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#1 2018-03-28 15:34:42

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

[Replay] Replay old fantasy quests

Hello dollz!

Discover memorable quests that took place in the past years!

Our team proposes you replays of old quests to experience fantasy adventures on a springy atmosphere.

During some days, take advantage of the return of these quests if you missed them, or to replay the ones you loved!

Information about the quests on replay:

The “Greek Goddess” 2012 quest

On Mount Olympus, attend the classes of the best teachers: Aphrodite, Atlas, Chiron… It won’t be easy! Will you have the time to seduce the beautiful god apprentice you fall for?

Throughout this quest with a double ending, you can get:

– a man model to dress

– two magnificent luxury outfits

The “Teenagers” 2012 quest

You are a schoolgirl like the others, with a life of ordinary high school, until… you get lost in a corner of your school where you discover a door to a parallel orld: the Rainbow world!

Throughout this quest with a double ending, you can get:

– the Rainbow room (or its extension if you already own the room)

– the Coloc room (or its extension if you already own the room)

Attention: there is no access at the Dollz quest store during this replay!

The “Arameo and Juliwen” 2016 quest

Experience a magic adventure to help Juliwen, an elf princess, to live her love story with Arameo, a prince elf of a rival family

Throughout this quest with a double ending, you can get:

-the Fairy Palace room, with its theme « Elves Palace » (or its extension if you already own the room)

– the Enchanted Forest room with its theme « Elves Forest » (or its extension if you already own the room)


You can visualize the gifts of a quest in replay and then go back to your choice: Click on a replay, and click on ?see all the gifts?. You can then choose to go back to the selection page by clicking on the ?replay? or ?Back to the choice? button at the top of the quest page.

You can return to the replays selection page until you have validated the first step.

Be careful, when you start an adventure because once you have validated the first step, you will have to finish completely in order to move on to another one. So think carefully before validating the first step.

The quests contain multiple stages, which some that can be bought with Fee’z, will have to finish it completely to access another replay.

Find the color variations of the objects you will need for the quests in the shopping center:

To access these replays, click on the button in the offers of the moment:

Replays of these quests are available until Tuesday, April 3rd at 11:59pm (Paris hour).

Enjoy these quests on OhMyDollz!

#2 2018-03-28 15:54:46

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

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