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#26 2013-01-08 01:31:26

Chat moderator
From: Texas
Registered: 2009-09-04
Posts: 111

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I feel like I am the only one who actually likes the new layout! ouf I admit that it is a tad bit small, flashy, and crowded, but I love how the doll is too the left in the rooms. I feel like it adds more to the hard decorated rooms with out taking all the attention to the doll. I am kind of glad that everything is on one page, I wasn't very fond of the tabs. This is definitely a step up for Feerik. It seems way more professional and elegant.

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

#27 2013-01-08 01:57:40

Registered: 2011-10-11
Posts: 74

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I just wish we could adjust the size (make bigger & smaller) of the furniture & objects in our rooms including the dolls & move the doll to whatever part of the room we want. I think they did a great job but I understand what others are saying.


#28 2013-01-08 02:09:33

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I'm really happy for those who like the design. I don't, but I'll have to dig deep to find some way to make peace with it. But, that's a task for another day. ;)

For now, I just thought I'd share a note I received on the french site from a player...a note that has brightened my day (especially after my latest exchange on that forum)...

(translated version)

I wanted to thank you for the effort you make to come on the french forum to give your opinion in my language.
I also thank you for the kindness and respect that emerge from your comment.
J'' hope you will not take umbrage reactions of some French to you, and you will continue to give us your opinion (whatever the subject).

To receive such a kind and supportive note really touched me (and finally brought out the tears. Lol) :)  It also made the long time spent on the online translator worth it, for even though I may write in English on the French forum I also include a translated version.

n0regrets wrote:

Don't cry, willowskye... we're all in this together!  If we support one another through the bad times, there will surely be better days ahead ^.^

Thank you, n0regrets, for your support and kindness as well.  :) Also for your words of wisdom, for like it or hate it the new layout is here to stay (until they change it again. Lol)  The only way for us to get through this is to support one another with kindness and understanding (even when our opinions may differ.) 

Warning:  I think I may need a bit more support then others, though (cause I really hate this design.) Lol  But, for both my friends and the love of this game, I will battle on and suck it up and find a way to adapt...and pray for another layout change real soon. lol

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#29 2013-01-08 02:15:30

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I like everything old school EXCEPT when it comes to TV and computers. Even saying that, I have to agree with Willowskye here:

willowskye wrote:

...if it looked like this when I first started playing, I wouldn't have stuck around to keep playing.

The stardoll layout really looked like this and the first day I made an account, I left. I have never gone back and this was pretty recent.

I too have to agree with most of the players, The many OMD advertisements are really a bit too bright and flashy to me. Good graphics though. Now if Feerik can just incorporate that in the outfits they make, then that would be great!

The "Carrier" tab had me staring at it for a while before I finally realized it was supposed to say Career >.< But that's a translation error which I don't really care about but makes the site look unprofessional (that can lose people in the future, just saying)

I like how the WIA, comments, friends, etc, are all on one page. It makes it a lot easier to look through things in my opinion.

The thing that really bugs me though, like the thing that Feerik-has-to-fix-even-if-they-don't-fix-anything-else is the doll. She has to be in the center. The reason is is because they made the loft bigger, the doll not being the main thing to look at makes the loft look  extremely empty.

Overall, I love the layout and everything...but Ferrik has to fix the doll. Like...Now.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
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#30 2013-01-08 02:21:41

From: Untied States
Registered: 2011-05-30
Posts: 178

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I hate it! Its confusing and hard to understand, the new layout makes me want to leave the site all together. Please change it back to the old layout!

“Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.”

