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#1 2018-09-15 02:32:14

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Replay] Time Adventures

Hey dollz,
Here is the chance to play or replay the “Time adventures” quest !

Escape from daily routine and go on an incredible time adventure, full of mysteries and plots.

Will you find your way back to your own age ? Or will you take a decision that may change your view on life forever ?

During this quest with two endings, you can win :

– the Londollz room OR its new extension if you already own the room !

– the Time Traveler talent (gives you a chance to go back in time and be able to work a second time during the day)

The store linked to the quest will be open during the whole event !

You can replay this quest until Sunday at 11.59pm (Paris time).

Good replay on OhMyDollz !


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