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#1 2012-11-16 20:08:26

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Store/My Things Categories

I am sorry to brew a tempest in a teapot, but this is fast becoming a hot button topic for me... I am going to be as objective and respectful as possible with this discussion.

Off the top of my head, there are multiple threads related to the new organization in "News", "Bugs", "Players Helping Players", and "Ideas & Suggestions" forums... I am not going to cite them all here.  Not all of them cover the issue at hand... and most people will not read the complete content of each and every topic, particularly irrelevant threads.

While I agree that the new organization system has made things easier, in some respects... it has also complicated things unnecessarily in others.  I have had several opportunities, within previous threads, to point out the wildly random categorization of some items... finding anything not clothing related has become a hit-or-miss undertaking for me.  That being said, furniture is also usually (but not always) self-explanatory.

We have been asked to post incorrectly categorized items, but we are not allowed to discuss where they belong... or why they belong (or don't belong) there.  I don't know how it is possible for me to make a "judgment call" on whether an item is categorized correctly without explaining why (or where) it makes sense... that is as arbitrary, on my part, as the judgment of the person who initially categorized said item.

* My apologies in advance to anyamalfoy... I quoted you, because you are really the only one who has addressed the new organization system.  Please don't take it personally... my complaint is strictly the hodgepodge categorization. *

anyamalfoy wrote:
This is not a discussion post about where an Items belong.

I've looked for a discussion post about where an item belongs, and I'm not seeing one.

anyamalfoy wrote:
If it's still not showing it needs to go in the other thread as this is for items in wrong place rather than missing categories.

I haven't found a thread specifically addressing missing categories, either... missing items - yes, missing categories - no.  Regardless, my issue isn't with missing categories... my issue is the often inexplicable (to me) categorization of items.  I routinely have to look in two, three (or more) "possible" categories to find the item I am looking for... and sometimes I still can't find it.

montr  The item (Thai flirt window) spurring my latest "find it" frustration is below.  Looks like a WINDOW to me, just like a great many other scenic windows in the tab.

THIS (below) is a "window"... mine, apparently, is not.  This, by the way, looks more like a Garden or, perhaps, plant item to me.

quoi Okay... where to next???  Hmmm, let's try GARDEN.  Seems logical... it is an outdoor scene, after all.

THESE (below) are categorized as my item, again, is not.  What makes these outdoor scenes any more outdoor or "garden" than the Thai flirt window?

quoi Guess again!  I guess I'll try BUILDINGS... I have learned from past hit-or-miss hunting that there are a great many garden-y outdoor components categorized as (a point I have made before without any official response).

THIS (below) is a "building".  Really?  Now, I wouldn't call the Thai window a building... but I wouldn't classify this as a "building", either. Looks like another outdoor scene, to me.

quoi Let's see... 1) Windows, 2) Garden, 3) Buildings... will the 4th try be the charm?  Again, only from previous experience, do I think to look in WALLS.  It's clearly not a wall, as I understand it... but... (finally) success!

My missing Thai window is, in fact, a and so are the ones below.  Hey!  Doesn't that desert piece look like a complementary addition to the Route 66 scene?  Why is it a "wall", when the other is a "building"?

This is only a small handful of images that I could use to make my point... there are many, many more.  I appreciate the work that went into the new system but, in my opinion, the Store/My Things organization could use some improvement.  I know that I am not alone in feeling that way.

Players have questioned the reasoning behind grouping Plants & Animals together, players have found combining permanent "full room" wallpaper and flooring with movable, small panels confusing, players have suggested that some items (like Holiday) need their own category, players have complained about the "breaking up" of previously grouped sets (making it harder to find matching pieces), players have commented about ambigous classification, and players have made observations about the amount of clicking around now needed to find an item (both within a category/sub-category... or searching for the "right" category).  All have gone, largely, without comment... but that does not make them any less valid points.

Last edited by n0regrets (2012-11-16 20:22:23)

#2 2012-11-17 03:07:53

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Store/My Things Categories

Great post! 

I was in my daughter's room supervising her re-cleaning her room and was on the laptop when I first saw your post.  I read the first half then supper was ready so now I am relaxing and can fully read everything here.

