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#1 2017-07-15 10:47:58

From: Russia
Registered: 2015-06-19
Posts: 56

More sales for users !

I'm the one who believes that for the complete ideal of this game there is not enough sales or sharing of things users with other users ? After all, there are so many things that we do not really need, or do not like by color or even accidentally bought, and now you think how good it would be to sell or exchange this thing, I do not know how anyone, but I really need such a function and can anyone know whether such a question has risen earlier ?
Tumblr: offdiispi Deviantart: DiiSPi FaceBook: /snaknaow Twitter: @diispi Stardoll: Snakna

#2 2017-07-16 04:19:42

Registered: 2011-03-05
Posts: 12

Re: More sales for users !

I posted a question similar to this a few months ago I believe...I think I took it down because no one had looked at it for some time. Ya, I would totally take advantage of an exchange function. I have tons of clothes and items that I have been keeping in hopes of one day this being possible. I was extremely glad when they created the inventory so that I could pack the stuff out of the way (now if only there was a way I could organize it myself!!)

I would hate for the dollarz I spent on this stuff going to waste if I just deleted it.


#3 2017-07-16 23:27:34

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: More sales for users !

I believe these were discussed before actually. I remember that the topic boiled down to 'It wouldn't be a good idea for Feerik'. Don't think it was an official response, but someone can correct me.


#4 2017-07-25 09:23:40

From: Russia
Registered: 2015-06-19
Posts: 56

Re: More sales for users !

blackcat57 wrote:

I posted a question similar to this a few months ago I believe...I think I took it down because no one had looked at it for some time. Ya, I would totally take advantage of an exchange function. I have tons of clothes and items that I have been keeping in hopes of one day this being possible. I was extremely glad when they created the inventory so that I could pack the stuff out of the way (now if only there was a way I could organize it myself!!)

I would hate for the dollarz I spent on this stuff going to waste if I just deleted it.

Yeah, the appearance of the inventory made life much easier, and I was very glad that they added the purchase of quest things from the rooms, though for the feez, and I very much hope that soon we will be able to exchange things )
Tumblr: offdiispi Deviantart: DiiSPi FaceBook: /snaknaow Twitter: @diispi Stardoll: Snakna

#5 2017-07-25 09:30:31

From: Russia
Registered: 2015-06-19
Posts: 56

Re: More sales for users !

darkelfqueen wrote:

I believe these were discussed before actually. I remember that the topic boiled down to 'It wouldn't be a good idea for Feerik'. Don't think it was an official response, but someone can correct me.

I dont understand why they will not add the exchange function, because so many things we get from quests, lotors, etc. by one color in difference from a choice in shop where it is possible to find to itself things to taste ... Most likely it just requires a lot of actions and manipulations for such a game, or they just do not know how it can be implemented :(
Tumblr: offdiispi Deviantart: DiiSPi FaceBook: /snaknaow Twitter: @diispi Stardoll: Snakna

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