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#1 2011-08-18 11:31:04

Ancien joueur Amberleigh

Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

A little surprise awaits for you today on OhMyDollz : We are giving you an exceptional possibility to replay 1 of 3 old quests! This is the occasion to win exclusive furniture or items that you haven't already obtained! You can replay only 1 quest out of the following 3 below:

- Best Friend : You will be able to win the bedroom "Best Friend" and the model of the Best Friend.

- Angel and Demon: You can win the furniture "Paradise" or "Inferno".

- A Thousand and One Nights/ Arabian Nights (Saint Valentin 2010) : You could win the furniture "A Thousand and One Nights".

You will also receive all the gifts that correspond to each quest!

Important :
- To replay a quest it will cost 150 Fee'z + the $$$that correspond to each step.
- You can only play one quest out of the 3 proposed.
- If you chose to replay a quest you have already played, you will win the same gifts except for the unique furniture.

You have until September 11, 2011 to replay the quest of your choice. Enjoy the game on OhMyDollz !


#2 2011-08-18 11:38:49

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

This is totaly awesome! gai There is two I want to do but I can only choose one. pleur Where do we go to do this? Or should we first have 150 fee'z?


#3 2011-08-18 11:42:26

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Im a bit confused, are we going to get to do an ENTIRE adventure over.   Or just be able to get bits and pieces of them?

Last edited by cocobelle (2011-08-18 11:45:00)


#4 2011-08-18 11:49:43

From: Romania
Registered: 2010-03-28
Posts: 2516

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

This is nice but unfortunately i don't have feez pleur

#5 2011-08-18 11:57:59

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

cocobelle wrote:

Im a bit confused, are we going to get to do an ENTIRE adventure over.   Or just be able to get bits and pieces of them?

You do the whole adventure over. If you done the adventure before and didn't delete the things you need to finish it then you'll get through it fast. I'm doing the Heaven & Hell adventure. I already have the first 2 rounds finished for I kept the things I needed so I didn't have to buy them again. The stuff you already have you don't have to buy again.

Only part that sucks I would have like to do the best friend one to. I really would like an extra doll but the Heaven & Hell adventure have two rooms so it wins.


#6 2011-08-18 13:41:24

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1562

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Few months ago: ''God, please let us replay adventures!''
Today: ''There is God! O_O''
Thank you FEERIK \(^o^)/


#7 2011-08-18 14:06:12

Registered: 2010-07-28
Posts: 804

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Does any one know how much the  Best Friend quest cost??
Made by Arlekinlain

#8 2011-08-18 14:11:32

Ancien joueur chi-hiro

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

do you get paradise and hell room if the you do that adventure? or do u have to pick... because there is a plus sign for the rooms, but is says win inferno furniture  or  paradise furniture quoi


#9 2011-08-18 14:16:29

From: Germany
Registered: 2010-06-21
Posts: 850

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

i think, because you can choose an adventure, you will do the adventure like before

think of it:
if you do the angel&deamon-adventure, you have to pay 150 Feez before you do, and between the 2 rooms. so together 300 Feez

Last edited by asami (2011-08-18 14:20:37)

Friendship is...
if s/he congratulates you as good swimmer,
after you capsized at sailing =3
My actual contest searching for participants

#10 2011-08-18 14:52:26

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 18

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Does anyone know where the guides are for these? I found the Angels and Demons one here: but I can't find the others...


#11 2011-08-18 14:53:27

Registered: 2010-08-28
Posts: 244

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Thank You so much, for this opportunity is greatly appreciated. I've dreamed of this ever since "we" had to come over here from the other MDD site. I cried when I had to loose my bestfriend room/character. I'm going to do my best and see if I can buy some feez for this. My prayers have been answered. This may sound silly to some, but this was some of the best items that I enjoyed owning. AGAIN! *tear* tear* I still can't believe this is real lol. Thank You Again!!!

Fabulosity (n) 1. a state of everything that is fabulous. 2. a quality ascribed to that which expresses glamour, style, charisma, power, and heart.

#12 2011-08-18 15:07:02

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 98

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Thank you OMD, now I'm able to obtain one of the rooms that I lost

frenchmeese wrote:

Does anyone know where the guides are for these? I found the Angels and Demons one here: but I can't find the others...

As for the rewards you can look here [German forum]:


#13 2011-08-18 15:36:58

Registered: 2010-09-16
Posts: 41

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Do U get the arabianroom with the arabianightquest this time too


#14 2011-08-18 15:52:47

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 98

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

icequeen88 wrote:

Do U get the arabianroom with the arabianightquest this time too

Yes, you will get it if you finish the last step of adventure


#15 2011-08-18 16:17:59

From: Candy Land
Registered: 2011-06-12
Posts: 495

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Im still confused? In the Angel vs Devil one... Will you get both rooms or just 1?

#16 2011-08-18 16:39:20

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

sparklehearts wrote:

Im still confused? In the Angel vs Devil one... Will you get both rooms or just 1?

I want to know that too.


#17 2011-08-18 16:53:21

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 26

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

I hope they do this again. I would LOVE to get back all the rooms and items I lost when MDD went down. Had a hard time choosing which one to do though, Arabian or friend. I chose friend but darn the Arabian room was one of my favorites out of those two choices.


#18 2011-08-18 17:23:25

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

No you'll only get one room on the Angel or Devil quest.


#19 2011-08-18 19:47:36

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

I'm so happy! I hope OMD dose this again! I am so going to do arabia night quest! I loved that room!


#20 2011-08-18 20:43:07

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

love I hope they do this again (with the fairy forest or the bloodroses in different months)
thank you Feerik!

*thinks if should buy feez for the best friend quest or save real money for another possible 2nd chance*

hm... *sticks a needle in the own finger* OUTCH! i'm not dreaming! yay! applau

Last edited by darkjewels (2011-08-18 20:44:02)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#21 2011-08-18 21:45:22

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

anyamalfoy wrote:

No you'll only get one room on the Angel or Devil quest.

This sucks I really would have liked to have both rooms. That's why I chose that one.If I knew that I would have gone for the best friend one. pleur


#22 2011-08-19 02:56:49

From: Termina
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 3592

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

; A ; I don't have any fee'z...

Ah well, I guess I can just save up for the next one. I'm still happy that we get to replay the adventures though!

#23 2011-08-19 08:53:00

Registered: 2010-09-16
Posts: 41

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

to bad they did´nt put up the fariytale/forestquest, next time pretty please


#24 2011-08-19 09:02:35

From: Luck Land - Ireland
Registered: 2010-02-20
Posts: 14

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

I always wanted this, and when I saw this I thought OMD can read my mind   fete

Smile will save the world!!!

#25 2011-08-19 09:08:46

From: City of Love
Registered: 2011-05-07
Posts: 384

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

I really love this, but so sad my country not available anymore for buying fee'z .... pleur

Last edited by juliana3mmy (2011-08-19 09:11:42)

Beautiful comes from inside >3

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