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#1 2017-12-22 20:53:19

From: South of France
Registered: 2013-08-13
Posts: 145

Xmas Giveaway

Hi there,

Xmas's coming, I wish you all the good things in life, all what you hope for. A little gift for everyone of you if you give some informations :

- what do I put in the globe : dollz (sewing as .png if possible or a doll on an empty wall ), items from game, one of your rooms, or photos from internet/personnal, other stuff...

- what color (pale, dark, texture, pattern...) ? style ? with or without bow ?

- text ? name, words...

Something you must know about animated png, only casimages and deviantart upload big files (more than 20mo).

#2 2017-12-25 09:21:44

Registered: 2010-10-18
Posts: 219

Re: Xmas Giveaway

Merry Christmas! All the Best to you too!

That snowglobe as it is, is just lovely, bow and all. If I had a site I'd post on, I'd have taken up your offer (if I'd seen it before now, sorry) but I just have a few games and things (I even avoid facebook if I can help it.)

Still, I keep going back to look at it. Even as a static image, I imagine I can see the snow moving, it's such a great piece of work.

Again happy holidays, and wishing you a new year of wonderful things to come.


#3 2017-12-31 05:01:11

From: South of France
Registered: 2013-08-13
Posts: 145

Re: Xmas Giveaway

I imagine I can see the snow moving, it's such a great piece of work.

I forgot to say that animated .png are not compatible with some versions of browsers. That's why you cannot see the snow falling.

Happy New Year's Eve!

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