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Melde dich mit den selben Logindaten wie im Spiel an :) Du brauchst dich nicht noch einmal neu zu registrieren.

#1 2011-05-02 17:16:17

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Votes Exchange Rules

1) Any threads must comply with the Game and Board Rules.

2) This is the vote Exchange board. Threads must be only post on that topic in here.

3) Each person may only create one thread. If your thread is closed you may however create a new one.

4) State exactly what you're looking for. Is it daily votes? Occasional voters? Just a few extra votes to help you achieve a trophy?

5) Be creative. Tell us about yourself and your condo.

6) If you promise votes in return, make sure you fulfil your promises.

7) Threads with no replies after 2 weeks will be locked. Then they will be deleted after a month.


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