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#26 2013-03-06 20:18:34

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

Personally, I'll ignore the quest and buy the things I needed from the store...I was going to buy them anyways, sooo...might as well do that now.


#27 2013-03-06 20:26:27

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

If indeed they are closing that store and it's not an "April Fool's" joke, I'm thinking of all those wall pieces that I'm going to miss out on buying.  And I can't go buy a bunch before it closes since I wouldn't know where and why I would need them.

And if this is the case, (store closing) that to me seems that Feerik is continously looking for more ways to get people to spend RL money. 

With this particular dress, which can be found in the Basics store:

wasn't this a dress required to buy when doing the Aquarium quest?

I'm looking at my "MY THINGS" at the items that was needed for the Aquarium quest and some came from the Playa store as well as Basics.  (now watch... since I pointed that out, they will move those items to the Dollz Story Store so those items won't be able to be bought in the future)

Also, if they want more space by closing a store... why not close some of those stores that have very little in them, that are NEVER hardly EVER updated and few people even remember that they are there?

And to answer an above question:

Only one ending with this quest.

Last edited by sierradane (2013-03-06 20:33:49)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#28 2013-03-06 21:55:43

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

So  if they are closing the Dollz story shop - will they actually work on putting new items in the other shops? It seems like the only shop that ever gets anything is that which sells items for the quest.
Most of the other shops get one or two new items very infrequently - which is annoying. And as Feerik is the one who moved all the items from the Basic shop (and others) to the Dollz shop, it seems a little like they don't know what they're doing themselves.


#29 2013-03-06 22:21:45

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

What i REALLY don't like is this new attitude ( besides the best store closing)
this is not open for discussion line they keep throwing at us lately.
That seems to be the standard reply these days when they don't want to deal with our unhappiness about their choices for the game.
now they are not even pretending to care how we feel anymore?
but i guess our money is still welcome.


#30 2013-03-06 22:54:22

Registered: 2010-08-28
Posts: 244

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

willowskye wrote:

Soooo...I guess the lesson I've learned is a) don't question anything Feerik does b) if you do, and they don't like your question, they will delete it (unless that applies just to me.) intr

Nope, it doesn't just apply to you. I myself asked a simple question a few quests ago about: "What were the gifts from the questions in-between the levels? So I can choose if I want to complete more steps." Posted in French of course. Came back to find my post had left the building. I too wondered what did I post that was so bad.

I may buy a few items that I REALLY want before it closes. Other than that I will have to be forced to let go the rest of the things I made a goal list to buy over time. I will dare not break the bank just because they decide to close a store before it's time.

Fabulosity (n) 1. a state of everything that is fabulous. 2. a quality ascribed to that which expresses glamour, style, charisma, power, and heart.

#31 2013-03-06 23:14:13

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

I don't have enough money to buy everything I want from that store. What? Are they slowly going to close each store one by one?
So about the quest...Anyone know how much it is?
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#32 2013-03-06 23:16:07

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

sierradane wrote:

Doing this first on my gretalmcdane doll and starting with 241 DB

She has 20 DB left... so this Quest costs: 221.


#33 2013-03-06 23:17:54

From: The Second Star to the Right.
Registered: 2011-03-17
Posts: 2374

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

I have a question, are they geting rid of all of the things they sell there or are they just going to disperse the items threw the different stores like they used to do?


#34 2013-03-06 23:25:02

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

This is ridiculous. If they think they can make us not angry by adding a tiny part involving something that is the one thing we'll all get angry about, they are very mistaken. I can't take much more crap like this. If they don't start answering our questions and just happily taking our money, money you can look forward to never seeing me again.

#35 2013-03-06 23:25:53

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

Thanks Darky!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
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#36 2013-03-07 00:27:39

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 1445

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

what i dont understand is that isnt that new way gonna actually make them lose more money than gaining ?? like for instance if the store is there all the time whenever i need something i am gonna buy it , but now that the items will be limited i wont be able to buy like all the time .... on the long term it will actually make them gain less money or am i wrong??

plus all the effort put into these items is just gonna go .... & they are not few items , they are a lot !!


