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#1 2017-07-03 18:48:29

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[2013] Defeated Fairytales

Quest Name: Fairytale Quest
Store Used: Fairytale
Two Endings? Yes.
Job? No
Room? Yes. Rainbow Room or Arabian Room
Total Cost:$199 for one ending. $249 + 150 feez for two endings

Shop: Tales Shop

Thanks a lot Anyamalfoy for posting the original price guide and quiz answer!

Step 1: Once Upon a time...

Since I was a child, I Love reading fantasy stories, especially fairy tales. I do not know Where this passion comes from ... Some pople will see in this a way to escape from reality, others will see a refusal to grow up. Sometimes I find myself wishing to never grown up and remain in the innocence.
I remember my father spending hours to telling me stories to fall me asleep... He donate me a personalized collection, with my favorite stories.
Tonight I'm falling asleep, as usual, with my precious book by my side, my night lamp is still on.
My sleep is upset. Still this shaked dream where I have the impression I can't escape my persecutor, despite all my the end, as always, I wake up swet.
My book fell on the floor, the sheets are in shambles. When I catch my book, still numb, to place it on my night table, I panic! I leaf trough the pages, they are all the same: white! I rub my eyes, and turn on the light. It's Impossible! My collection is empty!
I'm so angry! I go out of my bed running downstairs to my library. All my storybooks, empty! Always the same agonizing white pages!
I nearly start crying when I hear a strange chuckle, almost nostalgic.
A small being stands in the shadows behind my chair... his little voice spear me:
"People have stopped dreaming, YOUR DOLL'S NAME. Your books are empty, empty like the world where they are. The trap of time has done its work. Nobody reads anymore our adventures, nobody has time now.
You must help me to make people dream again...

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $6:


Quiz 1: Chase the intruder:
Answer: Alladin


Step Two: Give me Your hand
I'm rubbing my eyes, pinching myself everywhere, no... I'm not dreaming ...
I do not understand nothing!
"What did you do to my book?" I said, exasperated (I'm always exceeded when somebody get my stuff).
"Nothing, of course! It's not my fault what happens to your book! There's nothing to write! Nothing, nothing, nothing! But because of you ... humans ... my world will disappeare!!" he told me.
I was shoked..anyway I had the strengh to say: "Assuming that I'm not dreaming and that I am not mad, why a little creature like you would come and see me, to save the human world?"
The small been tilts his head to the side and replied with a smile:
"You say that because you're upset? Only Someone a little crazy like you can help me in this quest" Thank you, I feel reassured ...
Defiantly I tell him:
"Assuming that I'm crazy enough to want to help you, what should I do????"
(This little critter has a super annoying side).
"Take my hand! C'mon"
"Hey, I do not take the hand of anyone! Specially when it's a green creature with big ears!"
And also ... it seems too simple your story. What will it happen if I hold your hand??"
"You'll see..."
Ok! It's Not a small creature that will scare me!
I take his hand and suddenly, it's Like a shock when I open my eyes. I'm in a large four-poster bed, my hands folded on my chest and my lips stucked the the lips of a super handsome man.
While I strongly reject this kiss, I start to run, going as fast as possible, while Mr.Handsome is looking at me. It's so complicated to run with a long dress and super long hair!
Damn, I would have done better not to take the hand of this little monster!
Still panting, I came face to face with him.
so I ask:
"What all this means?? ? "
" I'll revive your favourite stories, in a little more modern version. This way. you will be able to tell your adventure to everybody and make us a little of....ummm how do you say in your language?..ah! Advertising... Yes, advertising!!" told me, with a satisfied smile.

