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#26 2013-01-28 02:49:43

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

spiderwick9 wrote:

I don't mean to go back to what you were previously talking about, but the word 'sexy', I do agree, should not be used at all. However, not only does this word come up in the curent adventure, but it also shows up in the Dollz men store:

That's interesting.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#27 2013-01-28 04:19:39

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

Firstly, every version of OMD is run differently. The US version is very different in comparison to the other sites. We have different rules from the other sites, whereas the French is rather lax on their rules (in regards to inappropriate words). Secondly, everything is designed by the French team, we cannot control what is implemented into the game.

Yes it is a big contradiction and we feel it shouldn't be allowed, but we can't remove it or get it altered as everything is controlled by the French team.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#28 2013-01-28 04:24:21

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

sierradane wrote:

spiderwick9 wrote:

I don't mean to go back to what you were previously talking about, but the word 'sexy', I do agree, should not be used at all. However, not only does this word come up in the curent adventure, but it also shows up in the Dollz men store:

That's interesting.

i remember, when the movie "sx and the city"(sorry for using the word, but that's the movie's name x_X) was released, OMD has made a clothes set based on that movie and guess wich word appeard in bold and gold glitter when they announced it here? and only after a week or two after the release they changed the set's name to "Dollz and the city"

i agree that they should censor this word, but lol what's all of this hipocrisy feerik is doing by USING that word when THEIR OWN rules forbird it? xP

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#29 2013-01-28 05:13:32

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

A phrase comes to mind:   "Do as I say, not as I do."

It is very frustrating in that sometimes it seems that we are not allowed to voice our opinons for fear that Feerik might not like it.  And I don't understand the reasoning behind Feerik being more lenient with the French server but not with this one.  I'm not really sure whether they are strict on the other servers or not.

That being said, even in our frustration of this subject and other subjects, we have to remember that we should not direct our anger or frustrations toward the Mods here. 

The best we can hope for is that maybe the "bad word" filter will be edited to allow some of the words that it seems to be "asteriking" out.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#30 2013-01-28 07:22:03

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

1. I don't disagree with everything that has been said.

2.  I can not speak for the other servers because I don't know what their mods. are like...

3.  I can speak for this server because I do know what the mods. are like...and on this server we mods. care very much about the safety of the players.

We don't want any of you (regardless of how young or old you are) to come across offensive pages filled with sex talk or to receive it in PMs, nor do we want it on the board.  (I'm sure most of the players here also do not want that.)

4.  Sometimes, certain words cause confusion in the filter program.  It's a computer program and therefore it can not recognize intent.  From what we've seen, it also can not recognize whether the word is a part of another word or just a whole word (eg. sexy vs. sex.)  We mods. did not chose the filter program. 

5.  Yes, some of the words are words we mods. chose, others we did not (like "cookie.")  If it was a perfect world, the filter would recognize intent and whether the word was merely being included in another word or was a whole word.

6.  We mods. don't control what is drawn or created by Feerik, we don't control what the stories for the adventures are...let's face it, we really don't control anything on Feerik's end.  But, sometimes, occassionally, (rarely), we can have an influence on this server to help keep it safe(r.)  The addition of certain words in the filter is one way we have influenced this server in an effort to keep everyone safer. 

7.  It's not that you can't speak your mind...that is never the case and I do wish people would stop saying that.  We've covered the issue of censorship already, and I have no desire to go back there again. 

8.  We can either have no filters, and then have players being outraged because of the increased vulgarity on the site, or we can understand that nothing is perfect and acknowledge that at least there are efforts being made to keep this server safe(r).

9.  Yes, I fully acknowledge the hypocrisy of not allowing sexy in notes and then having it in the story and on the shirt.  I get it, I really do.  (See #6.) But, personally, I'd rather have that hypocrisy then players complaining about the increase of sex talk in PM's or on WIA's.

10.  Many times you guys are "preaching to the choir."  We get where you're coming from and what your reasons are...but, we also know that there are limitations to what we mods. can do and the answers we can provide.  You get frustrated with us, and we get frustrated in general because we can't do anything to change it.  Our GM can only provide so much information.

11.  The word "cookie."  I can't say whether or not this will cause conflicts or bugs on the site if it's included in a PM, I can only share what I was told by the programmers (throught the GM.)  Because the word is a part of programming, they need it to be filtered.  Do I understand all of the reasons why?  No. No, I do not.  But then, I'm not a programmer and I'm not a programmer of this site.  I can only respect what I was told and trust that the actual programmers of this game know what they are talking about.  (This is a perfect example of one of those situations where a question was asked, an answer was provided...and, because the answer wasn't as full or complete as you might like, frustration has ensued.  Do I wish I could get a better answer?  Yes, yes I do.  Do I honestly believe I'm going to get a fully technical answer that will enlighten us all on the wonders of programming?  No, no I do not.)

13.  I fully acknowledge that there are going to be those people who are determined to find a way around the filters, and probably will find ways around it.  Do I believe that means we should not have any filter in place?  No. No, I do not.  I would like to think, when weighed against the alternative, most players would also agree with that statement.

14.  Again, I am not telling you you can't speak your mind.  I'm not even saying you can't complain or question those things that you don't understand or are frustrated about. (I don't think any mod. is saying that.) 

I am asking you to understand that there is a limit to the answers we can get and then provide to you, and to then recognize when that limit has been reached. 