#37 2013-03-07 00:38:02

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

hypn Oh, boy... where do I start?  I am going to preface this by stating my intention to keep this reply brief (for me, anyhow ~.*)... I could go on about this subject for pages!  On the whole, I will not be directly quoting posts, since the same questions, complaints, comments, and concerns have been made by so many players that including all of them would defeat the purpose of brevity :P

good FIRST:  The adventure is beautiful... far and away my favorite one in quite a long time.  I offer due credit to Team Feerik for a job well done, both in graphic quality and gift quantity.  Lately, I have found it easier to resist the "Adventure Temptation" for these reasons... but this quest will be hard to pass up!  There are so many wonderful items... the animated limo is especially creative.

SECOND:  I try (emphasis on try) not to contribute to controversial subjects on the Board... even though I may be in complete agreement with the opinions expressed by the majority.  Feeding the flames of negativity is counterproductive to promoting a positive atmosphere on the Board, but this requires comment...

Sarah wrote:
Caution! Change concerning the "Dollz Story" store: !

The "Dollz story" store will definitively close down on Monday April 1st 2013 at 2:00 PM (French time)!

1)  If this IS an April Fool's Day "joke" as many have speculated... it is simply not funny.  To expect players to be able to predict what very basic and exceptionally useful wardrobe, furniture, and structural components they may want/need down-the-road... then be able to purchase that potentially extensive and expensive shopping list in such a short period of time... only to be rewarded with an "April Fool! Just Kidding!!!" switch would be both impractical and impolite (to say the least).  Please flood our loft with water... that was cute ^.^

2)  I would estimate that close to half of all the available items to purchase from all the stores combined can be found in DollzStory. There is, as I previously mentioned, NO realistic way for players to EVER know, with only three week's notice, what items they will need for any current, not to mention future, room and outfit ensembles.  I understand that Basics was split into DollzStory for crowding issues, and DollzStory continues to grow with each adventure... but I would rather spend hours, searching through 100 pages of wigs, than to lose the ability to purchase them at all!  Furthermore, Basics was not the only store to lose items to DollzStory; items from Garden, Kitchenland, Blood & Roses (and others) were also moved... and now we are to lose them ALL???

3) The items in DollzStory have never been "exclusive"... the gifts you earn over the course of doing the adventure ARE, of course, exclusive.  Only those completing the quest earn the rewards... however, anyone could purchase DollzStory items at any time, irregardless of whether they were participating in the actual quest or not.  I see no reason* for this to change.  As others have stated, the bulk of all new introductions are to DollzStory... thus, the bulk of all potential loft and wardrobe components are found here.  If other stores received the same time, attention, and additions... perhaps this would not be such a big issue. Perhaps.

4)  We must consider the possibility that the management feels that this closure will in some way generate more revenue*... I can't tell you how many times I have seen "Feerik is a business" bandied about as an explanation for just about everything.  Any business owner can tell you that the long-term health and viability of a business depends on three things (four, if you count the economy... which a business owner cannot control):
a) Providing a service or commodity needed (or desired) by consumers.
b) Providing a good value for that service or commodity... otherwise you will price yourself out of the market and into obsolescence.
c) The good will of your customers... it's hard to maintain a business without customers, both new and repeat.
I think more than enough has been written about some of the recent decisions, additions, promotions, and "perks" that does not bear repeating... more for lack of space, than for validity or redundancy.  I will, however, cite this observation...

tresselle wrote:
I find the website confusing compared to the others I play that's why I'm only on it occassionally. The thing with this game is they seem to want you to say only what they want to hear & it would be difficult for a game to grow that way, other similar but more successful sites are always eager for feedbacks & suggestions, they read members blogs & research similar sites for ideas. They don't encourage players enough in this game & don't seem to listen to suggestions or ideas.

sad I don't think anyone here is asking for anything more than some additional information and clarification... and I don't think that is an unreasonable request.  Locking threads and deleting player posts does not seem to be conducive to boosting player satisfaction and morale... but that is merely my opinion.

