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#1 2014-01-01 02:19:59

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Weight Loss Dilemma...

Okay, so I think I'm pretty heavy. I don't really THINK, I actually kind of KNOW. But everyone seems to disagree with me. My friends, family, everyone! They say I'm underweight, but I really think I'm overweight. See, I weigh SIXTY POUNDS, and I'm only thirteen! I REALLY think I need to lose weight, but everyone says otherwise. I'm not really sure why... I want to lose at
least ten pounds, but everyone says I don't need to. In fact, they say exactly the opposite of what I think. They say I need to GAIN weight. When in reality, I need to LOSE. A LOT.

So, what do you girls think ? Is my family right ? Am I right ? If so, how can I lose weight ? If not, why do you think so ?

Please help me! I really need your advice!

Thanks! :)

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#2 2014-01-01 02:33:38

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

How tall are you and how old are you? Height and age are factors that determine how much you should weigh.

You'd have to be really short and young for 60 pounds to be considered overweight. Even though I don't know you, and I don't know if 60 pounds is actually a normal weight for you, I'm kind of concerned because nobody I know is 60 pounds unless they're children under 10.

Last edited by harajukukiki (2014-01-01 02:37:45)

#3 2014-01-01 02:36:41

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

Well, I am thirteen years old, and I am 4'8.

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#4 2014-01-01 02:42:11

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

subway1 wrote:

Well, I am thirteen years old, and I am 4'8.

Alright, so I'm not a doctor, and I don't even know if we're still not allowed to put external links on the forums, but I put your information on this BMI calculator. … &chi=8

BMI calculators can help you figure out what weight you should be for your height and age. You really shouldn't lose weight.

Last edited by harajukukiki (2014-01-01 02:45:08)

#5 2014-01-01 02:52:15

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

WHAT ?!? How can this BE ?!? I am actually UNDERWEIGHT ?
But that's IMPOSSIBLE ! How can I be UNDERWEIGHT ? If anything, I should be OVERWEIGHT! But then again, the charts are most probably right... But I still don't understand! Wow, this is SHOCKING!

So, you really think I SHOULDN'T lose weight ? If I do, what would happen, other than vomiting, diarrhea, eating disorders, ect ? Would I DIE if I went down to fifty pounds ?
I think I'd die if I went up to seventy pounds! But would I die ?

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#6 2014-01-01 02:52:56

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

depends how tall you are. Here's a chart to help you decide if your over or underweight:
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#7 2014-01-01 03:16:02

Registered: 2011-04-14
Posts: 394

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

subway1 wrote:

WHAT ?!? How can this BE ?!? I am actually UNDERWEIGHT ?
But that's IMPOSSIBLE ! How can I be UNDERWEIGHT ? If anything, I should be OVERWEIGHT! But then again, the charts are most probably right... But I still don't understand! Wow, this is SHOCKING!

So, you really think I SHOULDN'T lose weight ? If I do, what would happen, other than vomiting, diarrhea, eating disorders, ect ? Would I DIE if I went down to fifty pounds ?
I think I'd die if I went up to seventy pounds! But would I die ?

I don't think you'd have a lot of energy to do anything if you lose weight, and your muscles can deteriorate if you're malnourished.

Really, the only way you can die from being over-weight is if you plan on weighing 300 pounds or more.

#8 2014-01-01 03:27:24

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

Ummm, yes. 60 pounds at that age is very much underweight.

I looked it up on the BMI charts and an average 'normal' weight range for someone your height is 83 - 110 lbs. I'm pretty sure that when I was that age, I weighed around 120 lbs (though I was taller, around 5 foot 6 or so).

Please don't let the ridiculous things you see in magazines and on TV shows dictate to you what a girl should look like. Our culture is so obsessed with being thin, but so many of the models and actresses I see out there are disturbingly thin, underweight, and it's really really not healthy. Just focus on eating healthy, balanced meals, and getting proper exercise. Your family and friends want what's best and healthiest for you - they know you the best and you should trust them.