#31 2013-01-08 02:47:02

From: Attitude City
Registered: 2010-07-20
Posts: 2879

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I liked the last layout, I loved the layout before, but this layout I can't stand. I am a person who is organized like crazy, and I had to adjust to the last layout, and now I have to change my whole page to fit it to how I like it. Also, I don't like all of the adds for the game like the BANK stuff. I was fine with before, but now it's out of hand. I really don't like this new layout.
Reason 1: PEOPLE ONLINE. Who's online? Well, I don't know because I don't have time to scroll all the way down the page to find out! I loved how there was a box to show who was on a little bit down the page, but now if you're lucky you can see who's on.
Reason 2: COMMENTS. I can't see all of the amazing comments I get from amazing people, causing them to seem very distant. I liked how everything in the first design rotated around the PLAYERS, not the BUSINESS. Like, my great friend, Angelfire(she posted a little bit above) had sent me a nice comment about New Years, and now I can hardly see it.
Reason 3: MY DOLL. It's pushed all the way to the left. WHAT? I like to push my doll to the end of my loft so that I can arrange things around her so that they fit with her outfit. But now that my doll can't go all the way to then end of the loft, I have to arrange things so that they center around HER, not her side.

I do think that something should have changed to bring more people to the website, but changing the layout probably drove people AWAY. If I wasn't working on something big here, I wouldn't even be writing this post, I would be playing on something like Stardoll. My sister plays on it all the time, and I am thinking of making an account there, because I won't have to worry about adjusting to a new layout because I would be new. 2 years. 2 years I have had to deal with problems and changes. But this by far has been the worst thing. Please listen to us, and not the income, Feerik.

Last edited by shiva (2013-01-08 03:04:05)

tumblr: sirpepperston

#32 2013-01-08 02:54:13

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

It is completely amazing in my opinion and I absolutely love it.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#33 2013-01-08 03:05:45

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

to the point bloody I like it :)

Okay...So I figured out why the doll is all the way to the left...It seems that way cuz they made the view of the loft bigger on the right. See:
This picture was the old layout. Sure part of it but still.
And this picture Is now. I haven't changed positioning for a long time. so yeah.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#34 2013-01-08 05:19:18

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I feel like I need some glasses and I have perfectly good eyes. Willowskye I feel your pain. I feel like someone needs to wake me up from a bad dream. I'm not liking this layout not one bit. Everything N0regrets said makes sense as well.


#35 2013-01-08 05:19:31

Ancien joueur fakexpolice

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I won't deny that it looks good but I think you guys should have left it the way it was.
It's confusing and to me it was a waste of time that could have been spent on something  better.
Like more ways to earn money instead of only letting us work once a day, or maybe giving better job opportunities.
Just a thought and an opinion that I'm perfectly entitled to. :]]


#36 2013-01-08 07:05:53

Registered: 2011-05-02
Posts: 326

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I agree with the majority who dislike this new layout and I would like them to keep the old one - the original one - the layout which makes OMD stands out from the other game.

First of all, I really miss those cute tiny icons under our avatars, they looked way better than underlined links of which some would be highlighted whenever we hover over them. Those links create very messy patterns in my opinion, especially when they are all over the site.

Second, what's with all those ads on the left side of every page? They are big and cover almost half of the page. I hate them and I wish they would be minimized. I can hardly see anything with comfort when nothing is in the center of the page (except for the loft).

Third, I don't like the fact that now pages get heavier, comments aren't fully shown, some 2D images are now 3D-ish (I don't know how to describe this).. This totally makes me want to leave this game like I did with other games I played.

Well, the only thing I like now is the bigger view of rooms.

Anyway, I do hope that every mistake will get fixed and every detail which everyone mentions will be improved. And by the way, might I suggest that our lofts get bigger view in height to go with the newly extended view in length? Right now I feel like my rooms are small and flat.

I guess am not used to this huge change, but I just want to point out some disadvantages and hopefully the OMD team will take them into consideration.

With this new layout I have a feeling OMD will or is going to have some kind of membership feature which will include the ability to remove ads, bring WIA and other stuffs to the center of the page, make comments fully shown in one's page and such...

Last edited by hydrangea13 (2013-01-08 08:36:01)

Thanks Zoey900 for the wonderful avatar and signature.
My creation

#37 2013-01-08 09:19:22

Registered: 2011-03-17
Posts: 75

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I wanted a bigger view of rooms, specially as it was really annoying sometimes to move items while doll and her clothes were taking too much of loft's view or it was hard seeing the romm behin g the doll. I also like the idea of not having doll in central, as it allows people to give more attention to room. Yet it would be nice to have a possibility to choose doll's position in the room.  But this is the only change I like about this.

