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#1 2011-05-04 18:00:43

Ancien joueur xcherri101

~Cherri~ F-S Review ♥

This is a quick and snappy, but constructive and happy, F-S review. If I've missed you, it is either because I want to save you the humiliation, OR because I haven't seen your outfit.
Feel free to post here about what you agree on, what you disagree on.. and a note asking me to see your, possibly gorgeous or appauling, ensemble.

On to the review!

Drab Outfits:

marionette ~ Your high-heel shoes and tights are great! But your head seems to be wearing a skirt.
vanel0601 ~ You look too hip for a tomboy, but still stylish. I'll still give you my vote, after all: You tried.
sweetheartslovesong ~ You COULD possibly wear some jeans instead of shorts. That would make you fab.
dristym09 ~ You were so going to make my fab list! Why did you have to wear that denim skirt?!
flavounette ~ Wearing a pink evening gown doesn't do you justice for this particular fashion show honey!
utrotokogato ~ This outfit is a bit of a dissapointment. I can't decide what theme your outfit will come under.

Fab Outfits:

born2bstar ~ On theme, and astonishing! You've definitely got my vote!
picalill ~ Oh-My-Dollz; you're beautiful!
cocobelle ~ I had to faint in adoration to get my eyes off your outfit for atleast one second! TOTALLY stunning.
otherunicorn ~ I cannot put this into words! Breath-taking.
unii ~ Call the ohmydollz goddess, 'cause a gothic angel just fell out the sky! Nearly all the goth's are on off-theme. YOU, my dear, have won a vote.
fairykisses ~ Not much I can say! You made the fab list, because you are a fashion icon!
taybabe12 ~ Amazing, and in season too! Lovin' the sunglasses!
missdolly ~ Tomboy and casual, and very chic!
sierradane ~ A whiff of tomboy, and a scent of girliness. The ball finishes off your outfit nicely!
diamon ~ Gothic, casual and a sniff of tomboy. I must say, that's an original way of getting into this list.
kopuste ~ Not the best, I must say.. but it's still on theme, so I'll hand you that.
pufke ~ A little bit gothic on the makeup, but your jeans JUST scratched you onto this list. Be proud!
sarounet98 ~ Like kopuste, not the greatest, but still pulled it off. Change the hair possibly. You just scraped the list.

Off Theme:

april ~ Too elegant. (Looking great though)
chillista ~ Gothic[?] (Still pretty)
zoey900 ~ Again, too elegant. (You look gorgeous though!)
laurelali ~ A tad too elegant. (Pretty though)
peila ~ Nice warrior look.. (I mean that!)
xxcozyxx ~ Gothic[?] (Isn't it a smidge too much?)
kenose ~ A mix between Gothic and Elegant (But a very nice look!)
lily-petal ~ Over the top with the elegance! (Should of entered last weeks F.S!)
megfreak ~ Not a lot to say.. its on theme, and it's not.. Casual[?] (Nice look though)


Last edited by xcherri101 (2011-05-04 21:18:52)


#2 2011-05-05 19:04:56

Ancien joueur sweetkisses

Re: ~Cherri~ F-S Review ♥ some issues i agree mang


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