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#1 2016-12-27 08:45:37

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Remembering 2016!

Hey!! What has been everyone's favorite & not-so favorite things about this past year? :)












TV Show(s):


I don't think I read any new books this year, kind of embarrassing..  Soo, guess thats getting added to the list of new years resolutions.  Thinking of trying one of those book subscriptions.

I have discovered i like RADISHES.. yep, i'm weird. (only the oven roasted variety..)
Really wanted to try more "English" food while I was in England. I almost tried black pudding.. until I saw it and my boyfriend tried explaining what it was..

I didn't get around to playing Rise of the Tomb Raider until this year, loved it.  I usually like Gears of War.. but wanted to throw my controller at my boyfriends face on multiple occasions while playing it together, so i'm knocking off a few points for that.

How to cook better, to the detriment of my hips! - My future mother in law is a nightmare, lol(sort of)..

Its been an up/down year for me.  My boyfriend's kid draws pictures for me, he gave me one that said Best Mom Ever, yeah.. I cried.  I found out earlier this year I probably cant have kids.

Love love loved, Sing Street.

Catfish & the Bottlemen

The lake district, england

Essential oil diffuser, love it!  Makes my room smell nice & has helped me able to breathe better. 

I worked as a nanny for a while.  He was the sweetest thing ever & I cried when he started preschool & didn't need me anymore.  :(

TV Show(s):
Stranger Things, binge watched all of it... in one night.  My butt is still in ..recovery.. from all the soda & junk food.  :P


#2 2016-12-27 12:27:12

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Remembering 2016!


I've been reading Beverly Lewis books... I love those books.  For those who have never heard of her, she writes books about the Amish life based in Pennsylvania.  Very wholesome books.

"We're Dead, come on In" by Bruce Davis: this book chronicles the events that led up to the police massacre on Jan 2, 1932 which included my grandmother's first cousin Charles
Lee Houser.

I need to start building up my "Dragonlance" books again.  At one time, I had every book in that series.  But my husband had a job that had him traveling here and there across the country.  He'd take one of those books with him and more than likely lost it.  There are over 10 missing.  I could throttle him for that but I suppose I shouldn't ;)


nothing new


I have been playing Cross-stitch on Facebook.  My daughter, at first, said "Oh, a coloring game?" (she thought it was stupid).  A few days later, I look over at her at her father's computer and yes... she was playing it too.


Hebrew customs from my good friend Nehama12


In April of this past year, my grandmother's first cousin received a headstone for his grave.  He had been a police officer in Missouri and was killed on Jan 2 1932.  That particular day was the most Police Officers killed in one day at one place until 9/11. All the other officers had received a stone at the time but my grandmother's cousin, Charles Lee Houser, didn't have any family members left.  A group of State Troopers, Police Officers, a business in our State Capitol donated a stone.  And in April, they had a special ceremony to present it.  All of that was covered by local news as well as newspapers all over the US.  I got to be on TV!   I was very honored and thankful.


Only saw movies on Netflix.  Too many to list


So many to pick from...


On December 20, 2016, my daughter had her second baby; a boy.  She named him Christopher Ray.  Christopher after her father and Ray after someone that she thought of as a grandfather. Our granddaughter Alyssa really, really likes him.  Of course, the "new hasn't worn off" yet. 

I am very hopeful for the world being a much better place both in the US and everywhere.

I suppose that if I post what I felt was the most important news in the US this year, I'd have people to argue with me. 


didn't go anywhere new


Nothing new


I'm a housewife! =)

TV Show(s):

"Stranger Things" 


We've been planning on building onto our house for over a year.  I have drawn up the plans and hopefully this new year will see that begin and finished!

Last edited by sierradane (2016-12-27 15:28:03)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 2016-12-27 13:20:51

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: Remembering 2016!

Read several books this year, but nothing really interesting or worth recommendig. But I got The Art of Moana for Christmas and it's gorgeous.

Hungarian goulash soup turned out to be delicious!

Game: gave out Neverwinter Nights for free this year and I replayed it after many years and it made me remember how much I've always loved that game. Apart from that I kept on playing Dragon Age: Inquisition and Guild Wars 2, so nothing new.

