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#26 2012-08-25 15:02:26

Registered: 2012-08-21
Posts: 1

Re: Send me your Questions!

Is there any other way we can get more $$$ other than 'JOB',etc?I know that we can buy Feez and $$$ but I don't want to use MY MONEY to buy those...quoi


#27 2012-08-26 09:25:16

Registered: 2011-07-07
Posts: 267

Re: Send me your Questions!

I have some random questions ;)

Does OMD takes some place into your heart ?  Would you be sad if you should close it ?

What would you really like to change in OMD but for some reson you can't ?

Do you have your role model or something that inspires you ?

Have you ever wanted to quit and close OMD ?

What's your favorite song at the moment ?

What's you favorite quote ?

I don't any idea what to ask more :'D


#28 2012-09-02 19:10:01

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Send me your Questions!

1) The minimum cost for adventures is $199 and goes up from there... yet the "base" salary is only $6, which nets approximately $180 a month.  So, most players cannot even complete a single adventure at this rate, even if they don't make any additional purchases... much less the two or three that have become the norm.  Is it possible that you would consider a $7 base salary ($210/month), which would bump "exclusive" salaries to $8... so that everyone could complete at least one adventure, irregardless of their ability to purchase Fee'z?

2)  I know a majority of players are inundated with an overload of stuff... mostly collected during the course of adventures (not as a matter of choice), much of which will never be used.  There is overwhelming support for a "marketplace"... I would think most players would welcome the opportunity to "trade" items "white elephant" style, if there are too many issues with income being generated by selling them.  After all, once man's trash is another man's treasure :P  Do you think there will ever be a "marketplace" available on OhMyDollz?

3)  While I cannot speak with certainty to the exact age demographic that OhMyDollz targets... I am guessing it is primarily adolescent girls, most of which do not have a credit or debit card.  I am guessing that those who have cell phone do not have parental authorization to make virtual purchases that way, either.  It has been suggested that an OMD "currency (gift) card" would address both of these issues... will we ever see one?

4)  Currently, the prizes for the Fashion Show are $60, $30, and $15 for first, second, and third places respectively.  I rarely enter the Fashion Show and, when I do, I try to utilize pieces I already own... but I also try to put together a unique and creative outfit, which often means shopping for additional items.  There is also the requirement that at least two component pieces come from specific stores.  It is not unusual for me to spend upwards of $50, which only garners me the chance to earn $60 maximum.  There are some amazing outfits (especially on the French site) that I know far exceed the prize money.  Other online games offer Fashion Show prizes that are more in line with the actual cost of the outfits, and your own OhMyLoft show has a significantly greater reward... do you think it would be reasonable to adjust the Fashion Show prizes?


#29 2012-09-04 06:42:50

Ancien joueur noetshep

Re: Send me your Questions!

I need friends and i can not find any i know to play the game with. How do i get friends?applau applau


#30 2012-09-04 15:22:21

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Send me your Questions!

sarah wrote:

Hi girllz!

You dream of being a journalist? This message is for you! In early September a photo-interview will be published in which I will answer your questions!

You have until September 2nd inclusive to post your questions here.

We will select several questions of yours, I will answer them and we will set up a photo-interview!

Good game on OhMyDollz!

I wonder what day her interview will be available?
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#31 2012-10-04 10:18:38

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Send me your Questions!

Was the interview ever taped and published? Maybe it's on the French boards?

(Sorry I have trouble finding things on the French boards so I didn't really look too hard on them.)

I know the team is busy doing lots of things but I know some of us would love to hear the answers to the new questions that were posted. 



#32 2012-10-04 13:13:02

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Send me your Questions!

I'd be interested to find out as well.  And yes, that French board can be confusing; even with the Chrome automatic language translator.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#33 2012-10-16 19:06:49

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Send me your Questions!

Hmm.. it has been a while..

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#34 2012-10-16 22:56:02

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Send me your Questions!

I don't know how to get to her blog. Are the answers to the questions there?
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#35 2012-10-18 00:11:46

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Send me your Questions!

I think I found it. Posted here what I found on Sarah's Feerik blog Translated using Google translate!!!!!!!:

Posted on September 12, 2012

Hello girls!

'' 2 weeks ago, I proposed to send me your questions by email and I received almost 400! My team has made a selection of twenty questions I answered with pleasure, as a photo-interview. '' Good read!

OhMyDoll 5 years, what do you feel?

I am very happy to celebrate a happy birthday game! It is a pride to see that OhMyDoll always finds its audience through the years. We realize the path in 5 years and we made plans on the comet for years to come ^ ^

Today, what you occupy yourself on OhMyDollz? and in Feerik?

