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#1 2013-07-16 17:15:06

Registered: 2012-07-07
Posts: 158

I need some help!!!

This year I did a lot of things for my sister. This month is my birthday and I told my mother that I want a new dress for my birthday party , but the answer was NO! It `s not fair! My sister always gets what she wants !    I need someone who can help me! Please!


#2 2013-07-16 22:54:59

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: I need some help!!!

First of all, Diana, you're not your sister. You don't have to have every thing she gets too nor at the same time.

Take me as an example. I am now 18, I was left alone since age 6 during mornings and afternoons because my parents worked a lot and I always had straight As and I would get slapped if I ever did anything wrong.
My sister is only 11 and she has always had the best. At the age of 6 she got a cellphone while I, at the same age, was going to school alone on foot passing streets and I was not allowed to have a phone. She recently failed a class for 3 months, no one yelled at her; I once failed a test and I got a hell of a preech. She only has brand clothing, whenever she wants (last month she bought two pairs of Vans in 2 weeks while my last shoes were bought one year ago) and I always got the hand-me-outs from my mother and aunts when they used bad outfits.

I was also like you for a while "Why does she have it and I don't? I do more than her!" but the answer is: You shall be payed in your time the amount you deserve.
When I turned 18, my mother gave me a new laptop, a new cellphone (an Android, pretty recent), wifi and my father gave me 200€ to spend whatever way I wanted and I've been getting more freedom as well. So, in my point of view, I am being payed. It took a while but it came. And I cannot complain.

I'd advise you to wait a bit more. Your time will come too and you'll get what you deserve (not want you want but it can be implicit). Just wait, aight?

Last edited by janghyunae (2013-07-16 22:56:18)

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