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#1 2017-11-01 00:31:26

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

i'll add a few "TL;DR" (Too Long; Didn't Read) notes. just in case.

sometimes, i play games on other sites. sometimes, those games are not in flash format. sometimes, i can't get those games to properly work. sometimes i need more than one browser for online gaming.
(remember, OMD does NOT allow external links)

for a long time, they didn't work on firefox. and if they did, they would be too bugged to play. there was one that would replay stage 1 forever, there was another that would tell me to use a newer browser such as firefox version 10 (when i was using the lastest version wich was 40-something-dot-something back then). nowadays, it seems to load, play and work just fine. IF one can beat the game in a single sitting. or IF the game allows the player to export/import saves. because it won't access my local storage and i can't figure out how to enable it (specialy how to enable it without losing my other browser settings and flash game saves).
TL;DR: firefox runs HTML5 games but does not store the save files.

i can't get them to work on firefox, at all. and this format was introduced in order to replace UNITY web player. but firefox stopped supporting this plugin before adding propper support to its replacement. and it never allows me to allocate enough memory to load them, let alone play them. opera on the other hand allows me to play it just fine, without need to run an extensive research on complicated informatics.
TL;DR: i can't play WEBGL games on firefox, i can play them on opera.

i've been wondering if anyone else here plays games in those formats, what browsers you play them with and if you ever had any problems with those games. or if you ever managed to solve problems you had with them and how (by using another browser, etc.). your favorite games in those formats. or if you don't even know how to tell a HTML5 game from a flash game.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#2 2017-11-09 06:16:58

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Apart from OMD I don't really play any other browse based games but I sometimes visit websites that use HTML5 or WEBGL on my Firefox (with an installed adblock plugin, Ghostery and NoScript) and I have never had any problems with these. On the other hand I have constant problems with Flash-based games and websites. Eespecially recently Flash has been a horrble mess on OMD and I just had to block any related content 'cause it took so much time to load. Using Chrome is an alternative for me since Flash seems to work better with that browser but I feel that Chrome in general loads anything a lot slower. So like, there's no good solution.

#3 2017-11-11 02:32:34

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

oddly, i have an adblocker on my firefox, i turned ghostery off because it wasn't blocking any trackers as it should, and for some obcure reason i can't find anywhere, i have all of those problems. but flash works just fine (with most games. arkandian crusade kept freezing every few seconds when i played it today)

i wonder why we are having such different problems with the same browser quoi
and how long firefox will last with all of those unfixed compatibility issues...

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#4 2017-11-11 09:34:48

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

I'm afraid there's not a single perfect web browser avaliable as of now. With all its problems I still find Firefox to work best for me. And if it's true that Adobe will stop supporting Flash by the year 2020 then my problem will disappear, haha. Although I'm not sure what will happen to OMD then :/

#5 2017-11-12 05:25:32

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

that worries me too... i decided against posting a topic asking about this subject because it didn't sound apropriate... specialy for a problem that will only happen in 2~3 years and may have been solved by then (someone else buying flash and keeping the support or making it open source, someone making an emulator, etc.)

if firefox doesn't improve support for browser-based games, i'll likely abandon it and stick to opera (at least THAT one keeps google from stalking me).

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#6 2018-04-30 02:01:04

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Don't know how relevant this will be due to quite a late response, but still ^^

Firstly (I guess),
Flash is evil; and by that I mean, it's not secure, which is why it is no longer being developed nor is it being supported by modern browsers. (That's why many old web pages may look a bit broken on newer browsers).

Regarding not being able to export/import saves, you should probably check your browser settings for that specific website.

WEBGL is a somewhat new technology, which is why it's not fully supported on all browsers, but it is getting there, slowly.

(For those interested, the difference between HTML5 and WEBGL is that HTML5 is used to build websites, kinda like what Facebook and Twitter and of course OMD are, but in most cases, you use additional languages which then allow you to "express" yourself better :P
WEBGL on the other hand is a graphics library for web (hence the name Web G L ), it is primarily used to communicate with graphics card that's in the computer, which allows the programmers to use the amazing powers of the GPU ( Graphical Processing Unit) to create much more complex stuff!

