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Lol! I was thinking the one after this could be a back to school themed one instead
^.^ I have a nickname. I feel so special.
Last edited by therealrose (2013-08-06 21:16:59)
Back to school? *sigh* I may be able to make something do.
69 Back to school...hmmm...I for one am planning something big for Halloween...hopefully. But it needs a lot of planning first.
There's a lot of time before Halloween to plan it.
69 Yeah...I wish we could have it over the different websites though...Something OMD wide.
How're you?
70, I am gonna do many! I have 10 gift certificates, and will buy some more soon! :)
I will make a back to school one, halloween, one for my b-day, for christmas, etc! I love making contests! It's so fun! :)
Last edited by saffirelle (2013-08-06 21:29:18)
I'm alright, Varky
I'm joining all of them Saffi. I love making them but I don't always have time for the gifts part. I'm making time this time.
70, And with the extra gift certificates, I will send some to you girls! My amazing friends! ;)
Really? Wow. I did that a few months ago (before we became closer ). When I got a lot of certificates because of the Valentine sale thing.
70, I just feel like giving tons of gifts! I will give when there will be more choices for the gifts.
Just to say ahead of time, I'd like any of the wigs for my wig doll. I'm working on collecting those for her (Happy12345)
69, Okay! :)
Maybe I'll send you one now for your doll.. I'll check if one of my alts have some gift certificates. ;)
You dont have to do it now. Later would be fine. She only has one of the 2 color wigs.
69, It's okay Bloody. :)
I will id I have gift certificates on my alts. ;)
I'd give gifts too...But I never get a chance to watch the feez vids...Can't get feez all the time.
I'm hoping for the angel quest to come by when I have enough money :)
Saff...You wanna post the contest?
What Angel quest?
69, okay angel! :)
I made some graphics parts for the topic! Tell me what you think. :)
Those are great, Saffi. (kinda hard to read the brighter sections)
68 Saffi, you need a bolder outline. (try leaving the outline white, but make it bolder)
Bloodsy, something about you sounds off. And me seeing that in my current state says something.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-08-06 22:12:09)
@Darky: Thanks! When you mean bolder you mean thicker (for the outline)?
Maybe I should make it black?
Last edited by saffirelle (2013-08-06 22:16:34)
70 Thicker, yes. White could be fine. Black would look very different. I'd say try both. If you want to maintain the white, make the color gradient darker...So instead of using yellow, use oranges.
71, Thanks a lot Darky! You were right, it works! :)