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#1 2013-01-18 17:34:15

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

I wanted to share a little story about buying Feez by mobile

I had a little fun this morning when attemping to buy Feez by mobile. I thought I'd share it with you all.

So I've bought Feez by mobile before and I thought it'd be simple.

The saga!
So I look at the amounts and the best one to pick was £30. Better spending it on here than for my apps to check for updates!
So I typed in my mobile number and waited for the text. It arrived. It wanted me to confirm by send a Y. So I did. I then got a series of 3 text's for £10 all with different codes.
I went to type it in the code box and got an error message. So I tried one more. Nope error. So I tried the last. Just another error message.
I decided to check my balance. £20 gone.

I phoned the number that came with the text in case of issues. Nice guy but I got fobbed off to another company. So I phoned them and got told to phone the original company.

Instead of getting annoyed I emailed Feerik. It was only after doing that I noticed my Feez balance was more than it should have been....

Our GM confirmed it for me. The feez were added to my account. For some reason I got error message in error!

The moral of the story is check your Feez before you buy anything! Then if anything goes wrong you know exactly what's going on.
(Just don't be stupid like me!)

#2 2013-01-18 18:03:33

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: I wanted to share a little story about buying Feez by mobile

I had decided to keep a running total of my feez when I really got into doing the free feez: it helped to know the total BEFORE that way I knew how much I had earned.

I've had instances in the past that I've felt or thought that feez were incorrectly deducted when they shouldn't have been.  But that was on other dolls where I didn't keep a record of how much I had before.

Interesting story!
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2013-01-19 23:08:21

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: I wanted to share a little story about buying Feez by mobile

LOL! I'll remember this next time I go to get feeze. :)

#4 2013-01-20 01:41:50

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

Re: I wanted to share a little story about buying Feez by mobile

There is a serious flaw in the way the go-between company in this case a sub company of paypal ( if im not mistaken) does these transactions.
Ive been having issues with them so many times now that i am almost reluctant to ticket about my vanishing money :P
the thing is when you buy feez with your mobile they do the transactions 3 euro at a time till they reach the total amount that you are trying to buy, if for instance you buy 12 euro's worth of feez they will do  4 transactions..if the last one fails for some reason they have already taken at least 9 euro but wont credit you any feez and the transaction fails leaving you with no way to get your money back unless you go through the ticket system and they will ask you to make a paypal account and refund money instead of is really annoying...come to think of it..they still owe me some..i better go try and get it ..sigh..


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