Other things I unfortunatelly dislike:

1) Elements of the page are not in central (with the exception of displayed rooms) as now we have very big adds on every page, moving, shining, taking too much place and attention to play freelly. Not to mention how it kills the game for people with worse internet connection or older computers... Go on, move all the site to flash, just as you did on PV, kill another game for so many people... T_T

2) Did anyone of you browse through "My things" or any shop? Now the background there is almost white... not that I was that happy for everything beeing pink, but as many objects are white or very close to it now seeing them there is almost impossible. It is really not practical if for every object that is almost not visible there I have to check it in some room just to see what it is.

3) As I said I am not really into pink, but now this site is almost completly white, it looks way to plain to me.

4) Now all the important links are spread on the whole page, not on top in some groups as it was earlier. We have Mailbox, Work, Career and old "Makeover" on top and some links are left on the main bar. But "My trophies" are somewhere on the bottom of the site, and "My things" are ONLY on room view below adds. It is annoying to have to browse     through whole site to find something. I specially dislike "My things" beeing only in loft, as sometimes loading loft takes a while and now I have to do it just to see what items I have.

With all this I think this new layout seems to not be done yet. It looks like some spontaneous idea to change layout again. It was not tested how it makes our loading, it was not made so we can browse the site easier and faster nor it was not tested if new colors are allowing us to play as easily as we did (I mean white background for things in shops and "My things"). I'd really want to see some changes that are first planned and tested and only then implemented.


#38 2013-01-08 09:59:44

Registered: 2011-04-27
Posts: 27

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

Not as computer or game savvy as the rest of you...Hmm... what to say? quoi
I was shocked by the change, I never think things will change (that is  just me). I wish they could give us a heads up that a change is coming.
I was truly disoriented. I  jumped in and started to play, but, I got a headache and my stomach actually started to hurt. I wish they would make changes more gradually. But, that may be something about computer websites/games I don't understand. After about an hour with one of my dollz, I accidentally logged out. That's what happens when you are a jump in feet first type of learner, "oh, what's this thing do?" click . I know  that it's not going to go back to the old design.  I agree with so many of your comments! I hope some of your suggestions will be addressed and  hopefully implemented! (NoRegrets, Sierradane, Willowskye, AnnaMalfoy)
I can get used to it and I kind of like the look,but, I have poor eyesight and I  can't see the page as well. Something about the resolution? Videos page, gone? My News,gone? Position of the doll in the room?  My friends shuffle? I'll have to go back and take a good look, I didn't even notice some of the things mentioned. hypn


#39 2013-01-08 11:10:27

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

So I logged today and was like "What the ...?! My Internet broke again!", but no, it was just a new design. And I don't even know where to start with all the grumbling...

First of all, everything looks so freaking small! I have a pretty bad eyesight and all the words mix together and I can't really read a thing. I need to squint my eyes to actually see anything properly and that definitely doesn't help with my vision defect. I tried adjusting it to my screen and then the words looked okay, but all the images got really pixelated. Was the new layout designed for 800x600 display resolution or what?

Another thing is the white background. It starts with a pale pink at the top of the page but it gets white too soon and it really hurts my eyes. The too pale background also makes it really hard to browse through the stores. All the pale things are almost invisible there! Please, do something about it.

And while talking about backgrounds I must say that the fact the personalised backgrounds are visible through the top headers is really annoying and distracting. It makes the whole design look very messy.

The 'Special Offer' section on the 'News' page is too small. It actually took me about 5 visits to that page to actually notice it. I would suggest to move it to the left where now 'The Current Quest' is. There are three special offers currently and usually we don't have more than that, so making their buttons a little bit bigger and wider and placing them on the left would make them more visible. 'The Current Quest' button on the other hand can become a little smaller to fit the 'Special Offer' header. I think it would make all the special stuff more visible and easier to find.

Next problem is the 'My Things' button in the 'Loft' page. I think it's an often used button and it should be at the top of the page next to our avatar. I think it wouldn't hurt to make that header a little bigger and add another line to it where the 'My Things' and 'Excersise' button would be added. It would makes things a lot simpler. Oh, and the logout button is simply ridiculous. It should be changed into an 'X' button because now it doesn't look like anything and it took me some time to realise how to log out.

