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#1 2011-04-14 03:22:22

Registered: 2011-02-22
Posts: 93

New room ideas??

Help! I got a new room,, the living room number 2? But now I am all out of ideas for  decorating!!! Please give some  ideas that will help me out! Thank you!

#2 2011-04-14 09:35:41

Ancien joueur angel923

Re: New room ideas??

How to make a great room

1 - Shopping
1) Pick a theme. Think hard on this as it is VERY expensive to change it.
2) Open Wordpad, or any other word program - e.g Microsoft word.
3) Start looking around the shops. If you like it and it goes with the theme (try it on first!), put a picture of it on the word program, along with the shop, type and page number. Save it as a wishlist
4) Buy a floor and wallpaper first. It helps. Trust me.

2 - Decorating
1) Start buying the bigger items on your list - sofas, wardrobe curtains and windows.
2) Medium ones - tables etc.
3) Small ones - coffee, lamps.
4) Add any other items.
5) Look around. What can you add? Buy some more stuff.

3 - Result!
1) Does it look good?
2) What can you add to improve it?
3) Are there any other items from other rooms you could use?

And that's my guide...enjoy it, it took forever to make O.o

Last edited by angel923 (2011-04-14 09:37:33)


#3 2011-04-14 20:44:49

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 850

Re: New room ideas??

you can have a look at other dollz. mine are open for looking for ideas ^-^ for my us-doll just click on my name, for my german click here

Friendship is...
if s/he congratulates you as good swimmer,
after you capsized at sailing =3
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#4 2011-04-16 00:52:40

From: EXO
Registered: 2010-12-19
Posts: 1587

Re: New room ideas??

1) I figured that you need to think of the base of the room/ What it is used for.To you it may sound like a 'Living Room 2' but to me it sounds like 'I can use this room for anything!' So if you decide it'll just be a living room then I'm fine with that

2) So I'd mainly suggest that once you picked up the base theme, you'd want to make it snazzy and jazzy huh? Yeah lots of people wants to make it like that nowadays. So you want to go to a store that fits your theme. Like if you want to make it a work room, you may want or need to go to 4works. (Move around the stores and snatch items up)

3)Remember to check things off on a check list. So if you see an item that you want, save it on the computer (wordpad or such) or write it down on a piece of paper. Include the store, theme, page, and the cost so that you'd know when or where to get it.

4) I'd go shopping for the walls and the floors first so that you'd make sure that your items that you want would fit the walls and floors.
Hint: I'd get items that matches with my floors and or walls (it looks awfully better!)

5) Now shop for bigger items such as wardrobes, sofas, tables, beds, etc. This would cost more effect on your ohmydollars. Plus if you add up your total together!

6) Once you have all the steps ready to go, check your money and ask these simple questions:
1. Does it fit my room? Does one item takes too much space?
2. Is this really what I want and need? Check again to see if you want to remove an item on your checklist before you buy.
3. Do I have money left to buy an item more that I want? See your ohmydollars again.

7) Now that once you got everything ready. BEFORE YOU BUY:Check your ohmydollars and add the grand total up. Do you have enough money to buy everything? I'd save if I really want that item or everything or I'd remove some things off my checklist and add again until I reached my limit. Don't waste too much money because it's hard to earn it all back!

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