I totally agree with your post and I share your frustration.  With wanting to haul out the Christmas decorations, it's been a bit of a hunt to find everything.  Some are food, some are in the Garden area, some are in lights, some are in decorations... scattered all over my attic!  =)  I found a lot of my Christmas decorations simply by clicking on My Things and NOT going to any category.  By doing this, it shows the items I've bought and the order they were bought in.  But even so, one of my Christmas trees was in the garden area.

I think I posted once in the post you are referring to but I believe I posted in the wrong manner and I gave up after that, feeling intimidated. 

The stretch of water that came with that flirt has the wooden edges which to me, seems like a window, albeit, a mighty BIG window. 

I've had some items that I absolutely KNOW I have, but I can't run it down in My Things and to pop into my attic is a half hour disaster in trying to even get away from that page.

Sometimes certain aspects of the game that might need to be looked into or fixed seems to be passed over or forgotten or ignored.  I know that the French server is the "main" server but I have to wonder if that is the case, they how come the US server has so many French speaking dolls?  I'm not saying they can't be here or us there.  I wish that some of our suggestions that a lot of people feel are good suggestions could get some sort of notice.  Or an issue such as this would be better handled.


Had my husband not been talking in his Everquest game I probably would have posted more ;)

Last edited by sierradane (2012-11-17 03:16:57)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2012-11-17 06:24:41

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Store/My Things Categories

I totally agree with your post. The organization has made it pretty easy in some ways but the windows and buildings do seem very confusing.

I do understand why some of the items are in the wallpaper category but it doesn't make any sense why the garden items are in the buildings. What I would consider buildings is the shop window items we get but not these ones.

My things organization has made it easier to find things such as accessories and dresses and other stuff but I wish they had kept a separate category for fall/Halloween and winter/Christmas items. I'm not that patient and I don't want to spend so much time looking in each category when I just want to find my Christmas or any holiday items. I'm sure a lot of dolls are like me too.

I totally agree with Sierra about the french sever and all. It's a bit unfair. I wish at least Sarah or an admin would check out our suggestions and at least tell us if it's rejected or if they'll 'try' or not. I mean, there are really good suggestions here that we all are dying for them to try out. Like for example the replay of the forest room adventure.

Though the french server is the main one I think we also are quite well' cared' for, not as much as the french one but I know that some other OMD servers are having some issues with not having mods etc. [I think it has been fixed now and Feerik is paying more attention to all the servers.]

I hope nobody gets the wrong or bad message of what I wrote. I'm just writing down all my opinions and thoughts. I do appreciate what Feerik has done for us and I'm not insulting or blaming anyone here.

Last edited by malu (2012-11-17 06:26:06)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#4 2012-11-18 14:58:05

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Store/My Things Categories

Here is an item that I've sat for about 30 minutes searching for.  Of course, I first looked in the BUILDING tab since it's a scene of the outside of a HOUSE.  Not there.  It was in the WINDOWS tabs.  *slaps her forehead*  Why didn't I think of that! ;)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#5 2012-11-18 15:32:44

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Store/My Things Categories

First of all that is a lovely item and second. Windows? How strange!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#6 2012-11-18 17:04:15

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Store/My Things Categories

nrv Well, it is the outside WALLS of a house... so I suppose it could have just as easily been classified as that.

A house is a BUILDING and that is, without a doubt, the first place I would have looked.  That being said, even WALLS would have made more sense than WINDOWS... there is not a window in sight and it is an entire structure, not a structural component.

Please note:  While the item I was looking for lead to a demonstration and discussion of Windows, Walls, Building, and Garden... this is a problem in many categories, not just structural categories.

I could post examples of ambiguity and crossover in Garden vs. Plant vs. Decor (with some Windows & Walls & Buildings thrown in, for variety).  I could post examples of "looks like a fill-in-the-blank to me" using Animals vs. Characters vs. Hobbies (plus a couple hand-held Accessories, just for fun).  I've even found a single style of furniture (bookcases) filed in three different categories:  Storage Units, Office, and Walls.

