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#1 2017-11-05 05:58:50

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Gift from Sarah PMs - Show thumbnail of gift

While I enjoy the "You received a gift from Sarah!" PMs letting me know I've received something, I don't always know what it is I received.  The message is contingent on being read shortly after logging in, when it typically first arrives, and then checking the Inventory right away, which might not always happen.

On the contrary, the "Gift from Friend"-type PMs display a thumbnail of the gift that has been sent to you by another player.

It would be really helpful if the "Gift from Sarah" PMs included a thumbnail of the gift that is received as well.  This would also allow a player to keep track of which items they've gotten from Sarah when trying to obtain a full set that is dependent on logging in on multiple different days.


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