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#1 2017-05-11 18:54:55

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[2013] Calamity Dollz

Quest Name: Calamity Dollz Quest
Store Used: Western Shop
Two Endings? No.
Job? No
Room? Yes. Western Room or Extension
Total Cost: $239


Step 1:
My head... I have the feeling, I have slept for ages. My mouth is dry, I feel sick.
I'm sitting in the middle of nowhere. In some kind of desert. It's hot and the sun is burning.
I can see some sort of silhouettes far away in the distance. What are they? Cow-boys??? They are running to me, and shouting in the wind, with weapons in their hands!! I take a look around but there is no one near me. And I doubt I am welcome.
I seem to have been dropped in one of Sergio Leone's films. You'd just need to add one of Ennio Morricone's tracks... But these cow-boys don't look like they are here to sing or something... So I get up and run as fast as I can across the village!
I must be dreaming ! I see my own face on a poster just above the word « WANTED »! Suddenly, a bullet lands just next to my foot!
They've all gone crazy! It's just a bad dream, I'm gonna wake up!

Choose one item from below: $7

Cost so far: $7


Bonus 1: What does not belong?
- Bambi


Step 2:
I'm getting tired and these guys are still after me! Next time, I won't miss any of my gym lessons!
As I'm trying to see what is going on behind me, I feel my feet aren't touching the ground anymore and I end up lying pitifully on a galloping horse. Oh my god, I think I'm gonna throw up. That is when I faint...
I wake up all wet and thirsty has if I hadn't drunk for days: ?Water please, I manage to whisper...?
You had a narrow escape!, a guy answer back.
After I've drunk a bit of water, I try to analyze the situation. I'm in the Far West, with a cow-boy and some guys are after me for some reason I know nothing about. ?You own me something sweet-heart,? says my companion, as he puts on his hat and lights a cigar. ?
Maybe, I answer somewhat annoyed, these guys are just crazy, they nearly killed me! ? My answer makes him laugh.
?Listen, I say, I?m from OhMyDollz city and I?d like to go home, what's the best way? ?Hum, I see the sun hasn't just burned your skin...", he answers. Great, he thinks I'm crazy...

Choose one item from below: $12

Choose one item from below: $5

Cost so far: $24


Bonus 2:
What do you call the movies with cowboays?


Step 3:
I don't know much about my new companion, not even his name, but he gives me some food and a place to sleep.
As he told me, I owe him something, he saved my life. From what he says, I am Calamity Dollz, a notorious criminal.
It's hard to believe but he says I must have lost my memory because I staid under the water for too long...
Despite my cow-boy outfit, I don't feel like a cow-girl nor a criminal at all!
We have made a deal. He is gonna bring me to the sheriff and get the money reward promised to anyone who catches me. Then, he'll come and rescue me and we'll share the bounty
It's not all very honest but I don't have nay other solution.
Our plan goes on quite well and I end up by thinking he is sexy! I start appreciating this cow-boy life. But that doesn't last, one day, he forgets me during a fight and I nearly get shot by some crazy guy.
That's when I decide to go on my own way! ?Hasta luego, cow-boy!? The little problem is that I have no where to go, and I'm not that good at horse-ridding...

Choose an item from below: $8

Choose an item from below:  $12

Cost so far: $44


Bonus 3:
What does Hasta Luego mean?
-See you later


Step 4:
Okay, to argue with my cute cow-boy was not the best thing to do. Now I'm lost, I have nothing left to drink and night is falling. Where is my mobile!!! I'd be better off with a GPS!
I get off my horse to rest a while and think about the situation. Let's see, I'm alone, without anything to eat nor drink and no place to go.
No need to panic, it won't help. Id better try and find a solution
I look up and see an Indian.
Hem, ugh!
The Indian makes a funny face. My accent must be bad...
You lost, follow me.
I'm so desperate that I would follow anyone.
When I get to the village, he introduces me to the chief. He looks wise and peaceful, a sort of yoga teacher with feathers on his head.
The women come close to me and bring me to a tent where they make me change my clothes.
Then they share their meal with me. They sing and dance happily all night and I start to feel a bite better.

Choose an item from below: $15

Choose an item from below: $7

Choose an item from below: $5

Cost so far: $71


Bonus 4:
How do you say Native American in French?


Step 5:
The chief calls me Daylight Moon. It's a very pretty name and I'm honored he has chosen such a name for me.
I've been with the Indians for a couple of days now. I've learned a lot about their culture. They are very peaceful people, not the sort of terrific warriors you see in films. They are far more human than the cowboys who attacked me the other day and who call them savages!
The chief has invited me to take part in the animal totem feast.
He says I am ready to discover mine. The chief says I am wild and impetuous as a young Indian horse. He will be my totem-animal protector.
We spend the rest of the night dancing and listening to the old wise men's stories in front of the fire.
But I must come back to reality. Now I feel ready to challenge the Far West guys.
I'd like to finally get done with this story!

Choose an item from below: $20

Choose an item from below: $8

Choose an item from below: $7

Cost so far: $106


Bonus 5:
What is a totem animal for Native Americans?
- an animal honored like a divinity


Step 6:
There is no way I can come back to the cowboy village dressed as an Indian girl.
So I decide to dress up as a salon dancer, like that I'm sure no one will see I am Calamity Doll.
When I arrive in the village, I enter the first saloon I come across to ask if they don't need a dancer.
I am hired straight away, without even having made a quick demonstration of my talents! There aren't many people in the saloon.
At night, while I'm dancing, I see the three guys who were after me last time I was here in the village.
But I also see my beloved cowboy! I hope he won't recognize me...
I decide to end my show quickly and go back behind to the changing room.
I'm sort of panicked. I must find a way to escape as soon as possible!

Choose an item from below: $13

Choose an item from below: $15

Choose an item from below: $8

Choose an item from below: $7

Cost so far: $149


Bonus 6:
What is a saloon?
- A pub or hotel


Step 7:
As I'm trying to leave the saloon discretely, my cute cowboy comes up to me.
Missed!!Hi miss, so, you're still cross?, he asks.
What are you talking about sir? I don't know you, I'm sorry!
Not very convincing! Try again YOUR DOLL'S NAME.
You're a really pretty dancer, he says with a smile.
Before I can answer, I see the three guys approaching. They look quite drunk.
I look at my cowboy, desperately.
I'm gonna pay for my bad behavior, my cowboy says.
He turns around and they start fighting.
Why should saloons always be places where males end up fighting?
And why is it we girls love it so much?
Anyway, I escape as fast as I can and jump in the first train I come across.
I feel full of sweet feelings. I can't be in love again, can I?

Choose an item from below: $5

Choose an item from below: $5

Choose an item from below: $17

Choose an item from below: $12

Choose an item from below: $6

Cost so far: $194


Bonus 7: Which One Doesn't fit in the list?
- Chocolate Teady Bear


Step 8:
I meet my cowboy in a village not far from there. And when I see him, I'm sure: I'm in love again. Even the way he sticks his cigar between his lips makes my heart swing. I must say, he's really cute, my cowboy.
I'm gonna have to sort out that falling in love problem someday.
We spend the night in a saloon, listening to music and talking.
When we leave the saloon, he kisses me tenderly. He's so cute my cowboy...
Then, I faint.
When I wake up, I'm lying on my sofa in front of the TV, I can here the sound of a film track by Ennio Morricone...

Choose an item from below: $16

Choose an item from below: $7

Choose an item from below: *There are three options I think...I remember seeing three and in the store there are about nine options of different prices*

For $5:

For $6:

For $7:

Choose an item from below: $15




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