Lots of stuff, but nothing really specific.

I took part in several anti-government protests in my country this year. Seeing so many people oppose our horrible ruling party gave me a little hope for the future.


Moana Soundtrack (lol, you can say I looove this movie)


I have the feeling like mostly bad ones, both on a personal and global level :/

Visited Hungary this summer. It was lovely in general but I especially liked Szentendre where you could buy all kinds of marzipan candy and there were also many great stands selling handmade stuff. So cool!


This one face mask with manuka honey. Works wonders for my dry skin.

Last year I've borrowed money from the government to start my own small bussiness and the rule was that if I managed to keep the bussiness running for at least a year I wouldn't have had to give the money back. So yeah, I managed to do that which is great! It wasn't easy but I feel like I'm on the right track, getting more and more freelance work recently :)

TV Show(s):
I actually haven't seen Stranger Things yet, and I'm kinda scared to watch it now 'cause I've heard so many good things about it that I'm worried it won't live up to my expectation. Anyway, the show I've seen this year that I loved the most was Star vs. The Forces of Evil.

The Vantablack and the Pinkest Pink pigments "scandal" (and now also the Glitterest Glitter) and its ridiculous pettiness has given me reason to live XD Look it up. It's horrible.

#4 2016-12-27 18:05:02

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Remembering 2016!

I've read a couple of Beverly Lewis books, didn't Hallmark make some of them into movies?  Aww, isn't it so annoying when you've collected books you really like & someone goes and loses it or doesn't return it!!  I've stopped loaning mine out, lol!  That's was really nice of them to donate a headstone, and how fun to be on tv! :)  Congrats on the new grandbaby!! Looking forward to seeing more pics! :D  I'm with you, hopefully things in the world do get better, it has been a rough year.  All I can say is good luck with the addition, we remodeled last year.. what a pain that was!!

I haven't seen Moana yet, but REALLY want to!!  Have a feeling it will go in my list of favorites. :) Love skincare products, haven't heard of manuka honey, will have to look into it.  I bought a mask a few weeks ago, its black and didn't think anything of it, come out of my bathroom & my dog starts growling & then went & hid under the bed, lol!  Congrats on your business, what a great first year accomplishment!!  I've seen some of your artwork, you are really talented!  You've got to watch Stranger Things, love the 80sness of it!!  Know what you mean about expectations, I usually enjoy movies/tv more when I don't know much about it.. and am pleasantly surprised. :)


#5 2016-12-28 03:20:32

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Remembering 2016!

Game of Thrones. It was the only book I remember, but I'm still reading it. I got it around last week from the library XD I won't watch it, but I don't mind reading ^^

Ummm...we went to Noodles and Company for the first time. Looooved it ^^ And Panera's Broccoli Cheddar soup is the BEST thing ever.

Undertaaalllleeee. My laptop broke before I could finish it, and with this new one, I haven't gotten a chance to continue it again.
Although I love love love this app call Tinker Island. It's a text based story where your decisions actually make an impact on the story and progress. My brother and I are both playing it and so far I've been really nice to my survivors, while he's been mean XD


I went to my old High School earlier this year to talk to the graduating seniors. That was really great! and last week as well to meet with teachers. I connected with my friends again! I have a much better appreciation for technology, especially social media! I

I FINISHED THE HARRY POTTER SERIES!! It was the first thing I did as the year started XD

My sister got into Elvis...I'm slightly getting into Elvis?? AND PIERCE THE VEIL NEW ALBUM OH MY GOD after 4 years...finally T_T

Screw the news >.>

Hmmm...well, I haven't travelled much lately and I never thought I'd hate a place but I never want to go back to this one place that's an hour away from me. We volunteered there but...Yeah...never again @.@

My new laptop <333 A touchscreen Dell Inspirion 15 intel core i7, 1TB, 16GBRAM I love it

I worked at a summer camp and they asked me to stay for the off season!!
My fav class this year def was MTH 173 - Precalc with Trig. The teacher was brilliant ^^

TV Show(s):
QUANTICO, Orphan Black, Mozart in the Jungle, House, Flash
Yuri on Ice, Haikyuu, Food Wars

I also found out that I want to get into Pixar and that I want to be in politics. Sooo gotta figure something out with that XD
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#6 2016-12-28 18:41:56

From: South of France
Registered: 2013-08-13
Posts: 145

Re: Remembering 2016!

