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#1 2013-04-22 22:54:38

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 1445

Dove advert

hey guys ^^

i was wondering if anyone have seen the new dove advert? , if you didn't go type "Dove Real Beauty Sketches" totally worth it :D

i usually dont bother watching adverts that come before some videos on youtube but this one i couldnt just skip it , its really amazing :) watch it and tell me your opinion.
if thats how strangers see you, then wow thats awesome :D i donno about you but this advert made me happy XD

also if you know any other awesome adverts that are worth watching, please mention them <33

have a nice day ^^


#2 2013-04-22 23:49:03

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: Dove advert

Hayley, I cried in it. I am not kidding. I put my hand over my mouth and cried. It was amazing. Very amazing. It's!

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2013-04-22 23:49:19)


#3 2013-04-22 23:53:46

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Dove advert

I used to skip it but because of this I watched and OMG! It's so beautiful!
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#4 2013-04-23 00:58:39

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: Dove advert

Oh my God... This was beautiful! Almost made me cry. I've always loved dove's message, and what they believe in(:
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#5 2013-04-23 03:01:50

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Dove advert

Oh my god... I needed that
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
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#6 2013-04-23 15:20:13

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Dove advert

I have seen it, and at first I liked it.

But then I realized that the only women who are portrayed in this advert are probably under 50, and the resounding comments that come across from people are "she had a nice thin face, thin chin, bright blue eyes" etc. They seem to be almost reinforcing the idea that thin and young is the standard of 'beauty' in our society.

Maybe I'm just playing Devil's Advocate, or maybe it's just something to think about with the ad. The other side of the coin, per se.

#7 2013-04-25 12:23:57

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Dove advert

All it did was make me feel even more worst about myself.


#8 2013-04-25 16:49:04

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 1445

Re: Dove advert

iklovech : why :O ?? it was a very simple and touching advert

snortmort: hmm well you are right they are all under 50, but the people they brought in the advert were normal looking people not super pretty or anything which made it more touching ... at least for me
but maybe you are right i donno XD i just never thought of it this way.


#9 2013-04-25 18:42:19

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Dove advert

Because I don't think I'm beautiful or anything special.


#10 2013-04-27 11:35:22

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: Dove advert

I think Snortmort has a point there but still, what I think they want to transmit is not that but how you see yourself.
Lets review:
Notice the sketches between how the person saw herself and how others saw the same person. In almost all of them, the 1st sketch has a rounder, chubbier face with a large chin, a heavy frown, sad eyes, etc. On the 2nd, however, the sketch shows the same person with a slimmer chin, bigger/more proportional face, a more angular face, that reaches the standards of "prettier".
What you should take from here is not who is portraited but how people see the portraited person comparing to the person's point of view.

iklovech said it only made her feel worse: this is the 1st sketch.
If someone else sees her and SAY how they see her, it will be different: that's the 2nd sketch.

You should not just notice how the person is (blue eyes, blond hair, fair skin, etc) because there was an african-descendent lady so, don't say that. They did choose many people of different "faces". What's important here is that you yourself are so self conscious that you cannot see beyond your "flaws" which were what each person was saying of themselves (1st sketch) while the others that saw the person did not care about their flaws or they actually liked them (2nd sketch).

It is an effort to change how you feel about yourself trying to make it closer to how you are seen. Feeling and seeing is different. How many people feel fat and are actually quite thin?
Which is healthier? To feel bad about yourself and only focus on your "negatives" (1st sketch)? Or to understand that you are seen differently and more positively (2nd sketch)?

Trying to use some poetry, the night is a bad thing: you cannot see, you can only feel and therefore your mind will work and imagine. A little flower might feel like a bugmonster in the darkness!! So, Alberto Caeiro (as an example), only believed what he saw during the day, at the sun light, when he could really see how things are; when he could really see it was a flower and not a bugmonster.
You are not a bugmonster like you feel right now; you are a flower, you just haven't found how to leave the darkness of the night and believe the sun.
That's what the advert is about.

I had also seen the previous Dove advert. If I am not mistaken, they made a photoshop action called "Beautify" that was supposed to have all the correct effects to make a photo of a person prettier (bright, contrast, tint, reduce this and that, etc). It was downloaded a LOT!
Truth was: the "Beautify" action actually reverted any effect the photograph already had, turning to its most original form because that's how the person is beautiful - With no effects.

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