And the last thing is about all the other pages (Store, Shows, OhMyGames) and the 'Bank advertise'. I beg of you, Feerik, change the shape of this ad, make it into a long rectangle. It will still be big and visible, but also will allow the other things on the pages to become bigger. You know, when we come to the stores, we want to browse through things and not just stare at a huge ad. We know when the Bank is and how to access it, really...

Well, these are the most annoying problems about this new layout design that in my opinion make it really hard to enjoy this game and are necessary to be fixed. Apart from them I actually like the fact that this layout is a little bit more modern, that the loft window is so big (although would like to have the possibility to move my doll) and that we have a preview on our loft page of our friends and comments. I also like that the 'WIA' is back visible for everybody.

And just to sum it up, I think that such huge changes should be taken care of slowly. We should be informed sooner that they want to change the layout, they should ask us, the customers, what we think about it and how we see the changes. Then they should change the design for a couple of days to let us test it, then hear our complains, get back to the old design, fix all the bugs, glitches and wrong ideas in the new one and put the new layout when they are sure that it's perfect or at least almost perfect. That's how I think a serious company should work on those kind of things.

Last edited by rheasilvia (2013-01-08 11:14:47)

#40 2013-01-08 11:17:03

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

So many comments...I apologize if I am restating what others have said (I can't seem to concentrate on reading each person's right now).

Beside the fact that I don't like change (especially when there are SO many little problems that could have been fixed or worked on rather than making a whole new layout)...

My main issue - everything is so small.  And I have a large screen laptop. I feel like I should fed the image thorugh my TV so I can see things better.


#41 2013-01-08 13:19:23

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I just continue to find more and more about this change that I either hate or it's just plain annoying. 

Since I use my avatar on a lot of my alts' backgrounds on their pages, I usually will save my main doll's page with her standing in a spot that will make a nice background.  (yes, I'm vane).  With the doll off-centered, it seems like even though the room is wider... the room is actually smaller since I can no longer stand at the far left of the room.

Maybe they will add a couple options to where your doll can stand, making little tabs like in the garden where you choose the season.  The three choices would be: left, right or center.

I am no VERY VERY VERY upset.  I am looking at my Mountain room, you know... the one with the "aawwww..... magical music...."  That music is GONE!!!!!!  big GRRR there.

Also, has anyone noticed that the "CONTACT US" now leads to a dead page?  We can no longer contact them with issues?????

Last edited by sierradane (2013-01-08 13:22:22)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#42 2013-01-08 13:20:17

From: MNL, Phil.
Registered: 2011-08-26
Posts: 352

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I like it tho~

I appreciate the crafty web design. Others find it confusing but I think it's more interactive. And we'll get used to it sooner.

I think the doll being at the side is strategic and helpful when arranging things (special mention to clothes you won't want to stick to the doll. they freak me out.)

I have none to complain about. If there were small things I'm disappointed of, I don't bother saying anymore. The good changes outnumbered them anyway. :)

#43 2013-01-08 13:23:48

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

mademoiselle143 wrote:

I like it tho~

I appreciate the crafty web design. Others find it confusing but I think it's more interactive. And we'll get used to it sooner.

I think the doll being at the side is strategic and helpful when arranging things (special mention to clothes you won't want to stick to the doll. they freak me out.)

I have none to complain about. If there were small things I'm disappointed of, I don't bother saying anymore. The good changes outnumbered them anyway. :)

The thing about it though, is as we look at things that we didn't notice yesterday, many of us are finding things that we bought with FEEZ that are no longer there... see my post above yours.  And my bugs post about the missing music.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#44 2013-01-08 14:59:42

Registered: 2011-06-16
Posts: 1

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I really don't like this layout... They should have warned us before it happened, and not just letting us waltz in and stare at whatevers going on, having no idea why they changed. And one of the things that annoys me the most is the oh so very flashy BANK sign...

I even went on a strike on buying feez a while ago, since it feels more and more as if the whole game is just a way to earn some quick money, which the lovely BANK sign keeps telling me. >_<

I hope they change it to something better soon...