It appears that I may have failed (somewhat :P) in brevity... but I hope I have succeeded in being respectful and on topic.  Lest anyone suggest that voicing these thoughts and concerns is not "on topic"... I must point out that Sarah's quote regarding the closure of DollzStory is from this News post.  Should someone care to open a new thread elsewhere, I am sure players would welcome the opportunity to be heard... no matter the Forum.

Last edited by n0regrets (2013-03-07 00:51:09)


#38 2013-03-07 01:15:57

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

If other stores received the same time, attention, and additions...perhaps this would not be such a big issue.

I'm sure that would be true. About half the stores haven't been updated in over a year. Feerik has made so many quests that it just doesn't seem right to take down the one store I'm positive everyone uses first.

Why must they take down the requirements of a quest? I see so much work put into them and for what? To throw away? I wouldn't think that most people have enough money saved or gained to buy any of what they want/need because of this quest that's just come out. 

Directly to Feerik:

About "Dollz Story" is simple: Quests are temporary and exclusive events. We decided that the pre-requisites will also now.

This is not a good enough answer to/for anyone. That's like saying "Because we said so." Maybe a year's heads up would have been better and no more added quests. If you want to get rid of a store that you (may) never bring back, the least you could do is give people more time.
Now my question, Why (and please be a bit more specific) are you closing the store? Was there something wrong with it? Too much space? Why not merge some of them together instead? Why must you delete a beloved-by-all store?
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#39 2013-03-07 01:48:59

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

Well the quest is nice..

As for the store closing, i'm not happy about it either..  I agree with what a lot, if not most of what has already been said.

Also, as far as I see it.. the announcement made that the dollzstory store is closing was made in this topic, soo I don't have a problem with it being discussed here..


#40 2013-03-07 02:23:03

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

I 100% agree with everything N0regrets said.

I have the same questions as Angelfire. I can vouch that 97% of OMD's most frequent players go to Dollz Story first. I, myself, have a lot of things that I want ro buy from that store but no money to do so.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#41 2013-03-07 02:33:58

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

The problem is...I have a feeling that they won't really care. We've had a lot to say about a lot of things lately, but no one to listen to it.

I agree with everything that no regrets said and I sure hope that Sarah or anyone from Feerik would read that.

If they want people to stay on OMD, they should start listening...and for once, listen to everyone on all OMDs...Not just on the French...Even though I know that people on the french website are complaining, too.


#42 2013-03-07 09:03:55

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

I can't believe this!!! There are things on my wishlist in the dollz story store that I won't yet be able to afford. I am really not happy about this. Sorry feerik - this is outrageous aomd_nrv


#43 2013-03-07 16:31:21

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

Wait... what? (Wait... I sure I have a gif of this somewhere...)\
Ah! Here it is.
Oh, by the way, Feerik if this is an April Fool's Joke:

(On another note, I just wanted to say, the Quest looks nice, but the ad on the side says "Weeding Room"... Which I found hilarious when I read it.)
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Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#44 2013-03-07 17:08:16

From: Everywhere
Registered: 2009-11-13
Posts: 908

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

xemoxrockerx wrote:


Its true. The quest is very pretty but too bad that I have to spend all my $$$ for dollzstory instead. I wonder why they wanted to close dollzstory the April 1 quoi  pleur
Feerik just deleted my post on the french version, they must really hate when we are complaning about dollz story T_T

Last edited by kimaly (2013-03-07 17:56:27)


#45 2013-03-07 17:34:09

Registered: 2007-07-18
Posts: 1208

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

I see many of you are quite disappointed and even annoyed by the closure of the Dollz Story store so I'm gonna try and explain why the team took this decision.
First, as I said on the French forum: we want  the quest prerequisites to be exclusive items. In some sens, the aim is to make the shopping offers more "punchy".  That is why we don't want to have all these items that stay for ages in that store. Plus, as many, many of you said, Dollz Story is the only store you go to to buy things. If, that store only opens now and again, maybe you'll get more interested in what's happening in the other stores! Indeed, there is no point having so many different stores if everyone is gonna go to Doll Story!! We'd want your shopping trips to be more fun, more related to the events going on!