We founded the company in 2005 FEERIK with my husband, we started in 2007 and OhMyDoll a third partner joined us in 2008. Today I am the president of the company and also the artistic director. When you're leading a company like ours, we do a little of everything. My main job will be to determine the guideline of the graphic universe of Feerik but I will also illustrate certain products, manage the business strategy, the various projects, human resources, etc.. OhMyDoll today, I am mostly graphical validation and I took the time to communicate more with my small players ^ ^

Do you like your job?

I think this does not work if you do not like it. Feerik is born of the passion of the game, and internet graphics fairy world. Its energy comes from imagination, creativity and the desire to do so. Things that seem directly related to the passion I have for my work. I often say that it is "my baby". Feerik was for me a very special value, a strong personality and will never resemble to any other company. ^ ^

I'm serious, is not it: p?

If we had told you before the creation of the game that you would be the artistic director of a gaming company, how would you react?

I may have struggled to believe. I wanted above all to do something that I love and share my passion with my husband. When we created "Raise a Dragon," we do not expect such a success. And then, we have continued to create games, the future of Feerik has emerged over the years and with our roles. Feerik before, I've never said, "You will be entrepreneur or even artistic director." I was 22 at the time, I was barely in my studies. We started with nothing. My husband and I just modest family who does not entrepreneurs. My work now involves great responsibility, but I have learned and continue to learn. This is an outstanding professional and human experience.

Is qu'OhMyDollz began to have success when it opened? If not, at what point?

OhMyDoll immediately was what we called in a "hit". From the first day, we had outstanding results. We knew we had a good concept. Usually this is how it goes with us. We know in a few days if the game will be a hit, or an average game unfortunately a flop. By the second year we began to hire some people and gradually a little more each year to develop the game and give the size it is today.

It is difficult to manage 11 million registered? Is it complicated daily (bugs, dollz "bizarre" ...)? You do not have tired sometimes?

A site like OhMyDoll asked to make arrangements. We have a team that is organized on each pole of the game development, game design, graphic design, community management, support and also to the international translation. Everything must be orchestrated so that better players have a quality service. We're human, sometimes we are disappointed to read some reactions but as professionals we must take a step back, accept criticism and suggest improvements and innovations that appeal to the greatest number. In all cases, we often messages of encouragement and small words so cute love that smile always comes quickly! ^ ^

Do you have any new projects for this game? Or will you create another game?

Of course, we still have projects to improve and develop OhMyDollz! That said, it remains a secret. ^ ^ We always other development projects within Feerik must constantly renew itself. But this should not involve abandoning a project into production.

What are your favorite games?

My reference set is "The Knights of Baphomet." I love scenario games with funny dialogue and puzzles to solve which one is immersed in a fantasy or historical. I found this fun game Assassin's Creed.Après I love music games Guitar Hero and kind of dance for those parts of laughs with friends!

What do you do in your free time?

Since I work all day at a computer, the first thing I wanted to do when I leave the job is to get some fresh air! After all we are not made to stay shut, and then we have a beautiful area and often times better! So I often walk with my dog ​​in my scrub so beautiful, do trips, listening to music or read a good book when it's too cold and I like dancing. And of course, I need to unwind, so any excuse is good to see my friends! And family always important to recharge!

Who else is working with you on OhMyDollz?

We are a fortnight:

Six-freelance designers working with us on OhMyDoll: Cristina, Lea, Christine, Mary, Julie, Florian. We also Dafne, graphic internally, which is the only one working in the local Feerik. It also participates find ideas for jeu.Les other designers work at home to Lyon and Paris

Raphaëlle is designeuse-game. It was she who invented the quests and participating in finding ideas for new features in the game

-Nico and William are developers: they are the ones who plan everything!
webdesigner-Mathieu is: it creates the design of the pages and banners. He often ideas!

Marion is in charge of supporting Feerik: it goes on the forum regularly to check that all is well and if there are no bugs. It is she who receives messages when you click on "Contact Us".

Maud is responsible to know OhMyDoll, it follows that it is advertising on TV, in magazines or on the internet.

-Tuesday, we welcomed a new recruit: Valentine. She will take care of the dollz community. You see, she'll organize super contest ^ ^

-We also regularly trainees. At this time, we have Mary. She did a lot of things: a true Swiss Army knife. It helps to Raphaëlle quests and took care of the big competition this summer for example.

Thibaud, my husband, who is involved in ideas for improving the game, works on marketing with Maud and ensures smooth development.

The super team almost complete OhMyDoll

How is the atmosphere at the office?

As you know, we really do not work in "office" but in a very nice house. Suddenly, the atmosphere suffers: it is not really an atmosphere of "office"! The atmosphere is relaxed and we pride ourselves sometimes laughter. It is a pleasure to come to work! This exceptional work is very important to keep a team motivated. But do not imagine that we spend the day to have fun!

