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#1 2017-07-03 18:43:34

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[2012] Road Trip to Miami

Special Thanks to Fairykisses for posting this guide originally.

Quest Name: Road Trip to Miami [2012]
Store Used: Dollz Sttory
Two Endings? Yes
Job? No
Room? No.
Total Cost: $200 for one ending or $246 + 150 fee'z for both endings.

Step 1
I should have known that things were not gonna go on as I had planned.
Yesterday, I joined Gladys and Stella, my childhood friends, we had planned a road trip to Miami because I have an interview there for a model selection! At first, it was somewhat strange to be with Glawdys and Stella again, after all these years. But they haven't changed, and me neither. Gladys has a quiet life, she still studies law. Stella who is always cheerful and happy is soon gonna marry with a certain David. And she wants to make the most of this last friend trip! As for me, I'm still fascinated by the world!
So everything was fine, we were driving flat out, singing out loud. But that was before the old, dirty bumpy car we had rented in OMD city broke down. I swear that if I catch the guy who riped us off...

Possess- 6$


Q. The Mythical road that runs through the United States is
A. Route 66

Step 2
The car stops in the middle of nowhere, of course. I thought I was gonna rescue everyone with my smartphone but I had no signal!
As we were turning desperate, we saw some guy who was hitch-hiking in the distance.
We did feel somewhat worried as we all thought about the Beverly killer who assassinated all those who offered to give him a lift... Yet we can't stay in the middle of the desert, alone. So we decide to ask him for help. And we couldn't be more lucky! Karl - that's his name - is a great mechanic and he repaired our old heap in no time. He is going to Miami too, to visit his family. He is happy to come with us and offers to put us up once we arrive in Miami.
Glawdys and I, dread to have to sleep in the house of a young guy all covered with dirty oil and grease. Stella is all exited, on the contrary. Anyway we don't have much choice...

Possess- 5$

Possess- 5$

Possess- 4$


Q.Hitchhiking is forbidden in some places
A. for security reasons

Step 3
Miami is so far away! We've been traveling for ages! We even had to sleep in a tatty inn. Yet I have to say I did like the pink luminous signs on the frontage. Karl tells us about all his trips and travels around the world. He's a real adventurer. I love that!
Here we are in Miami, at last: I can see palm-trees! Karl leads us to his place: a beautiful villa! There is even a gardener who is taking care of the superb rosebushes! What a surprise! Karl greets his employee and offers us to go and relax in the swimming pool. This first night in Miami was perfect, we had cocktails next to the swimming pool, while listening to Cuban music. So delightful! As Karl is. Once he'd washed, shaved and put a white, classy suit on, I realized how charming he is.

Possess- 6$

Possess- 5$

Possess- 10$


Q.The main minority group in Miami comes
A. Cuba

Step 4
It's today! In less than an hour, I'll be in front of the Fashion jury. I spent the whole morning preparing myself in the huge bathroom in Karl's villa! Stella is bouncing around, all exited: Karl offered to take us to the fashion school in his limousine. In that star car, I sens I'm soon gonna be at the top of the bill! Glawdys prefers to stay in the garden and relax next to the swimming pool. I have the feeling that something more than just the desire for calm makes Glawdys stay at Karl's place. And I'm sure it's not just the swimming-pool!

Possess- 7$

Possess- 4$

Possess- 8$

Possess- 12$


Q.Miami often undergoes
A. hurricanes

Step 5
The audition went great! It's hard not to think about it but I've decided to make the most of these days of holidays in Miami.
We went out with Karl. There are tons of musical pubs where you can dance all sorts of Latin dances. I wasn't very good at it but I learned quite quick. Stella had fun but she missed her fiancé, and I know she would have preferred to have spent the night dancing with him.
Glawdys didn't want to come out with us. When we came back home, why understood why. She was drinking champagne in the arms of the gardener! I had the superb room that we shared for myself tonight!

Possess- 5$

Possess- 23$

Possess- 10$


Q.Miami is situated
A. on the south-east coast of the United States

Step 6
Stella missed David too much so she took a plane back to OMD City before the publication of the fashion school results.
While Glawdys was swapping roses and tender words with her new boyfriend, Karl offered to go for a ride on his launch. I wasn't too keen on leaving the terrace and the swimming-pool but in fact, I spent a great time.
The sun was going down on the sea, just in front of us while the town lights went on one by one. When the first stars appeared in the sky, Karl declared me his love. He also told me that he is the heir to the Stenson fortune and that he can't leave Miami. That means that if I have to go back to OMD city, we won't be together anymore.
That's why we decide to make the most of this night together which might be the last and we went for a romantic walk on the port.

Possess- 15$

Possess- 12$

Possess- 12$

Possess- 5$


Q.Which series takes place in Miami?

Step 7a
The results were published this morning! I was chosen to be part of the great annual show in Florida. My carrier is only just starting. When he saw the results, Karl gave me a knowing and tender look. I think I'm gonna stay in Miami a few more days.

Possess- 12$

Possess- 5$

Possess- 8$

Possess- 9$

Possess- 12$


Step 7b
I'm so bummed out. I wasn't chosen... I don't know if I'm crying because of my failure or because I'm gonna have to leave Karl and go back to OMD City.
While I'm drying my tears, the phone rings. It's M Douglas. We met him yesterday in a dance pub. He's a good dancer and he invited me a few times. He tells me that he is looking for dancers and singers for a musical to be played next year in Broadway. While we were dancing yesterday night, he realized that I was made for the leading role. I accept, of course! All the Manhattan boutiques will soon be mine!

Possess- 30$

Possess- 16$


Total from step 1 to 7a= 200
Total from step 1 to 7b= 200
Total for all= 246 + 150 feez


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