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Hi dollz!
You've always dreamed of traveling around the world? In this week's quest, you leave to study in Sydney, in Australia! You will live with flatmates from all around the world, you'll go to the beach between two lessons and you'll learn how tho surf! Such an exiting life! You'll have a little crush on Jason the surf teacher and Naoki your beautiful Japanese classmate...
Which one choose?
''I've always dreamed of traveling! Staying in the same town is so boring! Since I've started studying, I'm obsessed with one thing: a student exchange! To study abroad, a dream and only a dream until now... I'm leaving for Australia tomorrow! I'm so impatient but a little bit afraid too. I hope it's not gonna be too hard to be without my friends in an other country.''
Participate in this quest on OhMyDollz and win lots of gifts! Among which a veranda and a a Japanese palace.
At each step you will win several gifts!
As you go along, it becomes more and more difficult, but the gifts get better and better!
You will have to solve riddles to win bonus gifts!
At the end of the story, you have two choices! For those who desire, you have the possibility to play the second choice for 150 fee'z!
If you choose the Japanese ending, you win a new Japanese Palace!
If you choose the Australian ending you win the Veranda room!
It's a communal quest! According to the ending you choose, you'll be in the Japanese Team or the Australian one. When you end the quest, your team's gauge rises! The wining team players will receive a pretty evolutive cat. If you choose both endings, you'll be part of both teams and will gain the cat whoever wins the contest!
You have until Monday April 30th a 17:00 PM to take part in this new quest and win lots of gifts!
Enjoy the game on OhMyDollz!
This... has got to be the BEST quest ever! I love everything about this quest! Both endings are awesome, I can't choose, and BOTH have new rooms. PLUS, I love how it's about Sydney, I just recently visited Sydney last year for a school trip and it brings back fond memories ^_^ Now to decide which ending to complete...
EDIT: And I can't believe I forgot to mention, the evolutive(?) cat! I love it to bits!
Last edited by nicoleong9 (2012-04-23 17:23:02)
I can't believe it's another adventure with rooms. Now I have to buy fee'z again.
iklovech wrote:
I can't believe it's another adventure with rooms. Now I have to buy fee'z again.
Just I what I was thinking. I was going to pass this one up until I realized it had rooms.
Same here...This will be another quest unfinished...You know now that I think of it, I have never finished a quest...Even when they brought out the old quests, I wasn't able to finish it...
Oh yeah,talk about fee'z :( I can't buy fee'z from my phone cuz the servis in Algeria is broken :(( And I love the quest.
Last edited by sani (2012-04-23 19:58:51)
Can someone tell me how much the whole adventure cost so I can work out how much fee'z I need to buy.
I just noticed the chicken. Same for me,unfinishedd quest,but the only thing that's worth doing it is the japanese room,which I sincerely hope they will put it out on a sale.PLS!
iklovech wrote:
Can someone tell me how much the whole adventure cost so I can work out how much fee'z I need to buy.
From french: 220 $$$ for one ending and 220 $$$ + 55 $$$ + 150 feez = 275 $$$ + 150 feez for both
"I still call Australia, home~!"
Ugh, my home country or Japan? I'll save the last step and make my decision later.
Oh! The answers to the questions go as followed
1) Oceania
2) Canberra
3) Snowboarding
4) 10 x as big.
5) Blue, white & red
6) Shangai
Are we allowed to post a guide?
mikomi wrote:
From french: 220 $$$ for one ending and 220 $$$ + 55 $$$ + 150 feez = 275 $$$ + 150 feez for both
220$$$ ?? Now the numbers of $$$ are even bigger than before?
And it's weekly??
Gosh.. Feerik needs to re-think that
irock14 wrote:
Are we allowed to post a guide?
melody1231 wrote:
mikomi wrote:
From french: 220 $$$ for one ending and 220 $$$ + 55 $$$ + 150 feez = 275 $$$ + 150 feez for both
220$$$ ?? Now the numbers of $$$ are even bigger than before?
And it's weekly??
Gosh.. Feerik needs to re-think that
I agree...
And as for the rooms: really?!?! another terrace and another room that looks like a "two-parter" like Sarah's Birthday room. Before we know it, our lofts will be 100 stories tall. Remember the day when our whole "house" was what.... two stories?
I love this one.
sierradane wrote:
I agree...
And as for the rooms: really?!?! another terrace and another room that looks like a "two-parter" like Sarah's Birthday room. Before we know it, our lofts will be 100 stories tall. Remember the day when our whole "house" was what.... two stories?
I remember and I also remember how excited everyone was when there was an adventure with a room. Now we get them every month.
iklovech wrote:
sierradane wrote:
I agree...
And as for the rooms: really?!?! another terrace and another room that looks like a "two-parter" like Sarah's Birthday room. Before we know it, our lofts will be 100 stories tall. Remember the day when our whole "house" was what.... two stories?I remember and I also remember how excited everyone was when there was an adventure with a room. Now we get them every month.
I agree, they're less of a must have thing and more of a headache now. These new rooms mean I have to heavily rearrange a bunch of rooms in my condo I'd thought I'd completed. Oh well.
I love the fact that they have rooms but I also agree that it is too similiar to Sarah's room (and others) that we already have in our homes.
I'd really like another adventure with a duplex room - that is cool.
I like the japanese room ^^ too bad that it's the only thing i like about the adventure :( i might not do it.
Eh, I think I'll pass on this one. Too short on $$$ anyways after the flirt
Can't they redo any of the old rooms? I mean don't use the same adventure but so people who never even had a chance at getting the room can also get it. And we won't have an overly crowded house
angelfire wrote:
Can't they redo any of the old rooms? I mean don't use the same adventure but so people who never even had a chance at getting the room can also get it. And we won't have an overly crowded house
I would totally support this idea ^_^ Even though I'm still a relative new player here, I can tell that some of the rooms really look similar to the past rooms... And it would give a chance for new players to get old rooms, and let older players who wouldn't like to spend more feez/money/time to arrange their furniture, especially if they already have a similar room...
Sorry to bother you, but I'm confused. javascript:insert_text('%20',%20'');I finished one part of the quest, and I wanted to find out if, by paying the 150 feez, I will get the second room? Or do I pay the feez and then have to answer all the questions too? In a sense then I am paying 150+ for a room. Please let me know before the quest ends. Thank youjavascript:insert_text('
jenzg11 wrote:
Sorry to bother you, but I'm confused. javascript:insert_text('
%20',%20'');I finished one part of the quest, and I wanted to find out if, by paying the 150 feez, I will get the second room? Or do I pay the feez and then have to answer all the questions too? In a sense then I am paying 150+ for a room. Please let me know before the quest ends. Thank youjavascript:insert_text('
Do not try to use Javascript to change your text on the boards. If the function is not available then it is not something you're allowed to do.
I'll repeat what I said to you in a PM. You only have to buy the items for the last step on the ending you didn't chose.