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#1 2021-01-10 01:17:20

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3336

Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

I recently bought a new laptop that didn't come with Flash.  So when I attempted to download the latest version available, I found that you just can't any longer.

Since Adobe will no longer be supporting Flash Player after December 31, 2020 and Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021, Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems.

I am able to view my loft and others' lofts by using the link to Unity WebGL. 


I have just discovered that the Oh My Gamez section cannot be used without Flash and doesn't work with Unity WebGL. The Mini Games no longer work without Flash.  CHANGE MY LOOK will not work with Unity WebGL.  So keep in mind, if you are doing the FLIRTS for the trophies... if you don't have Flash... you WILL NOT be able to get your regular look back.  (I had to go out to my husbands desktop computer with Flash to get my look back after doing some flirts)

Hopefully they will fix this too, since I still like to play the casino game, along with buying items while there.

Last edited by sierradane (2021-01-10 01:49:16)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#2 2021-01-10 21:25:57

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3029

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

Until then, you could try supernova flash player or ruffle (recommended by kongregate and armor games)

but I too hope they'll find a solution soon

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#3 2021-01-10 23:46:42

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3336

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

If you have flash on your computer, and it doesn't give you any problems when you come to this site.... I suggest to not remove it like the note above.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 2021-01-11 17:12:15

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3029

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

I did download an installer before they stopped distributing it, but I don't know if/how I can send you that (firefox send is no longer a thing, as far as I know) besides, adobe will force flash content to NOT run starting tomorrow, so I have no idea if that would help... and I don't know how bluemaxima works either...

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#5 2021-01-13 03:27:45

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3029

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

tresselle wrote:

I tried  the ruffle emulator 2 weeks ago but it wasn't working properly because it was the 1st version but the developer updates it daily & I haven't tried it since then. BlueMaxima I think collects flash, HTML, unity etc games so they can still be played on their platform but I don't think it's ideal because it requires a lot of GB space on computers. I'll try the supernova flash player I never heard of it before.

there is a compact version of bluemaxima that only requires a few hundred MB, but doesn't contain any games nor some of the features...
I also heard you can force flash to run via VLC media player, but I'll have to investigate... let us know how well supernova goes for you and if you give ruffle a 2nd chance... I was still using adobe's flashplayer and I'm deciding if I'll try to downdate or use something else... I just visited armorgames and I feel lost...

EDIT: ruffle didn't work because it doesn't support AS3 yet, which OMD uses
I didn't try it on chromium, but supernova doesn't seem to work without the browser addon for me...

Last edited by darkjewels (2021-01-14 08:46:01)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#6 2021-03-10 17:17:15

Registered: 2013-11-10
Posts: 76

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

All - The following was posted today in the French forum by fred-feerikgames:

Hello everyone,

After having more or less passed the end of Flash with solutions that are not yet finalized, I wanted to give you some news on the continuation.
We have another game that needs to be upgraded to non-Flash, it's Eredan Arena. We are about to complete this version. As we have already pointed out, our resources are very limited and it has taken a long time. This version is in Beta, final phase and should be able to be released next week.
Our programmer will then spend two weeks on network issues and another person will join him at the end of the month as well.
We will then finally be able to attack the sequel for OhMyDollz:

- Correction of the bugs related to Unity3D (The black pieces etc ...)
- Tool improvements.
- For the mini games, we will not be able to wear them all, we will have to choose. If you have any preferences, don't hesitate. And there may also be new ones.

And much more.
There are a lot of things we want to do with OhMyDollz. Above all, we want to be able to provide you with possibilities to create, to create extraordinary things and to be able to show them.
This is what stands out most about OhMyDollz, the passion and attention to detail in your designs. You need to be able to express yourself.
The sewing machine was a first step. The switch to Unity3D should allow us to give you possibilities unmatched on any other creation game.
I stress that Feerik Games is not a big team, we are only a few people and we need your support to be able to continue. Everything takes time and we may lose you but we do our best.
Hope you will stay with us, there is no OhMyDollz without you.


#7 2021-03-10 18:54:34

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 607

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

Thank you,julieanne1976  for sharing this post here.


#8 2021-03-26 02:21:25

Registered: 2014-05-02
Posts: 1

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

All -

Latest from the French server:  they listed out 13 specific rooms that still had black backgrounds on the French server and asked for any additional rooms that dolls were aware of were still having problems.  I left a message that all of the rooms were still black on the US server.  :)

Maybe coming to a server near you soon??!?!?

