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Lovely issue. It was very fun to read ^_^
Darkelfqueen! About the once upon a time thing... posted something on the once upon a tkme thread if you dont mind please check...
I had much fun reading it,good job girls!
Darky, I just noticed something in the And ... You are? part. Isn't Angel interviewing Sierra? It says Sierra is interviewing Sani.
malu wrote:
Darky, I just noticed something in the And ... You are? part. Isn't Angel interviewing Sierra? It says Sierra is interviewing Sani.
Me too
bebepat wrote:
malu wrote:
Darky, I just noticed something in the And ... You are? part. Isn't Angel interviewing Sierra? It says Sierra is interviewing Sani.
Me too
Yeah I just notticed that too :)
Nice indeed =)
I apologize for the typos, girls! Fixed them! And a sneakpeek of the new cover!
Whoa! I LOVE it! I should reeaally start on the outfit now..
BWAAAAAAA! I can't wait! Super exited!
I've PMed you the article :D
I wish I could help you make your magazine, but I don't really have any computer workshops(or whatever their called... ???) to help. Either way, your magazine is probably what I look forward to all month long. Can't wait! Please don't torcher me for too much longer.
Well...After a looong wait and a few setbacks, here it is! Enjoy! Special Section for 2012 on OMD and in RL and the first Chapter of Ups and Downs.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-01-24 02:59:04)
I love it darky! I feel so honored to have the role play mentioned! Well done as usual to you editors and writers (:
Amazing. The fanfiction was excellent and has me trapped. Just a great issue overall.
Glad you liked it girls!
Bloody! Your poem...I can't say that enough. I loved it! I really really loved it!
And Angel, your update for Once Upon a Time!!! Can't wait to see what the next chapter would be!
It pleases me that Mass Effect was mentioned... Oh, and remind me to show Risca the Assassin's Creed nail art.
And Dark, if you'd like, I wouldn't mind doing that section I suggested for you.
You've done it again Darky, great job! I love the design for this issue!
Just thought I should point this out: I've found a few mistakes in my article which I'm pretty sure is my fault. In the summary for Clockwork Angel it says: "Tessa soon learns that she herself is a Downworlder with a rare ability: the power to trans" The last word should have been 'Transform'. Also, at the end of the summary for Mercy by Rebbeca Lim you seem to have cut off a bit because it finishes on "When another-"
Sorry about that! Don't worry if you can't edit it, I just thought I should point it out.
Though Im quite sad that you will extend the due for the Can you Draw this? Contest... But Ill be patient!
Can I still join the Once Upon a Time evn if I have?
Thanks girls!
YES!!! That would br awesome!!! I'll PM you!! And you know, the nail art was picked with you and Risca in mind, lol.
Oooh! Thanks for.pointing those out. I'll fox them!
You can join the once upon a time again! And I'm really sorry, but it was that or cancelling it since you were the only.participant. I was really sad writing that, too.
yaaay first place :D !! thanks <3
this issue was great , you know my fave part XD and i really enjoyed saffirelle & picalilll interviews but what i really really enjoyed this time is the list of 2012 movies :O i ll watch all the ones that i didnt :D
I loved this issue!
Well done for putting it together Dark and to all the dollz who contributed into this magazine ^_^
I will definitely look forward to 'The Lovely Insider' every month!
Wonderful! I was all over the Hobbit and the Just Dance 4 stuff. Hehehe... I don't get out much.