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#1 2013-08-21 22:38:18

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Fanfic Feedback

I am writing a new fanfic, and so I need some honest feedback.

Never Say Never

Chapter One


"One click. That's all it takes. One little click. C'mon, Hannah. Click it. Click the button already. Just. Click. It. " I think to myself as I stare at my Iphone. My best friends' number is already on speed dial. All I have to do is click it. Click. It. Click. The. Button. But I can't. Not after what I just did. She'll never speak to me again. My life will be ruined. Her life will be ruined. I just can't do it. I can't. But I have to. Sigh. "She's gonna find out one day, Hannah." I think to myself. "She always does. C'mon, just tell her already. Sure, she'll get mad, and sure, she'll hate the present you got her for her birthday, and sure, she'll end your friendship, and sure, you'll be a loner for the rest of your life and never speak to anyone ever again, but, hey, at least you got her something. Hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Even if you thought about something she hates. Right ? Nope. Not in this case, it isn't. Not on your best friend's fourteenth birthday. Any other day, it can be excusable, but today ? On her fourteenth birthday ? C'mon, Hannah. Get a grip. You're a big clumsy ox, and you know it. You messed up big time. And I mean BIG time. " Sigh. It's true. I did mess up big time. How, you may ask, did I mess up big time ? Well, you see, I've been quite busy all week, and my parents have been stubborn all week, too, which meant I couldn't get Paisley Underwood, my best friend, a gift for her birthday. Which meant there was only one thing left to do. Which, in this case, was the best thing to do, and the thing she'd appreciate the most, however, I didn't think of that beforehand. Anyways, so I went on this ticket website where Paisley and I buy all our concert tickets from. The artist names are listed from A-Z. And, it just so happens that Justin Bieber, my favorite singer, was right next to her favorite band, The Jazz Girls or whatever. And, of course, Paisley hates Justin Bieber, and I hate The Jazz Girls or whatever they're called. So, just as I went to order The Jazz Girls tickets, I accidentally clicked on Justin Bieber tickets. Which, if I may add, are the only tickets on the entire site without refunds. I've already used almost all my allowance money on those tickets, and I don't have enough to pay for some more. I was thinking of pooling my money with Hayden, my little brother, to buy the tickets, but he won't do it unless he gets something, too. And normally, I would completely understand. But come on. Paisley hates Justin Bieber as much as I like him. Which, if I may add, is a lot. But, of course, Hayden doesn't see it that way. Sigh. No. You know what ? I'm not gonna call her. Nope. Not hapenning. Not a chance. Never in a million years. Sigh. I do feel guilty, though, so I decide that the only way to cheer me up is to indulge myself with ice cream. I walk into the kitchen and am just about to open the fridge when Hayden suddenly pops up out of nowhere and says, "Hey, Hannah. " "Aaaaaagh!" I scream. I am so surprised I almost drop my phone. Luckily, I catch it in time before it hits the ground and shatters into a million pieces. My finger accidentally clicks the "dial" button as I catch the phone. I gasp. "Oh no," I mumble. This is NOT good. "Don't pick up, don't pick up, don't pick up," I think to myself. I hear static on the other end. Then, I hear silence. I let out a sigh of relief. Just as I'm about to hang up, a voice calls out on the other end. "Hello ?" Oh no. It's Paisley. It's time to tell her the truth. "Yeah, Paisley ? It's me, Hannah. Umm, about those concert tickets ? I have something to tell you...I ordered the wrong ones." There's a long silence. "Okay. Um, which ones did you order, then ?" She asks, slightly irritated. "Umm...Justin Bieber." Another long silence. Sigh. "Fine. I'm on my way." "Bye," I try to say, but I realize she already hung up. Sigh. It's gonna be a long, long night. I've knocked on dooms doors, and now, Doom is answering. And she does NOT seem to be happy.

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#2 2013-08-21 22:57:49

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Fanfic Feedback

Firstly ~ You should separate your writing into paragraphs so it'll be easier for the reader to actually read. This is really important.

I've knocked on dooms doors, and now, Doom is answering. And she does NOT seem to be happy.

I don't understand why the second sentence is there. From the first sentence, isn't it implied that she wasn't happy?

Grammar is a bit off too.

Other than that. It's OK.

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Insta: mal.mooon

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