Last edited by becky1976 (2021-03-26 02:22:11)


#9 2021-03-26 21:20:21

Registered: 2011-10-18
Posts: 8

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

becky1976 wrote:

All -

Latest from the French server:  they listed out 13 specific rooms that still had black backgrounds on the French server and asked for any additional rooms that dolls were aware of were still having problems.  I left a message that all of the rooms were still black on the US server.  :)

Maybe coming to a server near you soon??!?!?

the downstairs duplex here is without backgrounds yet

Last edited by gramyjen (2021-03-26 21:21:07)


#10 2021-03-27 02:40:33

Registered: 2013-11-10
Posts: 76

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

Many of the rooms seem to be working.  If you notice rooms with no background (like the downstairs duplex), report it here and I will try to add it to the French forum (thanks to Google translate!!!!)

Also, the makeover room is reported to be fixed on our server, as well.  I successfully added eyebrows to one of my dolls!!


#11 2021-03-27 05:39:44

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3029

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

julieanne1976 wrote:

Many of the rooms seem to be working.  If you notice rooms with no background (like the downstairs duplex), report it here and I will try to add it to the French forum (thanks to Google translate!!!!)

Also, the makeover room is reported to be fixed on our server, as well.  I successfully added eyebrows to one of my dolls!!

those are great news! going through my main's rooms:

loft seems to be using a default background (didn't try buying walls/floors yet)

making the dollz invisible seems to work

retro room(piece=38) isn't applying greyscale, Sarah is missing from Sarah's home(piece=27)

Ice palace(piece=35) looks odd (the windows are black and there is a black square in the end)

submarine room(piece=59), won't fully load (my dollz should be wearing a mermaid costume there), and as a result, I can't set object order

OMD tree(vertical) crashed my graphics driver and broke the tab (I had to create a new tab) o_O

rooms with more than 1 theme seem to be working (aside from the ones with black background): crypt (piece=30), haunted castle (piece=51), shooting(piece=64) have the black background
all of my other rooms are loading the background just fine, some of them take a while to load, but when they're done, the background shows up

try it out feature still shows black screen, but at least now I can see most of my rooms' backgrounds applau

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#12 2021-03-27 17:27:16

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

OhMyGoodness! The backgrounds are back! fete

Well, most, anyway. honte

It feels like it's been forever~ I can verify that the Submarine and Ice Palace aren't working quite right. I wonder if the other servers are doing okay...

Update: They seem to have taken the wallpaper out of your lofts. This doll's loft had a blue-turquoise wallpaper, and my Italian doll's loft had a purple forest theme background in her loft; but both went to default.

Speaking of other servers, the Italian and German servers are like the US one.

Last edited by lady0filia (2021-03-27 17:51:39)

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#13 2021-03-27 18:33:15

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

FYI remember to clear your cookies, if the backgrounds aren't working! I couldn't see any of my backgrounds until I did so!


#14 2021-03-29 02:40:44

Registered: 2010-08-28
Posts: 121

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

My VIP room and another room right under the main VIP room still have black walls and floors! Also the "save" button in the rooms (any room)  sometimes works and sometimes doesn't


#15 2021-03-29 20:16:00

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

joyceeileen wrote:

My VIP room and another room right under the main VIP room still have black walls and floors! Also the "save" button in the rooms (any room)  sometimes works and sometimes doesn't

Same with me.


#16 2021-03-30 05:21:47

Registered: 2013-11-10
Posts: 76

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

The room under the main VIP room seems to be working now, but I will report the VIP room on the French server.  The other comments seem to have already been reported.


#17 2021-03-30 19:09:44

Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 12

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

The save button in my Easter room on this doll just won't work! I want to stay in that room but can''t! please help!


#18 2021-03-30 19:20:24

Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 7

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

The save button in my Easter room on this doll doesn't work either!


#19 2021-03-30 21:12:39

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

lishjo wrote:

The save button in my Easter room on this doll doesn't work either!

Did you move things around before saving in that room? I've noticed that when I go to a room, even the one that I am in, it won't save if I try to customize the room with new items right off. So I'll save first, then start moving things around, then save again. If that doesn't help, what browser are you using? I use Chrome and Microsoft Edge and I can save my doll, Sarahspells, in her Easter room.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#20 2021-03-31 01:38:17

Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 7

Re: Oh My Gamez, Unity WebGL and Flash

Some of the Easter rooms work for some of my dolls but it doesn't work for others....I try moving things and I try putting new items in and it just won't save anything!


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