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I am one of the Mums that check what their Daughter is looking at on the Internet. I have just read a whole issue of the latest LI and have to say very impressive. Congratulations on an excellent read .......very creative girls!!!! Have an awesome 2013
@Hayley: Congratulations!!! And glad you loved it. I thought it was useful myself. I actually printed it out and have it in my room as a checklist :D
@melodie: We are honored to have you love it that much! Thanks!
@Spiderwick9: OMG Spi, me too!!!! Glad you liked it!
@tikkiwik: I really can't thank you enough for those sweet words. We feel very honored!!!!
I have made a mistake! There was an amazing article by tikkiwik that I have forgotten to include! It will be included in the February issue. Sorry tikkiwik!
That's fine, seriously. Ill get to work on the march issue!
Just one word: PERFECT :)
Glad you liked it, Sani!
A peek at the new LI
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-02-01 01:03:26)
Oh I love the cover (valentine's day )
Super exited! I can not for the life of me imagine a cuter Valentine's cover. Great job! (Wow, I can say that and I haven't even read the issue.
i love the cover :D
Oooh. :D
Cant wait!
LI - February 2013 Issue
Happy Valentine's Day girls. I was hoping we published this yesterday, but sadly we couldn't make it. Anyways, Enjoy!!!!
Pulled out from the 'Word From the Editor":
I’d like to make an announcement. Starting from next month, the LI would go through a complete makeover. We’ve been feeling that the old style didn’t stand out and lacked an edge. So, hopefully, you’ll like the new one.
Please try to host the pictures on your own websites in case the pictures get deleted from the LI's account.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-02-16 02:45:01)
I love it! Well done to all the writers! The little gift is just adorable with the letters!
Amazing as always
Oh my, loving the tetris nails and the breaking news section.
agree the breaking news section is amazing !! and malu's outfit is wonderful !!
i loove the dior outfit in fashion out there article and the carlos miele
and bloody's interview :D great !!
happy valentine's day guys <33
i cant wait to see the makeover of the next issue
I meant to make this a sticky after the first issue, but then Life got in the way and I forgot. I'm sorry. :( I've made it a sticky now, so that it won't get lost in the shuffle of everything else.
I think everyone involved in The Lovely Insider is doing an absolutley amazing job!!! I've really enjoyed reading through all of the past issues I didn't realize I missed. ;)
Again, my hat off to you've created something really amazing and fun.
Awesome. :D
@ilovem: Glad you liked it and loved your pics so much!!!
@Bloodsy and Malu: Couldn't have done it without you girls! You rock!
@dottgold: hehe, thanks!
@Hayley: Thanks! I loved those outfits, too! I think actually these three are so OMD material! Wish we had those in the shops! And hope we won't disappoint you ;)
@willow: THANKS! On behalf of the LI team, thank you thank you thank you!
I actually woke up in the morning and was surprised to not find the LI topic. And then I noticed it was up there, lol.
It was so complete and well-written...
I would like to say a well done to all the dollz who participated/submitted a entry for the magazine and especially well done to DarkElf who did an amazing job (as usual) on putting the magazine together and making it better than ever ^_^ !
I'll be looking forward to the next issue, it's something to look forward to every month!
Ummmm you forgot my page again....
I Pmed you tikkiwik!
And glad you loved it melodie!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-02-17 00:49:45)
I love the Lovely Insider! I cannot wait for the next magazine to come.
Loved it! Cannot wait for the next one!!!!
Great job again, Darky! I love the nails (as always :)!