Without hesitation, Dermaphoria! That's remember me my own experience with amnesia.

Chocolate, I've never eaten as much as this year. It's a poison for my health, and a drug, a substantial joy of my life. So I think "live forever or die"!

Dreamfall Chapters. I'm a big fan of Tomb Raider saga, but the new release of Lara did not convince me. It's like Uncharted, too much... Dreamfall's sequel was a big surprise! Zoe has changed, in better.

Nothing and all. Evil always turn around us, we must be happy whatever it takes.

8 march 2016, the fake dream flew away.

Jason Bourne (5)! I've been waiting like a little girl of 5 years!

The house of all worlds by Simon Poole. My favorite soundtrack from Dreamfall Chapters. The sound completely changed my mind.


France transformed into drama. Too many attempts, fears are the news!

All the places of my childhood, almost 20 years later. New buildings, old restaurants transformed into offices, nature distorted. France has lost its charm. Everything has changed, but I always dream while walking.

My green bag, my dark boots, my black butler style, but after all... my new compter (totally white) with geant screen is my baby!

Hyperactive year, my legs are covered in bruises each day...

TV Show(s):
I stopped watching the vampire diaries, uninteresting since seasons 5-6. I watched Dancing with the stars (FR) & France's got talent. Oh and "live news" which were real TV shows...

Many losses. Many chocolates, pastries and ice creams. Always and forever : coffee!

Last edited by mlle-green (2016-12-28 18:42:43)

#7 2016-12-28 22:46:34

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Remembering 2016!

Book(s): this is a strange one. I read a bool on puberty for boys. My roommate's book not mine. He said it was good and he was right. Was really interesting book. Strangely it helped me understand a few things too.

Food: there's this place close to the apartment I use to live in. It's an eastern restaurant. The food is unbelievable! Amazing! The other great thing was that its cheap. One sees how the food is made. A lot healthier then kfc or mc donalds.

I also improved my cooking skills this year. Became more comfortable with certain things.

Tried Japanese candy for the first time that includes pocky.

Game: been playing a lot of sims 3. Obsessed with the game. Mostly the horses

Learned: what did I learn? I learned that my best friend is a huge jerk. He said I should know if something is wrong. I didn't try hard enough to be there for him. I asked him everyday what was wrong. He was rude to me everytime. Refused to talk to me. A whole friendship is down the drain because I didn't try hard enough according to him.

Another thing I learned is how toxic the university is. It is a place filled with negativity.

Memory: my favourite memory for this year was finding my little trouble maker skitty. She's such an adorable kitty cat and I love her. Another good memory is that I was a vendor at an anime convention for the first time. I had a lot of fun. I also made a knew friend. My boyfriend gave me the greatest present I've ever received. He gave me two ever after high dolls, raven queen and toy's r us exclusive cupid. He gave me his haikyuu t-shirt and an external hard drive with all his anime on it.

Bad memories: the same friend who I'm no longer friend's with ex said really horrible things to me after both of them broke up. Blamed me for the break up. This is all because I have social anxiety. Second memory is that I was asked to help design a game. Good thing but in the end I got screwed over. The person refused to pay me the rest of the money they owed me. They said I'll get paid. When I asked for the money they became really rude and blocked me. My boyfriend and I almost broke up because of his temporary job. He felt bad for not giving me as much attention as he use too. We talked it out.

Movie(s): best movies of the year has to be zootopia and bridget jones baby.

Music: learned a lot of new good songs.



Product: I love essence lipstick. I know it's cheap but I do wear that much makeup anyway. Still love it.


TV Show(s): started watching call of the midwife. Amazing series. Didn't know it would be that good. Recently started breaking bad. Haven't stopped watching it.

Other: I don't want to go back to university because it's making me lose my love for art. Unhappy at university.


#8 2016-12-30 20:39:30

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Remembering 2016!

