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#1 2013-06-07 13:03:55

Registered: 2007-07-18
Posts: 1208

[2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Hi there adventurers !

For this new adventure, your doll will go around the world to carry out her mission of : Vet without borders!

In this quest, find all kinds of animals in the most beautiful scenery in the world !

Help endangered species and participate in activities. Find the details on the topic

[Quête] Contest : Vet without borders !

Participate in the current poll, the animal that gets more votes will be virtually adopted by Ohmydollz team to support the actions of WWF : an international organization for nature and environment protection, heavily involved in sustainable development, founded in 1961.

Finish the quest before Friday 14th June at Noon (french time) and win exclusive gifts:

- interactive animals to grow up!

- The new room “China” to be found in the theme “Trip”.

- The room “New Caledonia” (or tis extension if you already have this room) to be found in the theme “Trip”.

This adventure requires a choice, to access the 2 differend ending you have tu spend 150 Fee’z.

As you progress through the story, the passage of the steps requires more prerequisite, but in return, the gifts are more beautiful!!

You will have to answer questions related to history to earn bonus gifts!

Whit this adventure, you can collect many animals!

Find all the color versions of required items in Earth Shop :

This store will be available until Sunday 16th June at 23:39 (french time), enjoy this opportunity to buy the items you want in the version color you prefer!

Enjoy the quest on OhMyDollz !

#2 2013-06-07 13:40:59

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3336

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Did this on Izzydane:

779db to start with



make big gesture and go back slowly

an American ethologist

27 stars

South of Thailand

AMAZON choice (which gives you New Calidonia)



pay 150 feez to do the "panda bear" (gives you China)


199+33= 232

I'm unsure if you already have the New Calidonia room, if you do both endings you'll get an expansion for the New Calidonia room since I didn't do both endings.  I had that room on my main doll but not on my Izzydane doll.

Well I guess this is the answer:

- The room “New Caledonia” (or tis extension if you already have this room) to be found in the theme “Trip”.

Last edited by sierradane (2013-06-07 16:04:04)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2013-06-07 13:52:04

From: Under your Bed
Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 290

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

this is soooo my favourite already.. love

#4 2013-06-07 16:43:04

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 42

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

so does it cost 199 DB for one choice ?!


#5 2013-06-07 17:59:32

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Hmm...I like it but not enough money pleur
I think I have an alt to do this with though :)

Last edited by angelfire (2013-06-07 18:58:25)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#6 2013-06-07 18:23:55

From: Cordoba, Argentina
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 271

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Sorry? I didn't understand how much does it cost! 779 DB?????????? hypn

~**...Keep your eyes on the stars, they will show you something everytime...**~

#7 2013-06-07 18:37:52

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I love this quest!


#8 2013-06-07 18:59:04

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I did the Amazon side and I'll be doing the China one at the end of the week.

Step 1: At The Beginning
Price - 7$$$
Total so Far - 7$$$

I just finished my studies in veterinary medicine. These few years have been the hardest of my life but, since childhood, I dreamed of making this work. So, after many sacrifices finally, here I am today, able to open my own veterinary clinic!
However, I have another dream since many long time. I always wanted to see the world, know other cultures, observe wild animals in the most spectacular scenarios ... I feel I have to give an hand to save what We still have on our beautiful planet.
I think we should all be concerned.
The impact of our daily like has effects not only on climate but also on plants and animals ... 25% of mammals animal and many birds species are endangered! Many species have already disappeared, others survive only in zoos or reserves built by the same people who are destroying them ...
J have submitted my application to join the militants of an association that fights to protect endangered animals in the world. I know it's an hard fight, but this gives meaning to my life and that's why I'm here.
My mother don't agree with me. She thought that her daughter should have a well-behaved normal life, after all my studies, instead of talking about changing the world and live adventures!
With my skills, the association agreed that I can travel around the world to treat protected animals.
For my first mission, thet will take place in the Atric, I will join a group of veterinary doctors. Not easy as first destination! -50 ° C it's freezing!
But I'm ready for the challenge! At this temperature, the slightest mistake can be fatal... Do you know that multiple layers of clothing will keeep the warm of your body better than a thick one? So, welcome Onion effect and by by fashion style! I've also bought a fur hat to protect my head. Eighty percent of the warm is lost through the head, then hop hop, a nice hot cup!
With ticket in my hand, I'm ready to go to the airport!

