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#1 2013-08-18 02:26:57

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Celebrities Then And Now

So many celebrities have changed over the years. Some for better, while others, for worse. Here is a topic where we rage, in the nicest way possible, about stars that have changed for better or for worse. Here's my list of celebrity changes that I love, hate, and just don't understand. Let's take a look.

Celebrity Changes That I Love

1. Justin Bieber -- What happened to you ? I'm still a Belieber, and I will be forever, but... I just don't know. I'm not sure if I like that you changed or not. I'm still confused on this one. I pray for you. I wish you were the chipper, happy, caring young boy you once were. And by the way, that was only THREE years ago, Justin. But I still love you. Forever & Always.

Celebrity Changes That I Don't Like, But Don't Hate

1. Justin Bieber -- What happened to you ? I'm still a Belieber, and I will be forever, but... I just don't know. I'm not sure if I like that you changed or not. I'm still confused on this one. I pray for you. I wish you were the chipper, happy, caring young boy you once were. And by the way, that was only THREE years ago, Justin. But I still love you. Forever & Always.

2. Carly Rae Jepsen -- Um...Well, see, you didn't exactly change all THAT much. Not really. But I'm leaning right in the middle for this one. I just...I don't know. You're all grown up, and...just...I don't know.

Celebrity Changes That I Hate

1. Taylor Swift -- Oh, Taylor. Where do I begin ? What happened to you ? You were the LAST person I EVER expected to change. I mean, really. You, the sweet little country girl who wasn't afraid to show the world who she was, always singing about how it's okay to be you, to be different. Fashionable. Beautiful. Country. Now, you're a POP girl. Pop. POP. You don't sing Country anymore, your still beautiful, IMO, but less, and you're fashionable, but...Not really, like, a more personal style. Like, when you were Country, everything was YOU. Now, it's more...Media. Media clothes on the girl who doesn't care about what the media thought of her. Wow. Just, Wow. Still a Swiftie, will be forever & always, but...I miss the old Taylor.

2. Miley Cyrus -- Okay, so this really ties in for first place with Taylor Swift, but it's second, anyways. You, too, were Country -- Like, SUPER Country, even Cowgirl, really -- And you, too, became a Pop girl. So you were like, a teensy bit Pop in your music, but NOT in your personality. You, too, were an innocent, funny, cool, sweet little country girl, who went from fab to drab in a few seconds. Now, you're hair is a city-girl, modern blonde, upright style, you don't cover up well, and your songs, IMO, are not appropriate and talk about things that are terrible and gross. Even your style is changed. I miss the old Miley. Not sure if I'm still a Smiler...Sigh.

More to come soon.

Last edited by subway1 (2013-08-18 02:27:31)

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#2 2013-08-18 02:32:38

Registered: 2011-02-19
Posts: 4980

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

There already a kind of topic that was posted before yours so... here is the topic:

#3 2013-08-18 06:27:42

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

All I gotta say is that celebrities are people, too. I can say a lot of people I know do things and act like how a lot of those celebrities do, and nobody cares about them. But when celebrities do it, the whole world comes down on them.
They should be allowed to do the same as the rest of us "commoners" even if it's not a good thing, without everyone busting their brains over it.

#4 2013-08-18 13:11:37

From: I am located in England
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 3342

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

It's not all bad. This isn't music, but actors. I love all three of these. But the ones you said. I agree

Last edited by picalilll (2013-08-18 13:13:16)

You can't feel me, no
Like I feel you
I can't steal you, no
Like you stole me

#5 2013-08-18 13:14:34

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

I don't understand how you can say you hate Taylor's changes and not like but not hate Justin's.
JB's changes are like even more extreme!!!!
His song came from nice soft pop to this weirdo dubstep pop rap thing. Then, his style also changed from nice boy-next-door to this low-waisted rapper jejemon thing. HIS PERSONALITY THOUGH. LIKE HE'S BEING FILED FOR ASSAULT CHARGES AND MIGHT BE BANNED FROM AMERICA?????????
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
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Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#6 2013-08-18 13:37:50

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

All of the people mentioned above, I have them all. Especially JB and Miley. In fact, I hated then even before they 'changed'. Taylor is bearable and let's not talk about Carly.

Did you know Miley isn't even her real name? It's actually Destiny Hope Cyrus and apparently cause she used to smile at lot they nicknamed her Miley. Though now I think it should be Tonguey because of the way she kept sticking it out in 'We Can't Stop'.


