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#1 2012-10-03 19:05:41

Ancien joueur lallye

Qui sait parler français ?

Coucou [Hello]

Je suis une fille Française [I'm a french girl] Tu peux parler français ? [Do you speak french ?]
J'adore ce jeu [I love this Game [Ohmydollz] ]

Parlez français avec moi ! [Speak French with me !!]

Bisous :) [xoxo , :)]

#2 2012-10-03 20:23:31

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Qui sait parler français ?

This is an English speaking forum only.
I know for some of you its not your first language, but please try to do your best.
As you already have a topic similar to this, I am now closing this one.


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