Step 2: Polar Bear
Price - 14$$$
Total so Far - 21$$$

I've always preferred warm countries, and I am...freezing!!!
Arrived at Svalbard, the cold is striking! Inside the terminal airport I quickly prepaire myself to go outside and face the cold! Longyearbyen is the only city in the region, only 2.500 inhabitants! Not the best place for trendy parties! Anyway it's good, I'm not here for that!
The Animal Park is located in the tundra. Glaciers are huge. Wildlife is particularly dense, but I will work mainly on the iconic species of Spitsbergen, the Polar bear! My encounter with this great lord of the north both anguish me and excites me!
There are only three thousand polar bears in the region. Franck is waiting me at the exit. During the trip to the park, he already gives me information about this great carnivore.
Polar bear is a loner. He can weighs up to 500 kilograms. Contrary to Brown bear, he has a very good view and can see other animals even if it is several hundred meters far. Its whiteness serves as camouflage. I already know that a direct confrontation with the polar bear does not forgive.
The thick layer of fat under his skin allows him to withstand extremely low temperatures and spend long periods without food.
But the polar bear population is dangerously declinating... The sea ice is melting at an alarming rythm, depriving bears of its natural environment. Their health is making worse every day and and they reproduce less and less.
At the research Center, every year for several weeks, we list the bear still present across the Arctic. We place them tracers necklaces. You can then follow them via satellite and thus a team of scientists evaluates the impact of humans on this species.
In addition to global warming, bear is threatened by crude oil spilled pollution in the oceans ... Their coat is a good insulator, but the contact with the crude oil reduces this capacity, endangering theil life.
During weeks, Frank and I identify bears over the region. The meeting with bears is always a special moment where the time seems to Stop. We have the same gestures, always the same professionalism. We anesthetize the mother, we count the cubs and the satellite necklaces to the mother. Any timing error can be fatal.
Today we are specially sad, my eyes are filled with tears. In my arms, a little baby bear. His mother was killed by hunters. Hunting is regulated yet, but there are still poachers, a permanent conflicts between humans and animals, that the Association tries to stop.
The small bear does not weigh more than 4 kg. We'll have to take care of him until he reaches a normal weight.
I'm sad because I know that this little bear will pay the price of our cruelty, passing the rest of his life in one of our zoos, because of our own fault.
I would like this won't happen again.

Step 3: The Carpathians
Price - 22$$$
Total so Far - 43$$$

The Association decided to send me to the Carpathians to continue my mission. I've unwillingly left my friends from the center of Spitsbergen. But I know that I will see them next year.
This time, the climate is more classic. The Carpathians make me immediately think of Vladimir Tepes, the emperor who inspired the character of Dracula ... This does not really inspire me to discover this country, but it stirs my curiosity!
For once, I'm pretty surprised by the environment. Far from gloomy picture I imaginated, I see lush forests and cute villages. I will leave my garlic necklace and my crucifix in the suitcase!
I join an animal park where a team of scientists lists the animals of the region. Most often we start with trappers and we sleep under the stars.
The mountains are home for many species of carnivores. Between deforestation and poaching, these species are struggling to survive. Their numbers drastically reduced, causing them to fight to share the little environment that they have left. Bears, wolves and lynx are in danger!
The Association fights to preserve protected areas in this region because with the growth of tourism, the consequences are disastrous.
Again, humans take what does not belong to them and impose his power, destroying everything.
We observe wild animals and we follow them to understand their lifestyle and understand their changes.
I feel a bit saver here than with the polar bear. They are carnivores but they are less impressive. Come face to face with a brown bear can in most cases be fine if we know the right moves. He has poor eyesight and is fearful.
It is quite rare that a brown bear attacks a group of wolves. They are very shy and avoid the contact with human.
The other day we saw a group of wolves in our hideout. I was on the poit to scream. It was exciting and fun at the same time! For these precious moments I can say that I do not regret my choice!

