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#26 2011-06-25 05:26:13

Registered: 2011-03-24
Posts: 43

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

yes... i've been collecting the puzzles for hours since last night, i only got 19 diff pieces. each piece i could get 9 or 10


#27 2011-06-25 10:50:54

Registered: 2009-07-25
Posts: 11

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Hey :)
Can you help me?
I've caught all the pieces and put them into one picture, but what do I do next? I didn't get the dress yet, and if I supposedly have to put the puzzle into the grid, I can'

EDIT: Solved! I just had to wait for an about half an hour, and it appeared :)

Last edited by mo4fun (2011-06-25 12:00:24)

Reality is strange.

#28 2011-06-25 12:28:51

Ancien joueur xtifax

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Lovely! :3


#29 2011-06-25 13:38:48

Registered: 2009-11-25
Posts: 26

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

I've been at this all day. I'm at three pieces lest, have been for the past three hours now. I am so frustrated and tired. I much prefer collecting the symbols, at least then it only takes me at most half an hour. Don't take this as me not being grateful, but for how long this darn puzzle is taking they should be giving us more than a dress, and a wallpaper, which the last one I won't even use. Not saying that others wont. even though the dress is pretty i'm about fizzled out. LOL  ouf


#30 2011-06-25 13:54:29

Ancien joueur geekgirl

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

33/36 4 hours. :( only 3 more! Come on, you mean puzzles >:O


#31 2011-06-26 09:47:53

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 35

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

So how much longer do we have to go on this puzzle? I i ask is i have only 7 more peices but i keep getting the same ones over and over again.good


#32 2011-06-26 10:01:44

Registered: 2010-09-16
Posts: 41

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

fairykisses wrote:

I finally finished mine. Here is the dress you get and the above wallpaper on the first post. It took me 356 puzzle pieces just to get all of them.

Yes I just got it and my first taught was, is that it, all that work and one dress is the only thing we get.


#33 2011-06-26 16:01:00

From: Chocoholic Land
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 25

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Ugh... This is taking forever! I've got 16 times the same puzzle piece honte 
At least it's worth it!
Thank you Nikkzscreams for the avatar and the signature!!!! <3

#34 2011-06-26 18:15:24

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

You can also purchase the animals in the Pet Shop if you would like them.  And when I was looking for the puzzle pieces I went to the XP and click on the first game and went back and forth. This one does take a long time and just for one dress but you have to think about this though it's FREE! It's better then paying 25 to 30 $$ for it. Good luck to all. I will be working on all my alt accounts and I know it will take forever.


#35 2011-06-26 18:50:46

Ancien joueur geekgirl

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

@Fairykisses : I did something exactly the same!
Here is a tip for all of you!
I usually click on Bank and then click on all the mini icons there. Etc : Architecture , Music. It takes a short time! :)


#36 2011-06-26 23:00:51

Registered: 2010-08-28
Posts: 244

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

geekgirl wrote:

I usually click on Bank and then click on all the mini icons there. Etc : Architecture , Music. It takes a short time! :)

I Love You! love

I would like to say Thank You for posting that tip. I was stuck with 4 more pieces to go. That tip indeed made me see more pieces in a short amount of time. Also giving me more hope that I can actually finish this before the end the week. Now I'm down to 3 pieces left to find. ^_^

Fabulosity (n) 1. a state of everything that is fabulous. 2. a quality ascribed to that which expresses glamour, style, charisma, power, and heart.

#37 2011-06-27 03:15:17

Ancien joueur geekgirl

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

It's 9:12 P.M. I'm off to bed. I decide to search the puzzles one last time. Had 35/36. Clicked on it for 1-2 minutes................ FINAL PUZZLE CAME! That was a coincidence.. xD Took me about 250 puzzles to collect them all! Woohoo! I completed the puzzle. \m/>,<\m/

Last edited by geekgirl (2011-06-27 03:17:59)


#38 2011-06-27 10:59:45

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1562

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Beat this!
8 puzzle pieces in 2 days!

Last edited by shutupandletmego (2011-06-27 11:03:51)


#39 2011-06-27 12:49:25

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 2

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

shutupandletmego wrote:

Beat this!
8 puzzle pieces in 2 days!

XD You must have the worst luck!
Have you zoomed the page out so you don't have to scroll down the page each time? (Hold down Ctrl button on keyboard whilst scrolling down - scroll up to zoom back in) Just click back and fourth between close links, like the picture links to the messages and stuff under your avatar.

I managed to finish it in about one and an half hours and 357 pieces; including 30x fox head ones! Last piece found was her left foot.


#40 2011-06-28 05:51:22

From: City of Love
Registered: 2011-05-07
Posts: 384

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

OMG... this is 3rd day for me and I get 35/36... It took me 389 pieces now but never find the last one .... huuuffftttt ouf  Please don't make this puzzle again

Last edited by juliana3mmy (2011-06-28 06:37:07)

Beautiful comes from inside >3

#41 2011-06-28 06:39:49

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 35

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

So how much longer do we have for this puzzle? Why i ask is i only have one more peice and wondered how long i have to find it.ouf Yes finaly cought the last puzzle piece.

Last edited by summersky69 (2011-07-01 01:33:52)


#42 2011-06-28 21:29:14

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 40

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Its too tedious for just one dress. Getting repeats is just stupid.


#43 2011-06-29 03:11:18

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 35

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Yes you are right there luccichio at lest they should alow the last piece of the puzzle to get found better than they are doing now.I have looked for two days now trying to find the last piece the birds flying.All i get are the rest of the peices rrrrr.


#44 2011-06-30 20:51:17

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1562

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

please do not double post, use edi button.

Heh well I don't have very bad luck at all 24 different pieces. 2 days ago I watched anime and between each episode I looked for 3 pieces. When I got 23 pieces I with thought ''If I at begining found 13 different pieces, I will find last 13 puzzle pieces. But from these 13 different pieces I just found 1

I better like collecting 50 symbols


#45 2011-07-01 00:55:39

From: go home
Registered: 2011-06-27
Posts: 449

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

summersky69 wrote:

I didn't becouse one was from the day before the other was from how is that double posting even if my posts were together?I can not help it if no one posted after me the day before.

You could've used the "edit" button.


#46 2011-07-01 12:28:32

From: Texas
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 84

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Rawr no more puzzle! its gone! Noooooooo! I was 6 away! pleur sad nrv non


#47 2011-07-09 19:58:40

Registered: 2010-07-28
Posts: 804

Re: Ohmydollz celebrates Quebec! Something new in your closet Gossip Dollz

Love it :)
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