#45 2013-01-08 16:01:14

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

thepfdb wrote:

And one of the things that annoys me the most is the oh so very flashy BANK sign...

Yeah, that's what annoys me the most as well. I have no idea what were they thinking when they put it there. It's not very subtle and doesn't really encourage me to spend my real money.

#46 2013-01-08 16:27:54

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

So for anyone who had the good fortune to have done THE FOREST ROOM, is your music gone there?  Sarah posted on the thread I made in the bugs forum about the missing music in THE MOUNTAIN ROOM.

I will say that so far, there is ONE THING that I do like & that is the fact that when you "add a friend" the "add a friend" option goes away.  I don't know how many times I have went to one of my DV'ers thinking,  'have I added them as a friend or not?' So I don't hate it 100%, just 99.888888997%

Last edited by sierradane (2013-01-08 17:00:52)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#47 2013-01-08 18:04:58

From: Akatsuki Organisation Hideout
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 929

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I don't like this new look either. I mean, it's a bit more stylish and modern, but there are so many things that makes me hate it.

* Overcrowded (The old version of the OMD site was simple and effective, right now its overcrowded.  I don't like this ).

* Flashing BANK button (Seriously? This irritates me so much, so I'm not even going to think about buying Fee'z))

* Advertisements every single page about the quest or to buy Fee'z. (Yes, I hate advertisements, but these are so flashy and its really annoying that I see something flashing about when I'm scrolling down. Okay, FEERIK has to advertise for money. I understand that. But I don't understand why they have to advertise their OWN website in some. Do you get more money from advertising about OMD when your on OMD? There are also some rather inapproriate advertisments i saw too. ).

* Tiny writing. (Not even going to comment on this one)

* Bad Typos (Can't stand them, I know that the creators are French and that humans make mistakes, but 'CARRIERS'? Career. That's the word your looking for right?)

*My Things button (Taking the extra few clicks to get there. No thanks.)

* Backgrounds

rhesivilia wrote:
Another thing is the white background. It starts with a pale pink at the top of the page but it gets white too soon and it really hurts my eyes. The too pale background also makes it really hard to browse through the stores. All the pale things are almost invisible there! Please, do something about it.

And while talking about backgrounds I must say that the fact the personalised backgrounds are visible through the top headers is really annoying and distracting. It makes the whole design look very messy.

* Store. It's is on the right side of the page and when I scroll down all I see is a big blank space. Oh after saying this, please don't fill this space up with more advertisments.
*New looks seems rather similar like some other sites such as Stardoll and iDressup. I think OMD has lost their originial and creative mind.

* Comments. Squished to one side of the page.

* My Friends. When I press the see all friends button on some dollz page, it's only three rows when it used to be 4-5 which means OMD takes up more memory on my laptop and it's full of horrible advertisements.


Adding to this

Last edited by melodie2 (2013-01-08 18:09:05)
                         ▷ [Visit My Doll] | [My Manga Graphics]

#48 2013-01-08 18:57:11

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

THE FOREST ROOM music is there and works. At least mine dose. THE MOUNTAIN ROOM music is back and works.


#49 2013-01-08 20:37:16

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I'm adding another "Pro", both here and to my original post... it's a silly little pro, but I think the positives should be noted, too!

I like the "speech bubble" frame around the comments... it's a really cute touch to our conversations.

Also, I have noticed that they are already acting upon our suggestions... so far:
"My carrier" has been changed to "My career".
"My competences" has been changed to "My skills".
A character limit for comments has been added.
The pale background in the Stores is now a rich pink.
Music has been returned to Mountain and Forest... I can't report on optional Fee'z tunes, as I haven't purchased any.

So, someone is reading our posts (although they could just as easily be acting upon French Forum suggestions) and taking action... so patience (for us) and thank you (for Feerik)!

Last edited by n0regrets (2013-01-08 20:50:39)


#50 2013-01-08 22:46:43

Registered: 2009-09-24
Posts: 16

Re: [Design] OhMyDollz undergoes a makeover!

I agree with everything willowskye has said. good
Why "fix" something that's not broken? Just please go back to the original.


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