Book(: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Digital game: Fairway Solitaire. I installed it on our tablet and my husband and I both really enjoy playing it - it's addictive! It's what I play while I'm nursing Ruth :)
Board/card game: I just got the game Exploding Kittens for Christmas from one of my brothers-in-law last night. My hubby and I played it this morning for the first few times, and it's easy to learn and amusing. But probably my ongoing best game is Settlers of Catan - we play it nearly every Sunday at my parents' home.

Maybe this is weird, but I'm on baby #4 and I've FINALLY figured out how to nurse her while laying down beside her in bed, and it's so marvellous. It means I don't have to sit up uncomfortably in the middle of the night when she's hungry - she just comes into bed beside me and we fall asleep together. Very sweet and cozy and I love it!

When the midwives put Ruth on my chest right after she was born - fellow Mamas - there's no other feeling in the WORLD like that, amiright!?

The Intouchables. My parents have been going on about this movie for ages and we finally got a chance to watch it and so enjoyed it!

The Lumineers, Matt Andersen

Not 'newspaper news' but we found out that a) our friends are expecting their first little one next summer, and b) another dear friend just got engaged and will be getting married in July!

Ummm. Bed. haha. The kids run me off my feet.

No school. Constant housework.

TV Show(s):
THIS IS US. Oh man, have you people seen this one yet? It's a winner :)

#9 2017-01-13 03:54:10

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Remembering 2016!

"Sugar-Apple Fairy Tale" by Mikawa Miri. I found this when looking up a picture of an apple tree fairy and then learned that it was being translated into English by a fan. I liked it so much that I purchased three of the Japanese. I dabble with translating Japanese, but I'm not too good at it since I'm self-taught. It's about a girl who sets out to become a 'Silver Sugar Master' (a candy maker of the highest position) and must buy a warrior fairy in order to protect her on her travels...and I won't go into anymore details, but it's a really good story in my own opinion.

Hmmm, well, I found this tea blend in a local grocery store that's an Earl Grey tea with lavender and rose petals which I thought was pretty tasty. I'm not big on trying new foods, maybe I should try a little harder in that department.

I started playing a new version of King's Quest, which took forever to download, but I haven't finished the free portion of it. Need to get back to playing it. I also started to play a little of Star Wars the Old Republic and a lot of Star Stable since my brother got me a lifetime membership.

To conquer my depression and panic attacks, something I struggled with for some years.

Helping to translate Winx Club comics for English readers. It's been such a fun activity.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and I recommend "Princess Arete", Arete is a girl who yearns to escape her royal tower so she can explore the world, but a wizard comes along and casts a spell to turn her into the 'ideal princess'  - you know, the quiet, yes-husband type that spends her time embroidering the day away - and put in the wizard's own tower. Eventually she struggles out of the spell and not only saves herself, but also a village the wizard lords over.

'Shine' by Laura Marano, I had no idea this song existed, even though it's a few years old. I really love this song, it has a catchy tune and uplifting lyrics. I also love the songs from "Lolirock", a cartoon series.

Meh...I'd rather forget.

I didn't go anywhere, did I...? So I guess my favorite place was my bedroom? That sounds so lame. Okay, okay, how about a local park in my town, I love to ride my bike there and just be surrounded by the quiet and beauty of nature. I wonder what would happen if I secretly went around planting seeds in the old rose beds? Muwahahaha!! I'd be very upset if they uprooted any flowers that grew, though :(

I got a radio that can play my old cassette tapes, ones you can't find in CD form like Care Bears' Christmas, Disney's Totally Minnie, and Rosepetal Place - ahh, childhood memories... AND, a new flat screen TV that can connect to Netflix and Youtube, handy for me since I have no actual access to any TV channels.

I got a job!

TV Show(s):
I watch a lot of anime, so the new ones of 2016 were "Flying Witch", a really cute series that reminds me of "What if Kiki (from Kiki's Delivery Service) came home from her training to live with some old friends of her's". I wish it wasn't so short. The other one was a little weird, "Humanity Has Declined", about a future world where gnome-like fairies are more abundant than humans and modern day ruins are covered in greenery. It was a combination of cute, creepy, and "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?" If you ever decide to watch it, I'd suggest watching the episodes in the opposite order, that's how wacky that series was.


Last edited by lady0filia (2017-01-13 04:50:13)

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

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