Last edited by malu (2013-08-18 13:38:14)

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#7 2013-08-18 15:28:15

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

Oqei so... Out of all those Subway mentioned... The one I actually liked was Taylor Swift. I actually liked when she started all country princess. It was nice.
That Romeo and Juliette kinda song she has, it has that everyday lyrics, yes. You're a boy, I'm a girl, I like you lots, lets be prince and princess and live happily ever after. But the major difference was the melody! Whilst every other artist has that synth pop-ish sound, she had country and that was what I liked about her.
I guess it just started to get too limited to her popularity so she tried to go and do other kinds of music and it went wrong. My sister is a huge 1directioner and she was the one that would keep me update on the Taylor thing with Harry Styles (am I the only one that actually calls him as Hairy Styles?) and she was like "I don't get that dumb blond girl! She had Harry trying to get "closer" to her and she starts to talk about antique stuffs! He even said he "lost it"! What kind of girl is her that preferes to talk about antique than to be with a guy?!"
And that I actually liked... Dating isn't all about doing that... You're supposed to be comfortable talking about anything, even antique stuff! Which made me still like her even if just a bit (I dont really follow her).

About Justin... Really? The guy that was taken in by Usher due to his musical abilities such as being able to record all by himself and learned how to play a bunch of instruments all by himself... And now 99% of Justin's songs are purely synth?! What is dat?!
That's like hiring a blond girl to be a model for her natural blond hair and then dye it black! No sense!

Miley... Yes, I did know her name was actually Destiny; it was something about her parents needing it or wanting to give it to her... And the (S)Miley they even told it on the Hannah Montana show (I was just walking in when my sister was watching that ep and later on I read it on an internet article).
But she is that kind of girl that was extremely famous and now wants to change her image in society's eyes and she is using that fame in an extreme way to achieve her goal. Sadly, that extreme way is Mileys away from being politically correct or viewable.

#8 2013-08-18 15:31:32

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

I think the saddest part in all this is that with Miley's change if she didn't change so much everyone'd be calling her a faker which is why she had to force herself to change to the level where no one can deny that she isn't just the country girl from Hannah Montana :U
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#9 2013-08-18 17:43:30

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

I feel like the society we live in today is forcing stars to change their behaivior because everyone is getting tired of the good guy/girl. Thy want something to talk about and when stars do unacceptable things. Its fun to talk about. People need something to gossip about.
We cant go "oh man look how good she is! She donated so much." Rather we go "oh man, do you see what she's wearing? What is she trying to get at?"
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#10 2013-08-18 20:42:24

Registered: 2012-11-05
Posts: 235

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

Which is extremely stupid and sad.

But then again, society is a sad being. If someone is good and well behaved, it will only say "Ah, it's too much of a goody-goody, book-worm kinda person; nothing to talk about that tsk; waw so much news; waw, they donated money to charity, yeah sure that's the least you could do as an idol!"
If someone is "normal" as society describes "normal", it would go like "Who?" because the idol totally blends in and no one recognizes them.
And then if the person is "too bad", too "naughty" and all of that, society will always bash and call that person every name possible and even invent more when they run out of curses to call them.

Society is never happy and, in my opinions, the so called stars and idols shouldn't change to show and prove another image of themselves. They shouldn't do that. They started with an image and they should grow their image as time goes and not just suddenly change and go like "oh hew no, I'm actually different of that yoooh!" and stick it up on society's face and force it to accept.
Both parties are doing it wrong.

#11 2013-08-18 21:01:34

From: Attitude City
Registered: 2010-07-20
Posts: 2879

Re: Celebrities Then And Now

I agree. Society is making people change. Which is why I can never become famous for those reasons.
You look at stars who don't change at all. When you mention their name, people go "Who?" and then proceed to talk about Miley's Granny Pants. I hate the way people try to get others to change, and when they do change, they hate it. Which is why I never pay attention to celebrities.
We all wanna gossip, and we all wanna talk. These celebrities want attention, and when the get it, it's always bad. People like bad because they can talk about it.
You look at Youtube stars. They are nice people and do good. People don't talk about them that much. I never hear people talking about Smosh on the bus. I hear them talking trash about celebrities who've gone down the drain.
We all want something bad because to us, when someone is bad, it's good.

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