Soo... If you're making a modern browser game, you could use HTML5 to design a cool page and then use WEBGL to design an even cooler game, that others could play on your page!)

On 'The Topic',
I mostly use Google Chrome, I even own a Chromebook (a laptop on which you can more or less only use a browser).

Regarding your worries about google stalking you, neither Opera nor Firefox would help with that, since to my knowledge they both use the Chrome core (I could be wrong).

Flash is more or less dead at this point, or at least soon to be.

I would suggest you use or at least try Google Chrome, it's quite cool and it has evolved quite a lot!

And, don't worry about Google stalking you ^^

They have other projects to focus on, then stalking :P

Ait, hope these wasn't too painful to read, but I do have some knowledge on this field, so I might as well share what I know.

Lots of Love!

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#7 2018-04-30 13:44:08

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

@ldragon: if this topic doesn't get locked for necrobumping, we're just fine XD anyway, thanks for replying. it was NOT painful to read. ;)
also, in case my replies look agressive, i would like to apologize in advance if they sound rude. being rude or agressive is NOT my intention. please, try to view them as questions from someone who is full of doubts. my intention was to ask questions and get information... yeah, even on that webgl bit.

Regarding not being able to export/import saves, you should probably check your browser settings for that specific website.

done that, changed every setting i could find, still nothing saves... i already allow those sites to store data on my computer, but they still claim inability to access local storage. and i already granted them said permission... maybe i'm doing something wrong?

WEBGL on the other hand is a graphics library for web (hence the name Web G L ), it is primarily used to communicate with graphics card that's in the computer, which allows the programmers to use the amazing powers of the GPU ( Graphical Processing Unit) to create much more complex stuff!

and sadly (PLEASE, correct me if i'm wrong), it doesn't seem to support anything made before last tuesday...
(kind of going off-topic from this point on, so please, try to focus on the bit above this line.)
yeah, having the most up-to-date GPU and drivers is good, i get it, but the kind of people who play browser games is not exactly the kind of people who can afford to buy the lastest graphics card every week (even if they were to buy one only after the drivers stopped getting new updates, it is still too expensive). i wish the developers of webGL would take that into account (and have a constant minimum requirement, rather than an contantly-changing one). graphics cards are expensive and if i could afford to buy one every week i'd just buy offline games instead of playing free online stuff. where i live, a 2GB GPU (eg: AMD Radeon HD 6450) is more expensive than the average PS4 game. a PS4 game costs arround US$ 57.85 and last time i checked, the minimum wage was less than US$ 433.85/month.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#8 2018-04-30 16:45:42

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Is necrobumping when you write in a relatively old thread?
To be honest, I was just looking for something where I could be of help, and that wasn't like 4 years old, because it's quite sad to see that Dollz Cafe is so lonely and empty.

It is also sad that it took me like 7 years to finally write anything on the forums :S

I still have hopes for the Cafe though, specially because I like both Coffee and Tea, so if we manage to attract new people, we'll be sure to serve only the best ^^

(What coffee and tea do you like?)


With the export/import saves, it is possible that the game/website is just poorly written, where that function doesn't actually work, but the button is still there :P

Aaa, well, if done properly WEBGL doesn't really care how old your GPU is, of course better is better, but the one that's a part of your CPU (Central Processing Unit), still helps.

The reason why WebGL was created is because for the last 15 years or so, more or less all computers come with either integrated or dedicated GPU, but because HTML and other languages were constructed before that, they didn't really have any real support for the GPU, at least not in an effective way. (Java and some languages did have something that kinda worked, but it was nowhere near as good (dare I say incredible) as WebGL is (will be) ).

So even if you don't have a dedicated GPU, you still 'profit' from WebGL (once stuff will start to use it).

I do agree that graphics cards are WAY too expensive and the whole crypto-mining thing didn't help at all (it made the prices go even further up, due to lack of graphics cards on the market, because crypto-miners bought all that were modern and powerful).

