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#1 2012-06-21 22:09:26

From: My Happy Place
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 121

Best Friend Doll Limit?????

I completed the Musical quest and chose the Rhianna ending over the Lady Gaga ending based solely on the "Best Friend" doll.  I was quite surprised (and dismayed) to receive the following message when I went to change from the default Sarah doll: "Are you sure you want ________ to be your best friend?  You still have (3) chance(s) of changing your best friend."

I personally do not like to play favorites with my friends; hence I do not have a "best friend” in real life.  The fact that I can only change my "best friend" three times is definitely a disappointment… one that I would not have paid $200 for had I known that my “friendship” was limited.

I do not see a reason for a limit on changing your friend with respect to coding issues.  Some people may like to invite some of their diva friends over for special occasions such as birthdays, or rotate through their friends list so as to not play favorites (like me).  On the U.S. site alone, there are over 250,000 players... and we are being told that our potential “friends” are limited to three?  I just don’t think this is reasonable given that almost everyone who uses social networking sites probably has hundreds of friends!  Also, what if you have a falling out with the last friend you chose?  You're stuck with a version of their doll constantly rubbing salt in your wound… a sad reminder that you don't want to delete because you paid $200 for it.  What if you make a new "bestie" who wasn't an OMD member before you used your choices up?  What if your “last chance” friend quits?  Or one of your real life friends joins down the road?  Too bad… you've already used your three changes!  In a worst case scenario, what happens if any one of your friends gets hacked and made over in the ugliest way possible (I’ve seen it happen)?  The possibilities for regret are endless... and I'm already regretting it without any of this happening.

I have two questions that I would really like answers to:

1)  Was this “clause” limiting your friends included in the original News post?  I don’t remember seeing it… and I can see that the News post has since been edited.
2)  What is the developer’s logic behind limiting the number of "friends" you can have?

I really hope that someone will take the time to consider the potential problems I have raised and provide a reply!

"I don't know what your generation's fascination is with
documenting your every thought... but I can assure you,
             they're not all diamonds." - Easy A

#2 2012-06-21 22:14:09

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

The "clause" of only being able to change the name 3 times was a part of the "news" area.  I agree, we should be able to change the name as many times as we'd like but because we can't, that's why the name I chose for my "best friend" doll is my RL daughter's doll so that none of my diva dolls feel slighted.

Here is where it states it:

Last edited by sierradane (2012-06-21 22:16:07)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2012-06-21 22:38:20

From: My Happy Place
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 121

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

I know it is part of the current News post... my question is was it included in the original News post... which was edited at some point after the adventure was introduced.  I honestly don't remember seeing it on the first day (nor does my mother, who has two daughters... so one of us would be slighted :P).

"I don't know what your generation's fascination is with
documenting your every thought... but I can assure you,
             they're not all diamonds." - Easy A

#4 2012-06-22 02:33:41

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

When I look at the news section of my doll, the below appears so I have to believe that it wasn't edited.  And the reason why I believe it wasn't edited and "added in," had it been then they would have corrected this part:

If you choose the first ending, you win the exclusive Pop Star job thanks to which you'll earn 777$$$ a day!

Important: once you've received the Best friend model, you can change her appearance by entering you best OMD friend's nickname. If you got it wrong, you can change your model by entering a new nickname. You can change your model 3 times maximum.

Also, I believe that if I had 2 daughters that played this game and by me naming that doll after one and not the other would hurt the feelings of the other... I'd just name it after one of my alts.  But then, that's just me.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#5 2012-06-22 11:49:23

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

I went back and looked at the News page on the main site. Whenever anything is posted on there, all spelling mistakes and other errors never get changed. So that's always the original format. It does state on that news post that you can only change the doll three times, so yes this is an original condition of getting the doll.

I personally am going to change it to one of my side accounts, that way no one's feelings will be hurt at all. Also it means I know that person won't leave... well not until I do.


#6 2012-06-30 01:20:24

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

It appears that the "when" has been answered, but there has been no clarification of the "why"... and I really am curious as to why the limit?  I can't see any significant issues that would necessitate one.

I have seen many comments from players, basically all unhappy about this condition.  Unfortunately these comments are scattered throughout various Forum posts (both News and Discussions) as well as in diva gossip, so they are not easy to quote... but they are there.

