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#1 2017-04-11 22:03:03

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

x e m o x

Hello everyone, <(_ _)>

It's been a while, haha two years actually 'cuz apparently the last time I was here -ish was when ATL released Future Hearts and now they're releasing Last Yong Renegades (omg).

ANYWAY, that's not what I'm here for, I'm glad to see y'all and idk if I'll frequent this site as much again but I hope so 'cuz y'all are fantastic. Urmm, I didn't really wanna make an "I'm back" post cuz that's like such commitment HAHA.

So, I'll post over here the art I've been doing lately 'cuz that's another thing I stopped and am now getting back into again :D

Previously: (haha for drama ;) )

Two years later:

[ who else loves/is playing botw cuz i am. ]

[ I also love Descendants which is kinda embarrassing omg. ]

[ And also Rooster Teeth + Meg Turney who's now not in RT T_T ]

And other stuff on my art blog : <3 haha [the name further cementing my descendants love ahh]

Anyway good to see y'all even though I was just lurking through the forums <3 HAHA
gai magic
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#2 2017-04-12 00:20:18

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: x e m o x


I was just thinking about you the other day actually ^^ How've you been dear <33

I love the improvement you've made in your art!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#3 2017-04-12 10:26:10

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: x e m o x

ANGEL !!!!! :D

<3 I'm doing fairly well actually !! I just finished my required internship a week ago which was sooo difficult O~O . And we're gonna be starting our thesis over the next year ahhh and I got into a Masters program which i may or may not be continuin, I'm not sure yet. but generally I've been doin good :D !

How about you?? I see you posting on twitter and sometimes tumblr now and again and every time it makes me want to come back here :))

Thanks <3 I'm trying to get into digital art, like I've tried before but it always overwhelmed me so I'm trying to go slow by only doing flat one-color shading :))
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#4 2017-04-12 19:23:30

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2016-11-17
Posts: 97

Re: x e m o x

You've definitely improved throughout the years!
It's so great that you've continued drawing and dabbling in other mediums. Digital art gets really addicting - but I actually find one colour shading to be the most difficult >< What program do you use?

#5 2017-04-13 09:45:00

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: x e m o x

Ahh thank you !! :D It is pretty addicting, mistakes are meant to be made and undo-ed haha. Well for me, it's easier cuz my brain tends to get caught up in color theory and which colors should be shadowed by what and forcing myself to use only 1 color lets me focus on shading :D RN, I'm using paint tool SAI and firealpaca it's pretty switch-able :))

I'm making a set of "modern fashion" (?) descendants characters haha, this is Mal's:

and have some WIPs of Carlos & Evie:
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#6 2017-04-13 18:00:01

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: x e m o x

xemoooooooo!!! Long time no see buddy!

And boy oh boy have you improved. Like ... it's just soooo awesome! Love the last one you posted especially (Mal's)!


#7 2017-05-11 13:36:10

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4092

Re: x e m o x

Long time no see darky !!! :D :D (again, because i disappeared again haha cuz we went to Japan for summer)

Thank you so much <3 ! I'm pretty proud of it. I think I'm getting better at lining which was like my ultimate weakness before T_T

Here's the rest of it haha :)
(Just a fancy set banner)
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

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