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#1 2015-12-01 00:37:09

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

2016 New Year Resolutions

I know I know. It's not even Christmas yet, but personally I usually start thinking of the new year and its resolutions by Dec 1st. It gives me time to really think of what I want to do and also it gives me time to appreciate the year that's ending and getting time to enjoy it before it ends. My friends say this sounds sappy buuuut I don't care!! Mwahaha!

Looking back at last year

Anyway, back to the task at hand. I was looking at my last year's resolutions and ... ahem... I couldn't even find them... yeah that's how bad that went. I honestly don't remember where I wrote them or anything.

Not all is lost though! I remember some:
- Losing 10 lbs (I lost 8lbs ... I lost 10 and gained 2, soooo... does this count?)
- Learn a new German word a day (hmmm.... not quite. I did that for two months only)

Sooooo, yeah long story short, my resolutions for last year didn't go as planned.

New Year Resolutions

I haven't finished mine yet but I did a whole lost of research this time. And boy did I learn a lot. So until Jan 1, when you decide on your final resolution list, here's some of what I've learned to help you plan.


I think many of us have already heard about this but I'll explain it in case someone didn't. SMART is actually an acronym for 'Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound'.

Now what do these mean?

Specific -- Specifically state what you want to achieve. So instead of saying, "Learn Something New", say something like "Learn German" or "Learn Piano". Basically, what exactly are you aiming for?

Measurable -- Instead of just saying 'I want to lose weight", your goal should be something you can measure, so maybe 'I want to lose 10 lbs this year."

Attainable -- Your goal has to be something you can actually achieve. It might be stretching your abilities a bit, but not too much. For example, 'fall in love' isn't exactly something you might be able to control. It's emotions and depends on who you meet, etc. Maybe something like 'Go on a new date every month' or 'Meet a new person every month this year'. Something you can attain and could eventually help lead you to your goal.

Relevant -- Our goals should be relevant to us, our styles and our likes. Never every pick a goal that someone else expects from you or a goal that seems cool. It has to be something you really want and believe in it or you'll never achieve it.

For example, a friend of mine had a goal to start playing tennis... Even though she hated it as a kid. Why did she choose it? Because supposedly she was told she's really great at it... That didn't last for more than a month.

And finally Time Bound -- Every goal has to have a specific, set deadline. No deadline means it won't get done until maybe in December when you'll realize you haven't even started at it.

Now this was my main problem. I was always so hesitant about setting a deadline that I chose not to have one at all... But this year I've learned something: Wrong deadline is better than none at all. So maybe if your goal is to learn to drive, your resolution would be 'Learn to drive by March 15.'

How to put SMART into action?

I found a great article that had a great template to help with this, so I'll post down here. For every resolution, you need to answer the following:

Specific and Time Bound
1. What is the goal?
2. Who is responsible for this goal?
3. When will this goal be accomplished?
4. Where (location*) will this goal be accomplished?
5. How will this goal be accomplished?

6. How will I measure that? Less emotions and more actions that led to those emotion.

7. Is this goal realistic?
8. Is this goal believable?
9. Is this goal within your control?
10. Do you have the resources to achieve this goal?

11. Is this really your goal? Or is it someone else's?
12. Is this the right time for your goal? Is it really one of the most important goals for you right now?

And there you have it!

What's next?

So we've seen SMART, and the template, what's next?
I've decided to dig deeper into what the different resolutions people might have are and how they go about achieving them. I'll be most focused on the ones that are pretty common and will share them here. If all goes as planned, we'll have a new post every day about one goal example and how to achieve it.

Till later, stay SMART :P

Last edited by darkelfqueen (2015-12-01 00:37:59)


#2 2015-12-06 04:49:33

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: 2016 New Year Resolutions

So, I'm one of those who tends to avoid the whole resolutions thing, but I really like the SMART approach to creating them that you posted.


#3 2015-12-11 10:55:07

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: 2016 New Year Resolutions

I always try to set small realistic goals, but sometimes life just doesn't want them to be. so far I'll cound this year as a success as my achieve ratio is 3:2

anyway my list for this year were;
- move out
- table at a con *
- finish university *
- 1k insta followers
- make an armored cosplay (still in process)
- love my art

Next year I have only 3 goals and only 1 is looking challenging
- save dollaroos
- get accepted to rmit
- be happy
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#4 2016-01-06 13:45:20

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: 2016 New Year Resolutions

laurabow wrote:

So, I'm one of those who tends to avoid the whole resolutions thing, but I really like the SMART approach to creating them that you posted.

Yeah it's very useful for any planning really. When I'm doing something for work, I use it. When I'm doing something for charity, I use it. When I'm trying to plan the day or weekend, I use it.

rarity wrote:

I always try to set small realistic goals, but sometimes life just doesn't want them to be. so far I'll cound this year as a success as my achieve ratio is 3:2

That is a pretty good ratio, Rare! Congrats!!! *High Five*

rarity wrote:

Next year I have only 3 goals and only 1 is looking challenging
- save dollaroos
- get accepted to rmit
- be happy

What's rmit? :D
I've always had a problem with 'be happy' or 'be content'. I can't seem to ever work towards them, you know. Like ... I don't know how to make them happen. That's why I started focusing on what makes me happy and make that the goal instead. Not sure if this is a good idea or not, though *shrugs*

Look what I found!!!


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