#46 2013-03-07 17:36:19

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

To be honest with you, the dollz story shop has the best clothes and furniture. Why couldn't they close the shops that haven't been updated since Before I joined this game? (Kawaiko, Lena Bliss, Neko Wear and K- Swiss)

To be completely honest with you, I don't think I will be coming online anywhere near as often after dollz story closes. The reason I come online is to work, earn money and buy the furniture and clothes I need for my doll. I swear around 70% of the items on my wishlist are all in the dolllz story store. This means I won't come online to earn money OR buy it.


sarah wrote:

If, that store only opens now and again, maybe you'll get more interested in what's happening in the other stores! Indeed, there is no point having so many different stores if everyone is gonna go to Doll Story!!

I'm sorry to have to say this, but nothing actually goes on in the other stores! Basics, inspiration, blood roses, dollz n roses, okuan and amethyst are the main other stores I go in. Ohmybasics is updated well, inspiration has had a LONG break, blood roses and dollz n roses both rarely update (but i always buy when they do) and okuan and amethyst are still not as updated as they could be. Dollz Story has the most updated items and sometimes we just can't afford them during the quest. Also we can't always buy feez considering i'm 13 and i don't exactly have a bank account.

Last edited by jadefarnill (2013-03-07 17:44:05)


#47 2013-03-07 17:43:20

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

sarah wrote:

I see many of you are quite disappointed and even annoyed by the closure of the Dollz Story store so I'm gonna try and explain why the team took this decision.
First, as I said on the French forum: we want  the quest prerequisites to be exclusive items. In some sens, the aim is to make the shopping offers more "punchy".  That is why we don't want to have all these items that stay for ages in that store. Plus, as many, many of you said, Dollz Story is the only store you go to to buy things. If, that store only opens now and again, maybe you'll get more interested in what's happening in the other stores! Indeed, there is no point having so many different stores if everyone is gonna go to Doll Story!! We'd want your shopping trips to be more fun, more related to the events going on!

Except, Sarah, everyone knows whats in those stores and either already have or don't like it. We all look to the Dollz Story because it a)has better clothes, b)has better furniture, and c)gets updated the most. If you guys were to update the other stored more often or with better designs then we may not be as mad and aggravated as we are now with the closing of our favorite store. Could you at least start adding new items to the other stores then? It's just a thought that might make people of OMD happy. Or even transfer some of the Dollz Story items to other stores.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#48 2013-03-07 17:55:57

Registered: 2011-03-17
Posts: 75

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

sarah wrote:

I see many of you are quite disappointed and even annoyed by the closure of the Dollz Story store so I'm gonna try and explain why the team took this decision.
First, as I said on the French forum: we want  the quest prerequisites to be exclusive items. In some sens, the aim is to make the shopping offers more "punchy".  That is why we don't want to have all these items that stay for ages in that store. Plus, as many, many of you said, Dollz Story is the only store you go to to buy things. If, that store only opens now and again, maybe you'll get more interested in what's happening in the other stores! Indeed, there is no point having so many different stores if everyone is gonna go to Doll Story!! We'd want your shopping trips to be more fun, more related to the events going on!

So you mean to push us more to do every quest and even to after completing it spend even more money on it as it will be gone soon... interesting idea forcing us to spend real money on game but for me it is working the other way. I played MDD and PS, both were closed with no explanation made of why and with only few days for us to get used to it. Now many of those players moved here and started from scratch. We missed so many items from quests that were earlier, when we were playing MDD but it could not be helped, we at least could buy many other things. But if something like that was to happen now I am not sure I'd move here... seems same game, but I know of more items that are exclusive and no more to be than of those I can buy any time I want.

It also will affect new players greatly. Let speculate. I find some game that looks interesting - OMD. I make an account and start playing. I found so many great looking dollz and loft and am really interested. So I go to stores make my doll look nice too. And what is not funny at all is that I do not find MOST of those things. Almost everything that looks great is exclusive and I will never be able to gain it. What is more I will be able to complete my first adventure not faster than in a month. So the question is - why should I keep playing in such a game where most of thing I won't be able to get. I also won't be able to plan any changes in the future to my design, as most of items are exclusive, and there is only one chance to get them.

