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I'm not gonna be helpful by saying get some sleep. :P
132 lolz nope not gonna work. How was le day/night??
Day was okay I guess. Uneventful. Didn't go out of the room! These days I don't eat much, if at all in fact. Dunno what's wrong. Every time I feel hungry, I just don't want to eat.
134 uh...depression?
Um.. I don't think so? 'Cause I feel pretty.. okay actually.
136 monthly annoyance?
That too, but I never not eat any other month, ya know?
138 Well...I noticed that sometimes when I'm under too much stress throughout the month and then things start wearing off...It can be pretty much more upsetting than
...That could be it.
140 Yeah...Maybe it's good to be alone for a day or two.
Eh, I have been alone for the better half of last month.
141. First day of school is over. Phew.
142 uh...then maybe you should be going out!!! Half a month is way too long!
How did it go Keira?
I don't wanna. D:
School wifi wouldn't load :( I'm home now though. So losing le iPod was a curse and blessing. I missed y'all like crazy but I actually was able to finish ch. 3 and 4 Q's for AP w/ the distraction.
141. Quite good, actually. We've finally dropped all the subjects we didn't choose as our GCSE options so I'm enjoying school a lot more now. Plus everyone loved my new schoolbag (a studded leather backpack). And I made up with my old best friend. So ya, fairly good :D
Last edited by keiramarina (2013-09-04 21:08:10)
144 Don't make me come to you!
Wow! Cool to hear Keira!
MISSED YOU BLOODSY!!! And well...I guess something good came out of it...But let me just tell you...There were a lot of broken hearts on the board.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-09-04 21:11:36)
Ah, I miss having backpacks. :c I had a cute purple one. I still have it, but it's all worn out now.
Nopenopenopenopenope. Not going out. *stamps foot down*
Last edited by amaryllis-love (2013-09-04 21:13:14)
I know. I hated not being here. I enjoyed my day though. I'm enjoying AP US History. So much freedom and then the Academy is being a blast. My APUSH (AP class) is falling to's really old
KIERA!!!! I'm stealing your backpack. If you find it missing, you know who took it
At least you got some work done. :D Take that, procrastination!
Schools done :3
I like my APUSH teacher but i dont know how the class'll go.
Yep! Now I gotta get 5-9 done by the 11th....(I meant APUSH text book *facepalm*)
I'm about ready to freaking hit a chick at school. She has pissed me off the last 2 days
Is it your first day back?
Twin!!! I may not answer text So busy here bc I missed it. Happy your 1st day went great!!!
Question: anybody know if this quest is worth the completion?
Idk. I didn't do it. .-.