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $7

- Choose one of the following for $9


Cost so far: $22

Quiz 2: About which tale is it?
Answer: The Sleeping Beauty

Quest: Fairytale Quest

Step 3: Pull the bobbin

Before I could get some advantage, he grabs me by the wrist and pulled me towards him. And wham! Same discharge. When I open my eyes, I'm sitting in the grass, with a wicker basket filled with cookies in my arms. A hood covers my face. I gently lift it. I am in a pretty forest.
I can see a small house in the distance, beyond the trees. I get up and start to walk toward the house. However, I am fascinated by all the pretty things around me: small wild strawberries and blueberries. I do not know if I'm dreaming, but in any case, it's good!
Suddenly, I hear a "Hey, girl! " which scared me a bit!
A guy with an unusal appareance stands in front of me. Where is he come from?
"Hey, where are you going like that? Are you going to visit your old? " He asked.
My old? What is this way of speaking? ...  "I'm going home, there. " I said appointing the house, without looking at him.
"Oh yeah, okay, that's cool. " Then he goes away fastly.
This brief encounter is really weird, but I continue on my way quietly, picking some flowers to make a beautiful bouquet.
Arriving at the entrance of the house, I press the intercom. A hoarsy voice replied.
I noticed that the old lady has a funny look. It looks like the feminine version of the Bogdanov brothers
The lady let me in and then locked the door behind me. Weird ...the forest look so calm. This lady must be a little paranoid.
Without fear I give her my basket of cookies, as if it were obvious, and I say goodbye because I feel rather uncomfortable.
"Would you stay a little more? " she told me grabbing my shoulders. Her grip was strong and powerful, not really that one of an old lady. Suddenly I recognize the person I mee t before.
I clench my fists and I ask him to quickly open the door. He did not comply. So I hit my heel on his leg, where it hurts, and rush to open the door and get out!

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $6

- Choose one of the following for $8


Cost so far: $44

Quiz 3: Which tale do you recognize?
Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

Quest: Fairytale Quest

Step 4: Because you're worth it
The small monster is behind a tree, waiting for me?I stand in front of him?my cheeks red for the running.
?What do you think about my nasty wolf? Modern, isn?t it?? he told me smiling?
I answer him angrly: ?It?s enough with this pretence! Bring me back home! Now!?
?Hey, calm down?be angry is not good!?
I take my head with my heand to try to calm down and?paf! Another discharge!
When I open my eyes I?m behind a window? Where am I now?? ?
I turn myself to observe the room where I am, but something on the floor make me felt down?my head hutrs, like someone pulled strongly my hairs?my feet are wedgen in a fat goldy braid?my braid...
I stand up, but have to be really carefully to don?t stumble again with my braid!
Looking around, I feel like I have always lived here?on the walls there are kid?s drawings?are they mine?
I feel so lonely now?and I start to cry?
Suddenly I heard a voice outside and when I go to see trought the window, I realice I?m in a tower high more than 12 meters. Obviously, I?m a prisoner here.
Outside, I can see a man on a white horse, and he tell me: ?hey, throw out your hairs, and I will climb to join you. .?
Actually, I don?t want him to climb?I want go down! So i ask him :
??Why do you wanna climb??
??If I do, I will able to help you?I have scissors? he yells at me, shrugging.
You have really to find yourself insade a tale to live situation like this! ?Don?t worry my proncess, I?m going to help you, I will cut your hairs! Youhou!
I make some knots at regular distance in my long braid, and trough it out the window, like it was a rope.
When the prince start to climb, I feel like my head is on the point to separate from my body?he is quite heavy!
Once he arrived in the room, he looks at me?.
?Damn! I have forgot the scissors down!? he said.
Before I start to scream he said: ?Hey! I was joking!?
He is a bit stupid...isn?t it?
I take quickly the scissors and cut my hair at the level of my neck.
I feel much better, much light!
I tie an extrem of my ex braid in a column, and i go slowly down from the tower.
? So, now we can get married and have a lot of child? he said.
I look at him dubiously.
"I do not think so!" And I jumped on the horse. I ran at full speed, my short hair in the wind. A wonderful feeling of freedom overwhelms me! I smile like an idiot when I take a branch in the head that caused me to lose control and fall in the mud.
When I looks up, the little beast is there.
"Hey, you're not very nice to our prince" she said.
I give mechanically my hand to him, in order to help me to wake up?. And? new discharge

