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#1 2012-08-20 17:49:36

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Items in wrong categories under new layout.

This is a sticky topic for all the items you find that are classified as something they're obviously not or under a store they didn't come from.

This is not a discussion post about where an Items belong. It is for errors such as wigs found under the furniture tab. Or an item that come from the Winter store, loading as a Cannes item.

#2 2012-08-20 19:22:59

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3335

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

I'm unsure if you want us to post about things that are NOT showing up at all.

Example are trees.

I'm not finding any trees in the Garden Store or in the Dollz Story store.  I find Plants/interior flowers in the Pets tab in both stores.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2012-08-21 20:15:02

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

sierradane wrote:

I'm unsure if you want us to post about things that are NOT showing up at all.

Example are trees.

I'm not finding any trees in the Garden Store or in the Dollz Story store.  I find Plants/interior flowers in the Pets tab in both stores.

Trees oddly enough are under the Garden Store button, in the Garden Store.


#4 2012-08-21 20:43:22

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3335

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

anyamalfoy wrote:

sierradane wrote:

I'm unsure if you want us to post about things that are NOT showing up at all.

Example are trees.

I'm not finding any trees in the Garden Store or in the Dollz Story store.  I find Plants/interior flowers in the Pets tab in both stores.

Trees oddly enough are under the Garden Store button … ie_off.png, in the Garden Store.

At the time that I posted this, that particular tab (the tree tab) was not showing up in any store at all.  And really, even though that tab was missing... I was reluctant to even post it because of being made to look stupid.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#5 2012-08-21 21:38:04

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

sierradane wrote:

anyamalfoy wrote:

sierradane wrote:

I'm unsure if you want us to post about things that are NOT showing up at all.

Example are trees.

I'm not finding any trees in the Garden Store or in the Dollz Story store.  I find Plants/interior flowers in the Pets tab in both stores.

Trees oddly enough are under the Garden Store button … ie_off.png, in the Garden Store.

At the time that I posted this, that particular tab (the tree tab) was not showing up in any store at all.  And really, even though that tab was missing... I was reluctant to even post it because of being made to look stupid.

If it's still not showing it needs to go in the other thread as this is for items in wrong place rather than missing categories.


#6 2012-08-27 16:43:35

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

This is my first chance to look at the new organization system.  So far, I find it very hard to "guess" what an item I'm looking for may be "classified" as... so I am clicking on a LOT of tabs trying to find things!
The item below looks out of place to me, but what you are asking for is, essentially, a judgment call... and may lead to discussion about "where" an item belongs.  This looks like a chandelier (or mobile/decor) to me... not a storage unit.
I found many of the items classified as "Buildings" made no sense to me... but I am not going to cite specific items, as that would be a discussion.  Perhaps you could take a look and see what you think?

"Storage Units/Storage - pigeonholes"


#7 2012-08-31 16:22:33

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

Same problem as N0regrets.
This one appear in Storage Units/Storage - pigeonholes

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Insta: mal.mooon

#8 2012-09-01 21:57:02

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

Based only on observation, the following item appears to be misplaced... the three matching teddy bears are found in (guitar icon) Basics/Accessories/pg 8:

Basics/Hobbies/pg 4

Additionally, all other for sale stuffed animals are found in Basics/Accessories... leading one to believe that perhaps the first three items in Basics/Hobbies/pg 1 need to be moved...

...but, many of the gift stuffed animals/dolls in "My Things" are categorized as "hobbies".  For example:

I'm sure I will find more questionable (and definite) items in time but, currently, I find the new shopping system quite bulky... so I haven't looked much pleur


#9 2012-09-03 22:18:06

From: My Happy Place
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 121

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

Found the following purse under Office >>> Bags on my alternate account, along with "non-stickable" shopping bags that lay on the floor.

Since it has an arm cut-out and sticks to your doll, it led me to assume that it should perhaps belong under Fashion Accessories >>> Bags, Purses & Belts.

Last edited by mimi078 (2012-09-03 22:19:01)

"I don't know what your generation's fascination is with
documenting your every thought... but I can assure you,
             they're not all diamonds." - Easy A

#10 2012-09-06 19:49:21

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2416

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

I found the following under fashion accessories - purses (I believe it is a belt, not a purse.)

This is one of the prizes from the Jackpot (in OhMyGames.)

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#11 2012-09-06 20:09:01

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

Oddly enough, bags/purses/belts are grouped together nrv


#12 2012-09-07 03:02:12

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

I dont think I'm color blind but Isnt this green?

OMD Basics >> Tops >> Shirts Tunics >> Blue >> #13

Do we also put stuff like that here or is this just exclusively wrong categories?
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#13 2012-09-09 09:32:49

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.
they're currently in the DollzStory shop under decorations..
Needs to be moved under the plants section


#14 2012-09-22 09:13:40

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

Found under Basics/Food/pg. 3:

I'm relatively sure that this is a 3-wick candle.  Also, perhaps intentionally, all the "sticky" handbags in Lena Bliss are categorized as "Office" (rather than Fashion Accessories).

10/14/12 Please add this necktie, found under...

Basics/Fashion Accessories/Glasses/page 1:

Last edited by n0regrets (2012-10-14 01:04:07)


#15 2013-01-20 02:45:52

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

While looking through My Things tonight, I noticed that this dress is listed as being 'Purple'. Yes, it has a small purple belt, but the dress is mainly black - it should probably be listed as black and not purple.

Also, um, what are "Court shoes"? That's the name of one of the categories. Now, I'm not big into fashion, so maybe it's a type of shoe that I've never heard of before?

And these shoes are listed as white, though they should be black.

Last edited by snortmort (2013-01-20 02:51:50)

#16 2013-01-20 14:18:10

From: Somewhere over the rainbow...
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 248

Re: Items in wrong categories under new layout.

Well, when I think of court shoes, I think of close-toes, small heeled shoes. However, I believe in this case, it is all heeled shoes, where the heel is not a wedge a.k.a. platform.

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