We have new quest every 2 weeks, at least 200$ each. We additionally have flirts and flash sales that all are exclusive things and one time offers. Why do we need to make more items exclusive? Maybe make whole game exclusive and paid only - it is almost the same now.

Even if you'd decide that those items we buy for quests should be exclusive it should apply only to new quests and new items - it should not affect items that are already in Dollz Story store.

And if you wanted people to use other shops than Dollz Story you should actually add more good quality items to other stores, and not delete this one store. Or maybe it is just a plan to help us move to other games? xD If you make unavailable content we could get any time till now it will never be acceptable for players.


#49 2013-03-07 18:26:25

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

From a business point of view, that's a bad step by Feerik...If they wanted to do that, then the first step would have been to add new things to the other stores, get us looking at them and shopping there more...then...they could remove Dollz Story....Just a recommendation.


#50 2013-03-07 18:52:32

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: [Quest] Encounter with Mister Walker

Sarah wrote:
In some sens, the aim is to make the shopping offers more "punchy".  That is why we don't want to have all these items that stay for ages in that store.

I am simply not following that logic... why is it a problem for DollzStory items to stay for "ages", but not Basics... or 4Works... or Amethyst?  Unless there are plans to close them, as well... the items in those stores will be hanging around for "ages", too.

Sarah wrote:
Plus, as many, many of you said, Dollz Story is the only store you go to to buy things. If, that store only opens now and again, maybe you'll get more interested in what's happening in the other stores! Indeed, there is no point having so many different stores if everyone is gonna go to Doll Story!!

1) The reason why so many players stated that DollzStory is their store of choice is because it is the only one that consistently gets new items.  If the other stores received the same degree of attention and additions, things might be different... but they do not.  Unless there are plans to greatly (and routinely) increase the new offerings to the other boutiques, the plan to close DollzStory is going to be a hard sell... no matter what explanation is offered.  Given that so much of your artists' time is devoted to developing those very DollzStory items you are talking about taking away... I'm not sure that producing a comparable number of new introductions for the other stores is a realistic proposition.

2) I cannot even imagine how this is going to affect the amount of time required to complete a room... a timetable that is already extremely impacted by the regular expenditures that others have mentioned (quests, flirts, flash sales, bundle packs, and assorted promos... like the recent spending gauge).  If players cannot complete rooms and outfits because basic components are denied to us... it is going to negatively affect the perception of, and satisfaction with, the game.  It's really hard to design a decent outfit or loft when the items you need:
a) are beyond your reach because DollzStory is not available, or
b) can't be bought, because they are only offered for an extremely limited time in conjunction with an adventure... which, if you participated in it, probably drained your savings.

3) Personally, I do not only, or even primarily, shop in DollzStory... I shop for the items that best fit my design needs.  I scour every store, repeatedly, to find things that make my plans come together.  Again, if more of those items come from DollzStory than others, it is only because more is offered in DollzStory.

Sarah wrote:We'd want your shopping trips to be more fun, more related to the events going on!

I'm sorry... I don't think anyone is having "fun" with your proposal.  As to "shopping trips", I will be forced to save my money for that magical moment when DollzStory may (or may not reappear)... meaning I will be less inclined to do quests, for fear of being broke when that moment does (hopefully) arrive.

Sarah wrote:
I see many of you are quite disappointed and even annoyed by the closure of the Dollz Story store

I think that is an understatement.

madaren wrote:
Even if you'd decide that those items we buy for quests should be exclusive it should apply only to new quests and new items - it should not affect items that are already in Dollz Story store.

I had a similar thought as madaren, and do quasi-agree with this sentiment... although, ideally, I do not think any portion of DollzStory inventory should be "limited".  As others have stated... it is a shame to waste the time and talent that went into producing the items, just to "discard" them when a quest ends.

Respectfully submitted,


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