All modern graphics cards are above 60$, at least those that are useful, if you're planning to buy a modern graphics card that's below 60$, it would probably be better to buy a used one that's few generations older, but was at it's time at the top of the line.

But I do agree, that computers are expensive, specially because in many cases in the end it's just a metal box that's going to gather dust somewhere in the room. Or instead you could spend that money to go and travel around the world, so yeah...

Had that discussion with myself many many times!

I myself work for a almost minimum wage, but because the standards (food, drinks, everything) is more expensive then in the USA, the actual number of my wage is higher, but in the end we have the same % of money left at the end of the month :P

But I have decided to return to University, because I believe that I am capable of much more! And because I've (I think) finally figured out how to manage my mental state, at least to a point, where we're no longer sinking (that's a boat joke ^^ ).

Don't worry about getting of topic, that's what makes stories interesting :)

On that note (music joke),

Lots of Love,
Winx out! :P

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#9 2018-04-30 21:28:46

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Is necrobumping when you write in a relatively old thread?

yes. some sites have rules against it to prevent spam. but i think threads on the 1st page of an inactive forum shouldn't be much of a problem XD

I still have hopes for the Cafe though, specially because I like both Coffee and Tea, so if we manage to attract new people, we'll be sure to serve only the best ^^

(What coffee and tea do you like?)

i think i'll open a new topic here to answer that one XD. there's such a wide variety of both.

Aaa, well, if done properly WEBGL doesn't really care how old your GPU is, of course better is better, but the one that's a part of your CPU (Central Processing Unit), still helps.

it often gets in a fight with both my onboard GPU (intell HD) and my dedicated one (AMD radeon).
i know i should have moved to a 64-bit system ages ago, but is the fact that i'm using a 32-bit one the cause of the "out of memory" problem? (i hope so. it would mean the problem will be solved as soon as i replace my 32-bit system with the 64-bit one)

i know i have enough RAM ro run them because they sometimes work. and when they load, they never crash from running out of memory...
i mean, i find it odd that they run out of memory when the game needs less than 512MB of RAM (according to a developer i talked to), the browser using arround 300MB and the available RAM being 1,5GB (3GB total). basicaly, i have arround 1500MB ro run the game, wich uses what? 800~1200MB? (brwoser RAM usage included)

lately, firefox seems to be accepting them. sort of.
sometimes, i can get the webGL game to work on 1st try, with 2 (or more) other brwoser tabs open and using up more RAM (firefox). sometimes, i need to crash the brwoser in order to get the game to work. sometimes, this will fail and i'll try another browser (opera) and the game will work just fine. and sometimes, the game refuses to load on opera, claiming the browser does not support webGL...

i guess "supporting" and "being able to run" are 2 completely different concepts...

I do agree that graphics cards are WAY too expensive and the whole crypto-mining thing didn't help at all (it made the prices go even further up, due to lack of graphics cards on the market, because crypto-miners bought all that were modern and powerful).

All modern graphics cards are above 60$, at least those that are useful, if you're planning to buy a modern graphics card that's below 60$, it would probably be better to buy a used one that's few generations older, but was at it's time at the top of the line.

legends claim that a crash of the crypto coins would make GPU prices sink like a heavy rock in a low density water body. likely meaning you could find a 16GB GPU (if that even exists) for free :3. ok, i'll stop daydreaming.

But I do agree, that computers are expensive, specially because in many cases in the end it's just a metal box that's going to gather dust somewhere in the room. Or instead you could spend that money to go and travel around the world, so yeah...

the main reason i keep procrastinating upgrades for my computer. i need one that is good enough to last at least 10 years (with some cheap maintenance) for the price to be worth it. if i didn't love videogames as much as i do, my computer would not have even needed the dedicated GPU. my onboard one would've been enough. but games keep demanding more power. and more, and more, and more and *insert loud scream here*.

good thing some developers make good games that demand low power (such as minetest, treasure adventure game, aground, squirrel simulator, stranded II, FLARE, etc.). and good thing the essential software (text editors, slide editors, etc.) demands FAR less power.