Step 4: Gorillas in the Mist
Price - 31$$$
Total so Far - 74$$$

When the Association consign me to Rwanda to provide care to gorillas in the mountains, I Was excited!
For years I wanted to go to meet these hige mammals, and now I have the perfect opportunity.
I have to be careful, Rwanda is an unstable region. I will have to deal with my mother subtlety ...
I remember the book of Dian Fossey (one of my bedtime reading). I have a great admiration for this strong woman who fought for his beliefs at the cost of her life.
I take with me all the necessary and a complete aid kit. I find accommodation in the national park, very close to the Virunga Volcanoes. There were only 480 exemplares in 2012 in the region. The mountain gorilla is endangered of extinction.
Illegal poaching, diseases transmitted by humans, deforestation, and the projects of crude oil exploration, make their lives unsafe.
Their heads and hands are sold at gold price. Many times they are killed only for that ...
Fortunately, Dian Fossey has developed a large network of protection. People can come to see the gorillas, which helps protect them because it helps create jobs to greet and guide tourists. The Association of Dian Fossey permit to anyone to adopt a gorilla, and this contributes to his protection.
I adopted a little baby gorilla. Collected by the doctors of the park after her family was massacred, we give him all love and care that we can. I hope we can integrate him into a group of wild gorillas. In the meantime, he gives me a lot of love and often he remains by mi side giving me big hugs.
Kibenbé, a little girl who helps us for tasks in the camp, loves coming with me when I go to work with young gorillas.
I like to talk with her. Despite her young age, she is much more mature than a lot of young european teenagers! She loves to learn. She takes everything that is given as a blessing. It's nice and it sets foot on earth. When I left the camp, I promise her not to forget her and to send her often my news.

Step 5: Brazil
Price - 33$$$
Total so Far - 107$$$

This time, I will be on a warm-countries tour!! My first love! The Association asked me to join another member, Rafael, in the forests region, on the Atlantic coast.
I'm housed in a beautiful hanging lodge in the Brazilian rainforest. I aware you that you shouldn't be afraid of heights, because the heat is less oppressive up here! At night, the jungle is very noisy. I quickly provided earplugs to get to sleep!
The veterinary center is ready; I usually go there walking.
Apart than interesting and prepaired, Rafael has got the tipical Brazilian charm. Big, brown skin, and a warmy and super sexy smile. It's hard for me to concentrate when he is with me and I sometimes lose my words when we identify the different species. He laughs often to my awkwardness, which makes me even more awkward ...
The jungle is beautiful and with the explanations of Rafael, I take more time to observe it and love it. I can spend hours watching the colorful little birds and especially lion tamarins.
They are also an endangered species and are one of the rarest animals in the world!

This little monkey has a coat that looks like a kind of mane, ranging from gold to golden red. Magnificent!
There are only 1600 golden lion tamarins in these forests ... Deforestation, agriculture and urban development gradually destroy their habitat. Fortunately several reserves exist to protect them.
We are doing a really great job with Rafael, for this reason the Association asked us to go both to Cambodia for a three months period.

Step 6: Cambodge
Price - 42$$$
Total so Far - 149$$$

The Mekong River is a major river that runs through six countries and it?s 4.800 Km long. So impressive!
We have reach the camp in a tropical region of Cambodia.
Vegetation and biodiversity are abundant! At night, the jungle is very noisy and it?s not rare find some animal inside the bed!
One night I woke up and I found myself face to face with a gecko! I ran to Rafael?s bed screaming, falling into his arms.
Please do not make fun of this. In addition, I didn?t realized I was in French knickers.. with pink dots ... Very sexy.
Rafael laughed, and then we felt asleep, holding me in his arms. I began to dream that we were together ... Maybe I have to confess my feelings to him?.The fact that he was so patient with a fury that landed in his room at 3am to fall on him just because of a gecko?. means that he must like me a little
Tomorrow we go to Kampot market, we?ll buy some food to bring it on the beach; I think he will say something about last night
Throughout our market walk I had stomach pain. Rafael says it?s because my fear from last night?a veterinarian who is afraid of geckos, it is a little ridiculous
I can?t tell him that it?s because I?ve dreamed of him all night, This is not the first time and I don?t have the courage to tell him ... To go to our beach, we take a boat. Rafael is more beautiful than ever, shirtless and a beautiful white linen trousers. His movements reveal his bulging muscles?I feel like I?m on the point to explode?I cannot hide anymore?so I tell him my feelings in a stroke?. His silence anguish me a bit. He said nothing, he just smiles.
Great? Are you happy now keenonfantasy ? Once on the island we walk gently on the silence?I feel more ridiculous than ever.....suddenly I feel my feet off the ground and here I am in the arms of Rafael, my mouth against hers. Finally, he told me that he likes me a lot!
It's great to share his passion with the man you love.
With Rafael, we have lots ideas to submit to the association. We spend a lot of time with local institutions to educate residents how protect animals. The forest is pretty healthy, it is a haven for elephants, leopards and tigers. It is essential to preserve this heaven! And with Rafael by my side I feel stronger than ever!

