and people will be more willing to help when you do go for that goal.


I'm trying to make a list of people who've successfully completed their 1K WEEKLY TROPHY goal.  I have a thread on the forum where I'm adding names of those who have finished that goal.  If you have completed it, could you either PM me or post in that thread?  Also, if you HAVEN'T completed it and want to ask for help for an upcoming week, you could post in that thread.  It's best to ask for help at the end of the week before the reset that way people can get the word out to help.












The dolls above are the only dolls that belong to me. My daughter is AAATINKERBEL and she has dolls of her own which should be listed on her page. If you see any other dolls beside mine (or hers) with similarity in the names... they are not mine (or hers)  My daughter doesn't play right now but her dolls are still there.



Prayers for Israel




To players who send me PM's asking for my pas.sword:

Don't waste my time sending me a PM asking  for my pas.sword.........Why? 

  • It's against the rules
  • I'd NEVER give you my PAS.SWORD
  • This is MY doll, I've spent a lot of time, etc on it; do the same with yours
  • Don't send me YOUR PAS.SWORD.  I won't write it down & since I will block you for asking for mine, I won't remember it.
  • I WILL report you







Thank you Becky:

Image result for happy birthday sarah images

Thank you Joyce:

1634ViPsale....2384...484VIp....1483(including 150 bonus feez)...503ViPsale...1253...424ViP...1422...592...42ViPsale..792ViP...1791...961ViP..1960...60VIP....1059...229ViPsale...

979...149VIPsale.....899...69VIP...1068...518VIPsale...1268VIP...2267(includedcompleted card for 150)...1457...907VIP...1906...6..VIP...1005...175..VIP sale......925...95VIP...

1094...264VIPsALe...1014...184VIP...1183...403VIP...1153...323VIP...1322...492-VIP sale...

1242- +150 for having the Memberrship card completely stamped

1092...542...957...1956..47-- spent 999 feez for one month of VIP

1046...216...616...641...841...991...161-bought VIP


1002- time to do some free feez offers

979-renewed VIP with sale...4162... 5077-haven't updated in awhile


8425-hunting candy...8575...8615...8915-Vip sub sale

12414-most ever had

6374-lottery...6424-day 29...6524-day 21...6559-day 19

6554-sewing...6736...6786...6936...6961-bought kid

7011...7161...5261...5411...5561-sewing machine

5606...5587-garage ext...5662-mini quest...

5712-mini quest...5812-mini quests & room

5937-mini quests...6087-mq...6137...6134...6284

6434...6584- bought rooms & 10DB...6940...6933- bought 75db room

7008...7158...7012...6988...7138...7287-bought ext.en.tions

7812...7962-bought mystery box

8462-bought 3 ext.en.tions...9062...9212...9362...6620

7162-renews VIP...10661...10961...11561...8861




531-renewed VIP...4030...4180...4195...4210...4225...4625


Appeal to Heaven

Age Type City Country
43 years Woman Aux Arcs US
Favorite celebrity Favorite music Favorite movie Favorite food
Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki Celtic Star Wars,LOTR, The Green Mile Chinese, Italian, Mac & cheese
Favorite colour My dreamjob Favorite show Favorite hobby
red, sage green Lottery Winner Supernatural, America's Got Talent Crocheting, genealogy

© FEERIK GAMES 2015 - Contact us - CGU - My account - Rules - How to participate? - 28/03/2025 16:29:37