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#1 2015-08-18 20:00:04

Registered: 2010-10-18
Posts: 220

Graphical issues when I Go To Work and opening NEWS articles

So I've been having a lot of issues with the pages in general. These seem to have started either with the temp VIP reward, or when the site changed to the fireworks theme.

Issue 1: Article Pop-ups
- Any Pop-up window appears with html Tags in the title bar. ... Or it did until I just went back to check. Grr. (This might just be the extra $$$ ads, hmm)
- Pop-Ups appear and stay Behind the Navigation Menu AND behind the Avatar panel.
- Pop-Ups either appear aligned with the top of the page. OR If I am scrolled down, the pop-up appears aligned at the top of my screen.
- If I move a pop up, and close it, on re-opening it, It will reappear relative to where I closed it. Not bug like per say - however, if I drag the pop-up to the bottom of the page, close it, scroll up and re-open the news article, it will reopen in the bottom 1/3-1/4 of the screen.
-The 'X' for the close button is not properly aligned. It appears below and to the rights of the close box abit.

Issue 1B: NAvigation Menu
... I'm guessing it is intentional, but I've just noticed that the Navigation Menu floats to the top of our screen as we scroll as I went to confirm these issues. 
- Any time the Navigation Bar moves, the background of it goes white instead of transparent. This look very funny.
-I'm not sure i care for this feature anyways, I've a small screen laptop, and this reduces my viewable area. Perhaps an option to pin the Nav bar down?
-This also influences News Pop-ups. When scrolled down, the Nav Bar block/covers the title of the pop-up window.

Issue 2:- If I Go To Work AND get the offer to earn an extra $$$

-The Screen behind the offer dims/is shaded as per usual.
-If I select the link to benefit from the offer---
*The pop up appears
--The Pop-Up Title bar is in most cases behind the Navigation Menu and unclickable./unmovable.
--The Pop-Up appears behind the shaded/dimmed part of the screen. This ALSO renders the whole thing inaccessable. I cannot interact with the ad in any way.
-TokenAdz (??sp) pop-up have no issee appearing, but they come up in a different style window.
-Any other ad, either doesn't come up. Starts with a survey, I can't interact with, OR
-Some ads continusously try to reload/redirect to another page. In my browser I have it set to let me confirm this (can only veto with a page refresh). I allowed redirection 30 times once before giving up. This has only occurred since the site changed.

I don't know about the ads part of it, but it seems like someone mucked with the style sheets to get the floating Nav, but didn't ensure the rest worked fine. On other pages, So far I've only noticed the character header in the Loft page also floats above the ad windows.

Browser: Firefox (and yes it is up to date.)


#2 2015-08-23 19:36:10

Registered: 2010-10-18
Posts: 220

Re: Graphical issues when I Go To Work and opening NEWS articles

Just wanted to thank whomever on adjusting the layer placement of the News Article pop-ups. Much less frustrating, though it is said they are a bit rougher/older looking, the improved functionality more than makes up for it.

I wanted to say thanks right away, just for that since the issue was so promptly addressed. I did not because I wanted to see if the Bonus $$$ window was affected as well, and I kept getting the TokenAdz window which was not having an issue.

Sadly the issue with the bonus $$$ is the same. I imagine it is a much trickier issue to find since it also relies on working with external site resources. Best of Luck tracking this down!


#3 2015-08-24 07:38:19

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: Graphical issues when I Go To Work and opening NEWS articles

orangemaid wrote:

Issue 2:- If I Go To Work AND get the offer to earn an extra $$$

-The Screen behind the offer dims/is shaded as per usual.
-If I select the link to benefit from the offer---
*The pop up appears
--The Pop-Up Title bar is in most cases behind the Navigation Menu and unclickable./unmovable.
--The Pop-Up appears behind the shaded/dimmed part of the screen. This ALSO renders the whole thing inaccessable. I cannot interact with the ad in any way.
-TokenAdz (??sp) pop-up have no issee appearing, but they come up in a different style window.
-Any other ad, either doesn't come up. Starts with a survey, I can't interact with, OR
-Some ads continusously try to reload/redirect to another page. In my browser I have it set to let me confirm this (can only veto with a page refresh). I allowed redirection 30 times once before giving up. This has only occurred since the site changed.

I'm also experiencing issues with the pop-ups as outlined in the first half of Issue 2.

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