When the mods. have provided all the answers we can, what sense is there in continuing to "beat a dead horse?" That is, continuing to question and complain about things that can not be changed only serves to fuel the frustration for everyone.

If the mods. aren't responding a lot in posts like these, it's because we've usually said all we can say about it.  We can't change the fact that a word filter is needed because some people like to come on here and be ignorant and vulgar.  We can't control whether the filter is smart or dumb.  We can't make Feerik stop using words in stories/on clothing that we have deemed inappropriate on this server (we can ask, but that doesn't mean we will be listened to.)  We can't even make them draw the skirts longer or stop making every adventure story so boy-crazy. 

What we can do is work hard to do whatever we can to help keep this site as safe as it can be.  We can answer the questions that we get answers to (and we do ask.)  We can chose words for the filter that we know are vulgar and are being used.  We can enforce the rules when we see them being broken.  And above all else, we can and will continue to be advocates for the players.

I believe that we mods. were acting as your advocates when we asked for more words to be included in the filter.  I believe that we mods. were acting as your advocates when we brainstormed all of the profane and vulgar words we could think of (which wasn't exactly pleasent.)

I am sorry that this has caused frustration for some of you because of an imperfect word filter.  I am sorry that there are people who come here and behave in a way that has made this filter a necessity.  I am sorry the filter is not perfect, however, I am not sorry that we have it.  I would much rather have an imperfect filter then no filter at all.

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#31 2013-01-29 06:50:28

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

the problem is NOT the filter. it's been told since the 1st post.

looks like the problem is the experience of the PROGRAMMERS of this site.
ANY decent programmer can code a site allowing the users write words that ARE used in the site's coding without cracking the site.

moreover, 5 years ago(maybe longer), i've seen, in 2 different sites, wich use completely different formats/coding, filters that not only could tell if the bad-word was a whole word or part of another word, they were also able to filter attempts to write the bad-word with symbols like @,$,!,? and others.
they were at least able to tell a space from a letter, comma, dot, number or symbol.

if the PROGRAMMERS were more experient they would have added a smarter filter.
maybe it's just a judgment based on impressions, but if something goes worng with the programming, it's definely the PROGRAMMERS' fault.

is there anything mods can do about it? no, there's not. if there was, they already did and they don't need to do anything else about it.
are we aware of that? yes, we are.

what's the main goal of this thread? opinion sharing.
does it have secondary goals? if you consider commenting about/reporting system failures and odd stuff about how the system works, then yes, it does.

do we want the current filter to be removed? NO! we don't! we want and need a filter and we ARE aware of that.

would feerik add a smarter filter if someone asked? maybe not. but it would not prevent the USERS from contacting the support in order to try to talk to the "mighty ones" about the existance of smarter filters and ask IF the PROGRAMMERS could add them and why or why not and post the answer from the support on the forums so if anyone else had anything else to say... they would at least not poke the mods nor request them to get the answers for us(just in case someone is doing so)

do the mods deserve a HUGE THANKS for all of their efforts to keep this site safe and clean, even if they were not able to get clarifying answers from the "mighty ones"? SURE THEY DO! it's not their fault the "mighty ones" are as ignorant to them as to us. the mods are doing a stressfull god job and for free. they can't just stop visiting the site to take a 1 month vacation as freely as we can. they DESERVE a lot of credit. if i could, i'd even bake a cake for them. maybe if there were one of those site's users' meeting thing...(no need for real-life meetings here xP)


@all of OMD mods: Thank you all for everything you did for this site.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#32 2013-01-29 10:53:21

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

darkjewels wrote:

would feerik add a smarter filter if someone asked? maybe not. but it would not prevent the USERS from contacting the support...

Of course not. If you wish to contact Feerik to discuss the filter program and the issues you are having with it, you are free to do so.

Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of any in-game page and fill out a ticket. :)

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#33 2013-01-30 01:24:50

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

@willowskye: thanks! i'll do it. ^-^ hopefully, if they listen and are able to add a smarter filter it could make your job easier.

EDIT: i'll do it as soon as the link begins to work... x_X *goes do something else to try again later*

Last edited by darkjewels (2013-01-30 01:27:38)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#34 2013-01-31 21:24:27

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

I wonder how much of the problems we face is because they are translating everything from French to English. We have been told there are multi-lingual members of the Feerik staff but it appears that it not always the case due to misspellings, grammar mistakes, and other weird quirky things.


#35 2013-02-01 00:14:47

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

@historygeek: i know right? it sometimes feels like they just throw the text in google's translator and Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V the result... x_X

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#36 2013-02-01 01:12:37

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: what's with this PARANOID filter?

This is a test: ordinateur

It's one of those forbidden words we can't type out in English

Well, it didn't "asterick" it out. 

From some of the things that occur on the French server that is wrong (i.e. mass voting) and other things... I feel like the only server that actually have mods who care or who tries to do things right is our server.  That's not to say that everyone here always agrees with what the mods say or think 100% of the time, it's just human nature to have different views.

I remember a time when the mods were taking applications for a couple new mods.  One of the things they said that would be nice, but not necessary, would be if the applicant was bilingual.  That is a great qualification yes and it doesn't hurt at all and there's nothing wrong with wanting that.  But it would be nice if there was a person working in Feerik that could do better translating.  In other words, if our humble server would like a person who speaks more than one language fluently, then the 'higher ups' ought to do the same.

Last edited by sierradane (2013-02-01 01:18:51)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

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