Step 7a: Amazon
Price - 50$$$
Total so Far -  199$$$

After a long discussion with Rafael, we decided to pack our bags and go to the Amazon. I don't neeed to say that when I told this to my mother she was desperate, immagining the worst possible scenarios: her daughter devoured by a giant anaconda or kidnapped by a band of Indians to be cooked over a wood fire, or tortured by a group of armed rebels... Anyway, I believe that knowing that I'm with Rafael reassured her a bit.
Amazon is for me a land of adventures: sail the river by boat, braving the jungle, meet peoples with different costumes... An extraordinary country, a place of exceptional biodiversity.
But when we look at the figures, the numbers are worrying: during 15 years, the equivalent of the surface of a soccer field disappeared every seven seconds. On this basis, Amazon will completely desappeare in 2150. And before this, many species will be already disappeared ...

Did you know that one tenth of known species on Earth live in the Amazon??
We destroy other lives but we also destroy ourselves because, destroying the forest, we can say "welcome" to global warming!
We are commissioned to work on the jaguar.
Obviously his habitat is highly degraded. Ranchers don't hesitate to kill them to protect their livestock. The jaguar population continues to decline, making it a near threatened species.
With Rafael, we have a passion for a baby jaguar. We follow him every week to study his behavior and adaptation to the environment. It's great to see his grow and become more seasoned day by day. We meet Indians peoples that need a lot of help, but nobody do nothing. Who will come forward to help them? Who will march through the streets to save what makes of our planet an unspoilt and welcoming place? All us must protect our planet.

Total for one ending - 199$$$

Last edited by angelfire (2013-06-07 18:59:27)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#9 2013-06-07 19:21:33

From: Everywhere
Registered: 2009-11-13
Posts: 908

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I think ...
@3noody-chan: Yes
@andybel: No, Izzydane had 779 $$$ but then, she spend 232 $$$ so 779-232=547 DB left.     The quest is: one choice 199 $$$, both choice: 232 $$$

I really LOOOOOVE this quest, Thank you Feerik :D


#10 2013-06-07 20:11:13

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I think I may have to do this.


#11 2013-06-07 20:31:25

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Does it bother anyone else that the extensions are blank white space in themed rooms?..( OH MY ...WHY oh WHY?!)
it really annoys me because you cant get the same background that came with the room from stores or even remotely recreate it so the least they could do is add the same background textures to it otherwise.. whats the point?
it totally limits the possibilities if you have to try and cover it up with something else that does not match.


#12 2013-06-07 21:37:08

From: Florida
Registered: 2012-06-23
Posts: 216

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I'm so totally short on all my accounts *cries* this looked like a really good quest too.

#13 2013-06-07 21:55:12

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 42

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

thanks 4 the help angelfire and kimaly ^^


#14 2013-06-07 23:55:28

From: Akatsuki Organisation Hideout
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 933

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Such a beautiful quest, I definitely will do this later when I have the $$$.
                         ▷ [Visit My Doll] | [My Manga Graphics]

#15 2013-06-08 00:27:34

Registered: 2009-10-23
Posts: 38

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Does it bother anyone else that the extensions are blank white space in themed rooms?..( OH MY ...WHY oh WHY?!)
it really annoys me because you cant get the same background that came with the room from stores or even remotely recreate it so the least they could do is add the same background textures to it otherwise.. whats the point?
it totally limits the possibilities if you have to try and cover it up with something else that does not match.