There are even more, but I have no more time right now... and it is time, wasted time that is ultimately the problem with this wildly inconsistent classification.  I simply don't have 30 minutes to spend looking for a single item, multiplied by how many other items do I need to find... and sometimes, after investing that time, still not finding the item in question!

non To have to look through three or four possible categories, with each of those categories have 5, 10, 15 or more pages to look through before discovering... "NOPE, that item is NOT here!  Guess again!" is beyond frustrating  Plus (again), sometimes I don't find the item at all.

Last edited by n0regrets (2012-11-18 17:05:35)


#7 2012-11-18 18:34:41

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

Re: Store/My Things Categories

I can absolutely relate to the topic because i have experienced it myself.
gotta say that sometimes when i want to redesign a room i put it off because it means skimming through my item categories 500 times for items i know i own but cant seem to find anywhere.
(this is especially true for certain collectors/seasonal themed items as mentioned)
You try all the logical and obvious tabs first, then try them again thinking you must have overlooked it and then you try systematically working your way through them all.
by that time its late,i am tired and do not feel particularly creative or ran out of playtime :)
the same can be said for the stores.
i've recently spent a loooooong time looking for a particular apron the other day and who knows what store they moved it too and which category etc...happy item hunting!
I do like the tabs though in a lot of ways they are much more orderly if  only the item placement made a bit more sense to me.
I had a pretty good system in my head before they where introduced going by which adventure the item was part of
but these days since we also get a lot of rewards that do not obviously belong in any one catagory maybe they can be in multiple tabs
like the neon street signs we got recently could be under building and lighting.
room overlays could go in windows,building and wallpaper.
or would that clutter it up to much again?
alternatively maybe we could have a favorites tab like with the rooms where we can flag items as favorites and categorize them there ourselves?

Last edited by lilysummers (2012-11-18 18:48:50)


#8 2012-11-19 01:29:48

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: Store/My Things Categories

Has anyone tried the Sort by Store and Sort by Room functions to see if you'd have better luck there?

Yes, I realize this means you have to know which store something came from, but if you know it was a quest reward, you can sort by Collector's Items, of if you know it's in your Attic, you can sort by that, or both at the same time.


#9 2012-11-19 08:31:07

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Store/My Things Categories

laurabow wrote:
Has anyone tried the Sort by Store and Sort by Room functions to see if you'd have better luck there?

The problem does not lie in knowing where an item came from, or what room it is in... the problem is in the inconsistent categorization.  I can almost always tell you where an item is from, whether it is a Store item or an adventure item... that information does not always help.

I can very easily choose "Store = Collector's Item" and "Room = Attic", and that will display all my adventure rewards and then some (Limited Editions items, Find 50 prizes, Naitonal Day keepsakes, Advent Calendar gifts, swag gifts, etc)... but it will display ALL those applicable items, starting at page 1 and going to page ???

Players who do most adventures and take advantage of special offers and spend additional money to clothe & decorate an account to their personal taste routinely have 200+ pages of inventory... I would estimate close to half of that, on average, is from one of the previously mentioned events.  That's a lot of collector's items... and a lot of pages to look through!

If I have 200 pages of inventory and apply the "Collector Item" and "Attic" filter to it... I would still potentially end up with 100 pages (or so) to look through.  If I don't use the categories at this point, there's not much point in having them... they are supposed to be an additional way to further narrow down the pages to look through.

Going back to the first post, if I'm looking for that Thai flirt window... I'm right back where this discussion started, looking through Windows/Garden/Buildings/Walls before finding that window.  Then I get to repeat the same process for the next item I want to locate.


#10 2012-11-23 17:02:06

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Store/My Things Categories

This may be a very simple question but can we please have a post started as a sticky that allows OMD players to list an item and a suggestion as to what category it better fits into?

I understand that it will all be a mote point if the admin from Feerik does not ever look at it or take our suggestions and make corrections but...

Can our mods please pass along this idea to the admin? That we would lke to have items moved to categories that make more sense. 

I also understand that there may be more pressing issuses but a few changes once a week or even once a month might make some players very happy (and even eager to spend real life money).