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $6

- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $16


Cost so far: $74

Quiz 4: Which tale do you reconize?
Answer: Rapunzel

Step 5: Bibidi Bobidi Bou

I'm in a big house, with a mop in my hand. I do not even have time to ask me where I'm when a nasty old lady yelled: "When you're done, do not forget to bring the tea to your sisters and ironing their clothes!
"What a witch!  Yet I feel compelled to do what she asks. I do not think it's my mother, I Have no feelings for her
My sisters are not more friendly and they don't seem to care about me.
In the evening, after all my chores, I took the opportunity to walk discreetly in the house. Looks like I'm in a big mansion. The floor is of marble, the decor is a bit too heavy for my taste.
Apart from the garden you can see the castle. It makes me dream. I have the impression that one day I will be there ...
The next day I wake up with the birds that landed on my bed. My room is very small, it is in the attic. How is it that you can treat people that way?
Going down the stairs, I hear the old ugly woman talk to her daughters...
"A dance party! The prince organized a dancing party to find his princess! You must be perfect!"
Oh..I would like to participate!
I decided to make a dress on my little free time to go to the party. I find beautiful models on internet!
Finally arrived the day, I go to find my sisters when they are getting ready to leave and ask them to go. I wear my dress which I am very proud of it.
Unfortunately, my mother did not think that way and don't let me go. She said that my dress is not adequate for the event and that my presence would make ridiculouse my family. I feel desperate and I run into the castle's garden to cry ...
A fairy appears and pronouncing a magic formula transforming my little dress in a gorgeous modern dress of princess!
I'm impressed when I arrive to the castle. The ballroom is beautiful! We can dance with the prince for several minutes. I decide to go out to take some fresh air, when I see the little monster.
"So, are you enjoing? All women liketThis story...the handsome prince makes them dream ... shortly! You spent enough time here!"
"Well, yes, it's really awesome this prin..."  No time to end the sentence that....pouf!...another discharge!

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $5[img]

- Choose one of the following for $16

- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $6


Cost so far: $109

Quiz 5: Which tale do you recognize?
Answer: Cinderella

Step 6: We come home from work
This walk through the tales is exhausting and exciting. With all these discharges, I'll end up being a real pile!
Again I wake up in a forest ... It does not look very welcoming and is very disturbing. My dress and my hair are messy. Looks like I escaped from somewhere. No. I have nothing with me, I must be lost Suddenly I hear a noise, a tall man in front of me holds a knife in his hand...
"I have orders to bring your heart to the queen" he told me But it's crazy this man!
I beg him to let me leave and save my life, I promise him to go away from the queen, she will never see me again.
My charm worked out! He goes away, but before he tells me to be carefull in the forest, it doesn't reserve me a good surprise.
Then I walked for several hours and I finally get to a small house. I knock on the door, No one. I'm exhausted and it's already dark. I decide to enter uninvited. Here I am in a pretty small room with seven small chairs and seven seats. It's Fun, it's like the house of The Hobbit!
There are seven small beds and seven small nightlamps. So cute!
I lay out and fall quickly asleep. When I wake up, I see seven little men looking at me. So I explain them that I get lost and the ugly queen wants my heart.
Compassioning, they offer me dinner and bed for the night.
The next day, when they go to work, I clean up the whole house, it's the least I can do to thank them for their hospitality!
When they return, I heard "Hey ho! Hey ho! We come home from work!".
One of them told me: "It's good that you took care of the house, but you will be much more useful in the mine with us! You can use this to sew a dress."
I likes my outfit! Finally, I am not in a meringue dress with hair that falls to my ankles. A corset around my waist, ample blouse and pants allow me to be free to move!
I go proudly work with my seven friends.
The next day, I have aches everywhere. It's Because I'm not used to go to the mine, except in the video games ... Gentily, they invite me to stay at home to rest this morning.
While the house is quiet, I hear knock at the door. A voice of an old lady calls me: "Hello, hello! My apples are delicious! 10 $ per kilo!"
Apples! Yum! I come down quickly and I open the door to the lady.

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $15

- Choose one of the following for $12

- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $5


Cost so far: $149

Quiz 6: Which tale do you recognize?
Answer:Snowhite and the 7 Dwarfs

Choose from two endings

The lady looks strange. I've had a couple of experiences that learned me to be careful when I meet weird women that offer me things. Why do old ladies look so strange in fairytales? I should think about it next time I have nothing to do...
What's gonna happen if I eat the apple? The thing is, it looks so good...