I want to say that this is probably a bug since they have never left the area that's been extended in the current extended rooms blank before.


#16 2013-06-08 00:39:28

Registered: 2012-08-30
Posts: 8

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

Omigod, the China room is extremely beautiful! Gonna do this in all my accounts!aomd_bave


#17 2013-06-08 01:12:44

Registered: 2010-02-27
Posts: 78

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

lilysummers wrote:

Does it bother anyone else that the extensions are blank white space in themed rooms?..( OH MY ...WHY oh WHY?!)
it really annoys me because you cant get the same background that came with the room from stores or even remotely recreate it so the least they could do is add the same background textures to it otherwise.. whats the point?
it totally limits the possibilities if you have to try and cover it up with something else that does not match.

I had that problem except my extensions were orange. I cleaned out my cookies and now I have no problems with it. try cleaning out your cookies. it will help.

"Well, personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon."
                          -ANGEL (FROM ANGELTHESERIES)"

#18 2013-06-08 01:59:56

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I love my New Caledonia extension on my pirate doll'z account. It's so beautiful!

#19 2013-06-08 04:02:43

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3336

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

snortmort wrote:

I love my New Caledonia extension on my pirate doll'z account. It's so beautiful!

I'd love to get that extension but alas I am seriously low on FEEZ due to lack of roofing work.  It's nice looking, that's for sure.

Not sure about the China room.  I"m thinking a little that they could have done another country? or theme?  Like, maybe an Amusement park?  (things to do in the summer that are fun)


When I posted up there that I had done it on my doll Izzydane, I had been using a notepad on my computer to keep track of the correct answers & the price and I had put what she had at the beginning but forgot to delete it after posting it here.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#20 2013-06-08 08:39:47

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I'm rather conflicted on whether I want to do this for the Chinese room, or for the doll skins that would be perfect for a Skyrim themed room.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#21 2013-06-08 10:39:29

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

rarity wrote:

I'm rather conflicted on whether I want to do this for the Chinese room, or for the doll skins that would be perfect for a Skyrim themed room.

The animal skins are given to you before you make the final choice. They're given to you at Step 6. So you could do that step and then make the choice.


#22 2013-06-08 14:45:20

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 4980

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

I would so like to do this quest!!! But I don't have enough money... sad

#23 2013-06-08 15:35:56

Registered: 2011-06-26
Posts: 58

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

rarity wrote:

I'm rather conflicted on whether I want to do this for the Chinese room, or for the doll skins that would be perfect for a Skyrim themed room.

XD I thought of Skyrim as soon as I saw those animal skins.


#24 2013-06-08 17:38:45

From: Cordoba, Argentina
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 271

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

kimaly wrote:

I think ...
@3noody-chan: Yes
@andybel: No, Izzydane had 779 $$$ but then, she spend 232 $$$ so 779-232=547 DB left.     The quest is: one choice 199 $$$, both choice: 232 $$$

I really LOOOOOVE this quest, Thank you Feerik :D

Thank you!!! mdr

~**...Keep your eyes on the stars, they will show you something everytime...**~

#25 2013-06-08 21:41:11

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: [2013] New adventure : Vet without Borders!

This is the China ending story:

After a long discussion with Rafael, we have decided to go to China. Panda is the symbol of our association, and I always dreamed to see one!
Everyone knows the peaceful panda, the symbol of peace, but, yet, despite this, this animal is rare and endangered. Thanks to the Association that protects them, their number has increased.
Pandas eat only bamboo. By destroying the bamboo, the panda is deprived of its natural habitat. Since the last ten years half of bamboo forests have been destroyed, and it takes twenty years for new bamboo to meet the needing of pandas! ... This allows to figure out the magnitude of this disaster.
Yet forests continue to be destroyed to leave the place to agricultural land, mines, roads ... But, in addition to deforestation, pandas are poached for their fur, solded at high prices in the Asian market.
We are staying in a nursing home, one of the fifty natural reserves in China. We follow a panda since his birth. We see him grow and evolve every day safely in this reserves. It's a great joy see him safe and free.
The Chinese authorities are making efforts to help us in our struggle, but we must remain vigilant and not forget that the panda is still on the Red List of species.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

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