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- Please read through the suggested lists before posting. If your idea is already listed, do not post it again. Your thread will be removed.
- All threads about making more money will be closed.
- Be respectful of others opinions and ideas.
Directory of Suggestions:
- Chests & Cupboards
- Flirt Suggestions
- Game Improvements
- Job Suggestions
- Shopping Ideas
- Quest Suggestions
All suggestions before 2018 have been added to lists & closed.
Thank you everyone for your input!!
Directory of Suggestions:
- Chests & Cupboards - 1) draws in chests and cupboards could be cheaper and cost like 15 OMD; 2) new theme - ancient Greece, gods outfits etc
- Flirt Suggestions - Thor vs. Loki (or other Marvel or DC Comic character)
- Game Improvements - most of all -! FASTER reaction !- to players claims on bugs (reffering here mostly to the WIG CAP missing for almost half a year in the makeover section!)
- Enabling the player to decide if doll should have full body visible or only the torso and head (just like we can blend the doll fully from the room)
- Job Suggestions - let us start using the accumulated points (normally there are 15 required to get job for 6 OMD) - maybe add some extra talent(s ) which could come as permanent while leveling?
- Shopping Ideas - 1) past quests item shop where you can buy all colector items for OMD; 2) sewing machine shop where players could add the creations (after Mods/GMs agreeing on the content) for others to buy; 3) quest shop where a player can choose a quest which he/she want to repeat; 4) shop with clothes for body modified parts/bodies (shoes, dresses, tops etc)
- Quest Suggestions - 1) old classic - referring to "Pretty woman" or "Dirty Dancing" movie, 2) some quest based on current boom to Marvel/ DC comics movies and characters, 3) Hercules tasks, 4) japanese manga/anime characters,
as per quest rewards: body modifiers in all current skin tones (theres more than 5 tones in the game!), new rooms or extensions to already existing ones which could grant far more space than usual ones, clothes that enables to dress dolls with body modifiers on.
Hope that helps to improve the game and that some of the ideas /suggestions will actually be used