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#1 2011-04-03 23:39:09

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Goth Girl Uni's irreverent Summer fashion show review

Here are some of my thoughts on the entries to this week's fashion show. I appreciate it when people dress their dolls according to the week's theme, and vote accordingly. I will usually vote for an average  in-theme outfit in preference to a totally gorgeous, but off-theme outfit.

terylana - beautiful, light and refreshing.
snowmoon - again a beautiful light outfit that  captures the essence of summer.
aljen26love - a practical and pretty summer ensemble.
aliya12 - a believable real life summer outfit.
tangailacail - that's a summer outfit all right. Nicely done. You have my vote.
msraven - beautiful, elegant, and practical
aleena88 - this one adds some summer warmth to the color palette, and still manages to be refreshing.
roxy - well balanced  black and white, with the nice touch of bare feet. It works for me.
angeldx - simple, uncluttered, and captures the essence of summer nicely.
alexe - fun and fluffy, and just so blue!
tsikoub - an interesting combination of clothing and hair that works well.
mnmfreak99 - while I'm not a fan of the anime-look faces, this doll comes together nicely.
typssy - another vote-worthy outfit that remains true to your doll's character.
hilldalgo - a late starter, but a lovely balance of dark hair against a beautiful white outfit.
gothgirluni (yeah - me) - in retrospect, it looks like you arrived a week late for last weeks show.
poome-jaune - that look may have won before, but it is SO LAST WEEK.
ladyisabella - were you running late? You would have been better off dropping the toothbrush and grabbing some shoes.
vicha, ilovefish, anubis196 - deja vu. Nice, but try something new next week. Fashion shows are all about what is new.
emomew - maybe true to your name, but the cosplay show is next door.
Gold evening dresses - not exactly summer, oh and look, the girl next to you has the exact same outfit! How embarrassing !
xxxxxxxx - the less said the better! Yes, you!

I didn't comment on your doll? That doesn't mean I didn't like it... then again, I may have hated it!

(And who am I to judge? Meh, I've just another voter - a VERY active voter. I looked, I saw what I liked, and thought it would be fun to comment. Note that these comments are made as a player, not as a moderator, and have nothing whatsoever to do with Feerik's view. Feel free to respond, but please, be kind. Try not to insult or hurt other players with what you write.)

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

#2 2011-04-04 13:31:23

Ancien joueur strawberrypink

Re: Goth Girl Uni's irreverent Summer fashion show review

Great Review


#3 2011-04-04 15:31:54

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Goth Girl Uni's irreverent Summer fashion show review

I wasn't mentioned because I didn't enter the Fashion show.  I still don't like it that they (Feerik) is forcing us to buy certain items from certain stores to be in the Fashion show.  It's just another way for them to make money.  I used to like to enter the Fashion show even though I never won.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 2011-04-04 19:05:37

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 850

Re: Goth Girl Uni's irreverent Summer fashion show review

i like your idea to send the own favorites! good and uhm... own opinion about the others XDDD

Friendship is...
if s/he congratulates you as good swimmer,
after you capsized at sailing =3
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#5 2011-04-04 19:27:55

Ancien joueur angel923

Re: Goth Girl Uni's irreverent Summer fashion show review

I agree. Nice judging.


#6 2011-04-08 04:26:07

Registered: 2010-12-23
Posts: 218

Re: Goth Girl Uni's irreverent Summer fashion show review

Do you do reviews every week? It's a cool idea :D star

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