#11 2012-11-25 01:24:41

Registered: 2011-10-11
Posts: 74

Re: Store/My Things Categories

I understand a bit of what you're saying & I can relate to the topic regarding searching for items in the stores (as I don't have an attic yet)  with each having lots of categories for items which could easily be grouped together in one shop eg. furniture shop.  I find the website confusing compared to the others I play that's why I'm only on it occassionally. The thing with this game is they seem to want you to say only what they want to hear & it would be difficult for a game to grow that way, other similar but more successful sites are always eager for feedbacks & suggestions, they read members blogs & research similar sites for ideas. They don't encourage players enough in this game & don't seem to listen to suggestions or ideas.


#12 2012-11-26 21:04:17

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Store/My Things Categories

I definitely don't want to detract from the discussion at hand... others have offered some very valid observations, comments, and suggestions, which I still hope might receive a response.

However, I wanted to further demonstrate the issue created by the new organization categories.  I'm sure I could post an example a day, but I will content myself with this one... which took SEVEN guesses!  I really hope that this thread will give some credence to the merit of player observations.

The new antique ivory furniture offered in the Princess quest seemed a match made in Heaven for some of the vintage Victorian pieces included in the Steampunk quest... the first piece that came to mind was the ivory bar (shown below). Guess #1:
I headed off confidently for Storage Units, certain that this was going to be an easy one!  After all, a bar both stores and displays wine, liqueurs, and assorted glassware...  I was wrong. Guess #2:
I was surprised, but knew immediately where the bar must now be:  Walls.  The Steampunk bar is a floor-to-ceiling wall unit (complete with pillars & posts), so it's not unreasonable to classify it as such.  Confident or no... walls is a no-go. Guess #3:
I'm a bit stymied... if I was a bar, where would I be?  I decide the next most logical place to look is Kitchen, amongst other food & beverage related storage cabinets.  I found everything, including the kitchen sink (LOL)... but no bar! Guess #4:
Now, I'm not a bit stymied... I'm a lot stymied!  It seems like a longshot, but I look in Office next.  I suppose a floor-to-ceiling piece of furniture used to store objects could share similar traits with bookcases... and bars are very often located in studies or libraries (but not OMD's). & #5 & 6:
Off to visit the "usual suspects", the categories that seem to end up with inexplicable odds & ends... sierradane's house was a "Window" and my window was a "Building".  There are assorted structural components found in both categories, so it's worth a try... and a miss! Guess #7:
At this point, I am ready to give up and add my bar to the list of Missing-in-Action items... but I hate to walk away empty-handed, knowing that I am only delaying the inevitable search for another day *sigh*  I take one last look at the available categories, looking for anything that might seem possible... no matter how unlikely.  Unlikely or not, the Victorian Steampunk bar is a Table... not a leg in sight, and barely enough surface space to hold a wineglass (much less serve a meal on), but there you have it!

Again, I am not alone in my frustration with finding things since the new organization system was implemented.  Independent of this thread, the "Players Helping Players" forum has received numerous comments & requests related to the difficulty in locating items in the Stores... where collector's items cannot be blamed for adding to the confusion (I've quoted two below).  The "Ideas & Suggestions" forum also has it's share of ideas & suggestions (LOL) for improvement ^.^

jenzg11 wrote:
Ok, I think I have looked (for hours last nite) for the nightgowns that have the matching sheer robe. I know there was a green one, and I think a pink one.. But I can't find either.  I looked in the Lingerie tabs and in the dress tabs. Have they taken them off when they switched?

anyamalfoy wrote:
I'm looking for the bookcase that has a hole in it. You know the one. The one that's at an angle and is a bit like a wall.

If you've got an idea of what I'm talking about you're a superstar. If you know where it is you're a genius.

Last edited by n0regrets (2012-11-26 21:07:04)


#13 2012-11-27 23:31:47

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Store/My Things Categories

Okay...a bar is not a table. It CAN be a serving area but I would probably have looked first in storage units and then the kitchen tab.

I know everyone will have different opinions as to where to find things...maybe a solution would be to make things searchable by keywords?  Although I know that would mean we would have to agree on names (not just locations) and would they be translated properly into each language (depending upon which version someone is playing, English, French, German, etc).


#14 2012-12-11 16:23:43

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Store/My Things Categories

The item below is a WINDOW??????  (that's where it shows up as)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#15 2012-12-11 17:05:02

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Store/My Things Categories

That is quite a search N0regrets!

It looks more like a gate to me Sierradane. I think it should be in the buildings category.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

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