To continue the adventure, choose:

Step 7a: That Blue Dream
No, but honestly, bite an apple offered by an old woman who looks like a witch? I'm still not so crazy! I close the door to the witch saying that I'm not interested! There's nothing more painful than the "door to door" salesmen!
When I returned, I am face to face with the little monster.
Oh no! Still you! You're really starting to annoying me. I want to go home!
"Don't worry ... You'll soon go home! Just one last story. I'm sure that flying on the magic carpet will be wonderful for you!
Huh? When I open my eyes, I find myself on the top of a treasure, a genie lamp in my hand. The ground shakes as if it Was an earthquake. I start to run to avoid the falling rocks! I run as fast as possible to reach the exit. I'm in the desert at night!
I always wanted to rub the genius lamp but I must say that I'm not that strong believer...I do a try and suddenly a real genius emerges.
" Hello! What do you wish? First let me explain you: you have right for three dreams, and cannot go back. Let me guess: you want to be rich??" he said me bluntly.
It is a bit crazy this genius
"I would like to live in a magnificent palace and my boyfriend is the Prince of Persia."
"Pff, too expected!" he said pointing his finger at me.
A magical cloud envelope me and, poof, here I am, dressed like the princess of the tale "a thousand and one nights", and by my side there's a wonderful prince!
Too goo to last: suddenly I see again the little monster.
"You have completed your journey!"
And I get once again the discharge, for the last time, because when I wake up, I'm in my bed, my storybook open to "Aladdin" page.

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $5

- Choose one of the following for $6

- Choose one of the following for $6

- Choose one of the following for $10

- Choose one of the following for $15


Step 7b: Greed is a bad thing

I decided to try the apple that gives me the old lady. Immediately, I'm taking violent spasms in the stomach and then..all black.
When I wake up I'm in a forest. An amazing forest! Here sweets and cakes have replaced the trees and flowers. I do not know what the old lady had put in his apple but who commercialize such a thing today?
I got up hardly, I have a big stomach pain. Suddenly, all those sweet things do not tempt me.
There is a small cottage not so far from me. I decided to go closer.
What temptations on the way, sugars of barley, bear in chocolate, candy floss, I can smell the trap.
When I arrives at the house, I heard a voice on the inside: "Help! Help!
I decided to try the apple that gives me the old lady. Immediately, I'm taking violent spasms in the stomach and then..all black.
When I wake up I'm in a forest. An amazing forest! Here sweets and cakes have replaced the trees and flowers. I do not know what the old lady had put in his apple but who commercialize such a thing today?
I got up hardly, I have a big stomach pain. Suddenly, all those sweet things do not tempt me.
There is a small cottage not so far from me. I decided to go closer.
What temptations on the way, sugars of barley, bear in chocolate, candy floss, I can smell the trap.
When I arrives at the house, I heard a voice on the inside: "Help! Help!
Without exitation, I break the liquorice-lock of the door and get inside. A fireplace is lit, the voice is coming from the basement.
cautiously, I go down the stairs and I discovered two small children in a cage.
I decided to try the apple that gives me the old lady. Immediately, I'm taking violent spasms in the stomach and then..all black.
When I wake up I'm in a forest. An amazing forest! Here sweets and cakes have replaced the trees and flowers. I do not know what the old lady had put in his apple but who commercialize such a thing today?
I got up hardly, I have a big stomach pain. Suddenly, all those sweet things do not tempt me.
There is a small cottage not so far from me. I decided to go closer.
What temptations on the way, sugars of barley, bear in chocolate, candy floss, I can smell the trap.
When I arrives at the house, I heard a voice on the inside: "Help! Help!
Without exitation, I break the liquorice-lock of the door and get inside. A fireplace is lit, the voice is coming from the basement.
cautiously, I go down the stairs and I discovered two small children in a cage.
"Help us! The wicked witch is back" they tell.
I quickly opened the door and get them out. Once we arrived in the groundflor, we face the witch.
"Hin Hin Hin"
Yes, it's What all the witches say, right? "Look, dear madam, we 're just leaving. It's nice all those goodies but a little sickening after a while. Thank you for your kindness, but we are leaving" I told her.
Of course, it seems that she don't want to cooperate. She heats me in the knee and grabs one of the children to throw him into the fire.
I get up and I push her in the fireplace, while catching the child by the hand.
I ask them if they are ok, and suddenly I have a flash. When I wake up, I'm in my bed, my storybook open at the page of Hansel and Gretel tale ...

You need:
- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $6

- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $8

- Choose one of the following for $7

- Choose one of the following for $6

- Choose one of the following for $7


Cost of one ending: $199
Cost of two endings: $249 + 150feez


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