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#1 2013-10-19 04:41:49

Ancien joueur ivy020

Je vais briller - Diary of a French girl

Hey guys! I'm back! And I'm also glad to see that everyone likes my Demigods RP so much. ;) I hope you all enjoy the new school year!

I decided to make a diary story, like the Dear Canada/America ones you see in the library, for everyone's entertainment. You can comment on it, and see how bad the author's grammar is. :/

It's called Je vais briller, which is French for I Will Shine. This is the diary of a young French girl living in the 18th century, when they still wore petticoats. *Wink*. She'll send the diary to her friend "Tom" who lives in their old home before Reine, the girl, moves to an earl's estate, because of her father's job.

I seriously hope you all enjoy this and comment on it. The whole story is better than my rushed summary, trust me.

Last time I say this: Enjoy!

Dear Tom,
I am alive and well. It's been so long since I last saw you, but I remember the wideness of your smile and the sadness in your eyes when you bid me farewell. Do you remember what I look like?

Life here is good. Even the lord knows my name! Rumor has it that he wants my hand in marriage. Frankly, Tom, I don't feel like marrying him. He seems like a man with a taste for young women. Why have my heart broken after being used and cast away in favour of another?

The estate is very large with many servants and many rooms. And the stables, why, you cannot imagine how many horses there were! Bays, chestnuts, roans, grays, and even a tobiano stallion. I have never seen a horse like that before! I went riding the other day on a tall bay, and while we were having a splendid gallop, the horse suddenly stopped and I fell off! It was quite funny and very, very embarrassing,  especially when a handsome young man helped me up. He quite reminded me of you.

Oh, how quickly time flies! It is almost supper time, and I should like to visit the horses; and Ribbon, the estate's landlord's dog would like a treat.

Until next time,

Name glossary:
Alouette-Birdlike                     Remi-Fun-loving (m.)                 
Amoretta-Little Love
Arceneaux-friendly; heavenly
Belina-A goddess
Beau-Handsome or beautiful....
Isabeau-Respected beauty


Dear Tom,
Remember the young man I told you about, the one who helped me up the other day? Well, his name is Arceneaux. The name suits him; he seems very friendly, and he is heavenly--heavenly handsome,that is!

He came to ask if I were alright. Well, my mother (her name is Bellina, which means a goddess-like beauty, as you very well know) looked up in suprise from her sewing, and stood up. "Oh, you must be the  man that Reine told us about!" Well, you wouldn't believe how I blushed. Fortunately, Arceneaux did not find this embarrassing. "I am glad Reine is alright," he said. "That name suits her; she is like a queen." (I blushed even more.)

I am keeping this diary for you, Tom, but I should introduce myself to my diary. Is that not proper manners? My full name is Reine Abelle Leroy. I come from a rich family. Even my name is rich!

I have a bothersome little brother named Abel Tasse. Tasse is his middle name, which means "the maker of money bags and purses". It is a rich name.

I shall stop writing now. I need fresh air!



#2 2013-10-19 23:23:33

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010-01-24
Posts: 1893

Re: Je vais briller - Diary of a French girl

Ah! C'est genial! C'est tellement interessante! S'il vous plait, ecrivez l'autre partie de l'histoire! Je l'aime!

(Sorry, I couldn't help myself since I'm bilingual.)

Translation: Ah! It's brilliant! It's so interesting! Please, write the other part of the story! I love it!


The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#3 2014-01-12 18:29:43

From: France.
Registered: 2013-08-05
Posts: 38

Re: Je vais briller - Diary of a French girl

I need Google Traduction to understand shame on me x) !
Cute story :3 !

Last edited by just-nina (2014-01-12 18:42:19)

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