I'm going to add a few other "worst case" possibilities which have occurred to me since the original post... one as a direct result of the News wording, which I (and others) read as pertaining to misspelling your best friend's name (not a lifetime limitation... having now seen the pop-up message displayed on the Best Friend doll, this can obviously be read the other way, too.):

News: can change her appearance by entering you best OMD friend's nickname. If you got it wrong, you can change your model by entering a new nickname. You can change your model 3 times maximum.

1)  What if you do misspell your friend's name?  It's pretty safe to assume there goes one of your three choices.
*** I'm going to clarify my question, in case an incomplete explanation leads to a misunderstanding of my concern, before (if) someone replies.  Obviously, if you misspell a username and the wrong doll comes up... you have used one choice.  What happens if you mistype your friend's name (for instance, I have accidentally added a space before a username and gotten the "no member with that name exists" message)... if there is not an account associated with the incorrect name, does that eliminate one of your choices? ***
2)  What if your best friend has a Facebook username, which allows characters that cannot be entered into the "Search for a a Doll" field? (At least, last time I checked... I could neither type nor copy & paste a Facebook username successfully in the "Search" field.  Perhaps the Best Friend doll is different... I'm not going to waste a "choice" to test the theory.)
3)  What if your best friend commits some sort of egregious offense... and gets (or asks for) her account to be deleted?  Does your Best Friend doll get deleted as well... are you penalized for their actions?

I know the easy answer is to select one of your own dolls as your best friend... but that kind of takes away from the "Best Friend" concept... there's a song lyric I'm thinking about that discusses "friending" yourself (not in a flattering way :P)

I'm also going to toss in a suggestion:  Why not have your friend "choices" be "stored", so you can scroll between the THREE (if a limit is necessary) at will...  I'm picturing something along the lines of the "Send To (room)" menu, only with usernames instead.  This way, if one of the unthinkable scenarios occurs, you can choose a different name from your "friend" menu... plus, you can switch your friends around to suit the occasion, rather than this "all or nothing" approach.

Another suggestion, which I would be happy to post in the Ideas & Suggestions Forum (but that will lead to yet another place people are commenting about the Best Friend doll), that I have heard/seen multiple complaints about:  Fix the hair... it is not clickable, which is causing issues with dressing (and subsequently "wigging") your friend.

Last edited by n0regrets (2012-06-30 18:43:30)


#7 2012-06-30 07:12:54

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

I couldn't agree more with that last "suggestion" N0regrets...just for fun " NOT "...try putting a long haired friend in a bikini, the hair, since its stuck to the doll will end up under the clothes and it just looks bad, does the hair on that doll actualy change when your friend updates their hairdo? or does it stay in that save moment?..oh just give it a wig cut please! that would be greatly appreciated!


#8 2012-06-30 21:53:23

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

You know you turn the best friend doll into a copy of your doll. Just type your name, that's what I did.


#9 2012-07-02 21:45:23

Registered: 2007-07-18
Posts: 1208

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

Hi girls,

I do understand your confusion but as I answered in another topic a few days ago, there is a limit to the number of best friends one can have because it would be too heavy for the server if every doll spent her time changing her best friend.

Now n0regrets does ask a few interesting and important questions which I cannot answer just now, so I'm gonna ask the developer and I'll let you know as soon as I know.


#10 2012-07-03 02:59:20

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3285

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

Kudoes to n0regrets!
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#11 2012-07-14 15:35:01

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Best Friend Doll Limit?????

I'm not in any hurry for answers, but I'm not a prolific poster... so when I log onto the Forum, I tend to address those posts that I have made a note of all at once.

Just wondering if there is any new information regarding the Best Friend doll... including the potential problems listed here, the friend limitation (I would love to see the "stored" list implemented ^.^), and the hair issue (it is extremely difficult to find a wig which matches, or adequately covers, the doll's default hairstyle).  I'd also like to know the answer to a previously posted question (perhaps in a different thread)... does the Best Friend doll change appearances each time your friend gets a makeover (I'd guess yes)?

Until there is a little more information, I'm hesitant to commit to giving my Best Friend a new identity... I hope there is not a time limit on the renaming process!


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