Is that players of OhMyDoll may one day be part of the team?

Why not! All positions we are currently looking to fill are available here on the site Feerik. You can also send us an unsolicited application. Obviously, you, the players, are advantaged because you already know the game very well!

How do you create quests, dredges and news? You have many inspirations!

We draw first films or books that we have liked, and then we also follow the news for being in the shot. We also consult regularly the topics of New Ideas on the forum. We also take into account your needs through surveys that are made from time to time. As you can see, you, the players, are our best source of inspiration!

You're a bit of a role model for young girls and adults who play OhMyDoll, right? How do you take?

Being a model is a big word. But I hope that my journey will desire and motivation to young people to follow their dreams and do not be discouraged, because in life, nothing is impossible, but we must provide the means ! I'm very flattered to see that some of you will want to become a graphic designer or to create their own game It goes without saying that it is a fantastic job!

Nevertheless, many players criticize you. Is not it difficult to withstand these harsh criticism or unjustified?

Critics do not affect me personally, they return to our work. When they are fair and well-reasoned, they are interesting and should be read and think. Unwarranted criticism, often motivated by jealousy or hatred absurd to our work, I do not take into account simply.

Sarah, when you log on OhMyDollz, is to work or sometimes you play as a single player?

Yes, sometimes I sometimes play like you ;) But most of the time I connect my loft to arrange and come on the forum.

Does it feel like to be in the skin of a doll?

If I believe that I can change hair as I see fit, my tan again in 2 seconds, have clothes dream in one click and redo the decor of my house in a few minutes. Yes it can be good to be a doll! ^ ^

What do you like most about OhMyDoll? The opportunity to express their personality and creativity? Make new friends? Decorate? The ability to change your doll according to your mood?

What I like is that I can create an imaginary world. My doll can change clothes and decoration in a few clicks according to my mood and what I want to do. There are no constraints in Ohmydollz, I am free to do what I want, be who I want. My Doll can go to the beach in the month of February, visit an enchanted forest, playing rock star or from the other side of the world. It can fabulous adventures, meet the stars ... Little, I always needed to invent stories, presumably to escape the daily. Qu'OhMyDollz I think is a great medium to dream.

What is your proudest moment?

Have created a company that allows dozens of people to live their passion. I believe that in the current context, it is a precious thing and I am proud to participate with them.

The beautiful villa Feerik our workplace ^ ^

And finally, a word to all Dollz?

I am very touched by the affection that many dollz carry me. Ohmydollz it's a bit baby then I also have great affection for all players. I take great pleasure to discuss with you. The blog, fb page ... All this can bring us together. I thank all our players to participate in this great adventure and help us through their fidelity to continue to live our passion. Feerik this is a business but it is also and foremost a human adventure. If I have any advice to give all dollz is dreaming his life and live your dreams and most importantly, enjoy every moment.

I made major kisses and tell you soon on OhMyDollz!
....................................... End of Interview......................................................
Also, any idea what this new project she was talking about in another post. She posted this picture along with it:

She wrote on it:
Hello girls!

I hope you are well!

Here it is all gray, it looks like summer is over!

Okay, I've got work and then I took the opportunity to move forward on our new project! I can not tell you too but I thought you'd be happy to have a glimpse of this new game preview! So girls what do you think? I hope you like it ^ ^ I'm curious if you have an idea of ​​what type of game it could be ...

A feedback girls!


Last edited by darkelfqueen (2012-10-18 00:49:36)


#36 2012-10-21 00:55:12

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: Send me your Questions!

Thanks for posting the interview.  Not sure what the new project is.  OMD2, perhaps?


#37 2012-10-21 03:15:47

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Send me your Questions!

When looking at the Facebook page then looking at those who have "LIKED" it, then looking at someone with the last name of Feerik, I found one of their "LIKE" pages led to a Facebook Game with the picture above (doll with pink pants).  I can't remember the name of that game but when I tried to play it like one would when starting up a new Facebook game, it led to a page that wouldn't work.  So my guess is that it might have something to do with a Facebook page.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#38 2012-10-22 02:03:13

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Send me your Questions!

Thanks for posting this interview. I'm a little saddened that it wasn't posted on our boards sooner by the company. I can see from the interview that there are a few individuals working for the company but still...if you ask the English speaking forum to post questions, it only seems polite to post the answers on their forum. 

I love the sense of community we have but it seems like some things are slipping by us.


#39 2012-10-22 02:25:03

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Send me your Questions!

It was the same issue with the magazine. It's in french even on our site. And I don't think they even answered any of our questions in the interview...Feerik, we exist!


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