#9 2014-01-01 06:21:19

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 5733

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

I'm not an expert, but as an aspiring doctor, I've learned a thig or two about weight, and I really don't think 60 pounds is healthy. How are you feeling? Like, do you feel fine, or hungry, or anything? I'm 12, and I'm over 100 pounds, and I know I'm very healthy.
I think you're lucky you're underweight, because you can eat more. Lucky duckling.

#10 2014-01-01 15:40:36

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

@Harajukukiki Oh... Okay then. I guess I'm far from dying!

@Snortmort Yeah... Though it may seem like it, I am not really influenced by the celebrities on TV... At least, not for weight... I came to this overweight conclusion all on my own, but you're right. Some of them are just... too thin.

@Spiderwick I feel fine, and I'm not really hungry a lot... But the thing is, I'm not really hungry a lot, and I don't really eat more than the average person... So the eating thing does nothing for me... I think I kind of eat less than I'm supposed to... So lucky is not really me. But thanks anyways! :)

Thanks for your help, girls! I just have one more question. If I burn a lot of calories during the day, will that affect anything ? I mean, I'm very active, and I'm pretty much always dancing, jumping, running around, or doing something active. Will I have to stop being active to stop losing weight ? Or can I stay active just the same ?

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#11 2014-01-01 18:01:07

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

subway1 wrote:

Thanks for your help, girls! I just have one more question. If I burn a lot of calories during the day, will that affect anything ? I mean, I'm very active, and I'm pretty much always dancing, jumping, running around, or doing something active. Will I have to stop being active to stop losing weight ? Or can I stay active just the same ?

as you burn calories, your body will demand you to ingest more calories. maybe you just need to eat a few more caloric things. maybe a meat sandwich from time to time.
when i'm idle, i don't eat a lot either(i even got gastritis from not eating often enough) but i'd eat WAY more if i'd do some kind of activity(usualy, martial arts)
i'd not recomend you to be less active, only to eat something that will help you recover weight.

i don't know how to calculate the feet/pound mesure system(would someone be so kind and do some conversions here?), but my height is 1,5m and my weight is 39kg (age: 19)
last i checked i was underwight.
(i use meter/kilogram)

also, when people in growth stage do not eat enough, they don't grow very tall.
and it's HORRIBLE to be short. specialy knowing you could be taller if you had eaten more as a kid(my story).

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#12 2014-01-01 18:02:44

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

Don't stop just for weight. Weight is just a number. Don't stop doing what you like just cuz the world thinks you need to be a certain weight. You'r healthy and that's okay.

If you really do want to gain weight, I'd rather you go to your doctor and do what they tell you to do.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#13 2014-01-01 20:55:31

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

Everyone has different body shapes and sizes, especially at that age everyone grows at different speeds.  Out of me and two of my friends, 2 of us were about 5 feet, weighed around 95 pounds, we're having to wear bras.. our other friend was probably 80 pounds and just a little bit shorter, she hadn't started developing at all and was just smaller boned than we were.  No one ever seemed concerned about any of us being too thin or overweight. 

It would be hard for us to say your underweight, since we don't know how your built although 60 pounds does seem to be thin, we can certainly say you aren't overweight! :)

I say give yourself a few years to finish growing, eat healthy, keep staying active like you say you do, your weight should stay in check with the shape of your body.


#14 2014-01-02 04:16:01

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...

Honestly, if you're too heavy, then that makes me fat albert. I'm the same age and about 95 pounds (don't remember my height though), and everyone says I'm a stick. So I think it's safe to say you're not overweight, and I wouldn't worry about it anyway. Some people grow wider first, then taller (and vice versa).


#15 2014-01-02 12:02:48

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: Weight Loss Dilemma...


At 5", 97 pounds would still be considered thin. Seeing as you're only 2 inches smaller but a whole 37 pounds lighter, I'd say, you're pretty thin and maybe even leaning towards underweight.
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Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

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