But I have decided to return to University, because I believe that I am capable of much more! And because I've (I think) finally figured out how to manage my mental state, at least to a point, where we're no longer sinking (that's a boat joke ^^ ).

*sends out best wishes and good vibes and everything nice*

Don't worry about getting of topic, that's what makes stories interesting :)

On that note (music joke),

Lots of Love,
Winx out! :P

now that you mention it... i need to finish that marathon. i only watched the 1st 2 seasons (on TV) and i need to finish the 1st season (marathon). there are 4 right now... right?

anywaaaay... cheers! gai

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#10 2018-04-30 23:37:03

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

it often gets in a fight with both my onboard GPU (intell HD) and my dedicated one (AMD radeon).
i know i should have moved to a 64-bit system ages ago, but is the fact that i'm using a 32-bit one the cause of the "out of memory" problem? (i hope so. it would mean the problem will be solved as soon as i replace my 32-bit system with the 64-bit one)

When speaking about memory, we're talking about RAM (Random Access Memory).
32-bit systems are limited (at Windows is) to only 4GB of RAM, which means that even if you have 512GB of RAM in your computer, the OS (Operating System), won't be able to any of it, and I even think it only detects 4GB, but I'm not sure.

If you have more RAM it would be smart to upgrade to 64-bit system, if you don't then there isn't really much point in doing so.

Well, depending on the browser, the browser itself can eat quite a lot of RAM, and the OS will also eat a good portion of it, so there really isn't much left for the games.

Which is why, when I did anything a bit heavier on my stationary computer, I would always close all the programs that I could.

Why you get 'out of memory', I don't know.
But I do know, that if I program would need more memory the OS (at least Windows does), moves other programs that are using RAM but not as actively as your program, get moved onto the disk (storage; SSD / HDD), which is slower then RAM, but it should prevent the programs from crashing.

If you're using Firefox, I would suggest you try Google Chrome.

Do note that 4GB today is really little.
I suggest taking a look at this video:

It is also important to remember that you could be getting 'out of memory' because the game was/is poorly written, because if the programmer doesn't properly clean the memory their games use, it would just eat all the RAM without actually using any of it.

i guess "supporting" and "being able to run" are 2 completely different concepts...

Yep! If the browser doesn't support WebGL, there is nothing you can do, except try a different browser.

If the browser does support WebGL, but your computer isn't able to run the game, you can try a different computer, or upgrade your current computer, or just try closing tabs and other programs.

legends claim that a crash of the crypto coins would make GPU prices sink like a heavy rock in a low density water body. likely meaning you could find a 16GB GPU (if that even exists) for free :3. ok, i'll stop daydreaming.

Even if crypto does crash, which I don't think it will anytime soon, or at least not to the point, where one could say that they are useless.
And that's because a lot of dark web markets (if not all) use crypto money, which is good, because that way not only you but also the merchant are protected from having someone poke at the stuff you buy ^^

When the bubble will burst, the prices will drop below their normal prices mainly because many crypto miners will be selling their graphics cards, but I do wonder how many will be able to sell them, as they are used, and not just used, but well used, like for the entire time they were powered on they were running at 100% performance, which has to be bad for the card.

I'm saving all my money for the Razer Blade that's not even out (as of the time of writing this).
And I'm only buying a new laptop, because I want to go back to the university, and do all the work on my computer instead of using the university's computers, which are restricted is so many ways, and you can't use them past 21:00 :S

I will probably end us spending around 2000-2500€ on the laptop, but I hope to have a bit of peace after buying it, and I do intend to also use it for video editing and such, so it's easier to justify spending such high amount of money on it. I just hope it won't break on me :S

Having a computer for 10 years, should be possible, but you will have to buy one that like very good today, or very good tomorrow. Because 10 years is a lot of time in technology, specially in the computer technology!
I mean, I'm waiting for the new Razer Blade, just because I want the CPU that Intel released this year, and not the one that they released last year.

What kind and which video games do you play?

but games keep demanding more power. and more, and more, and more and *insert loud scream here*.

You could try lowering the graphics settings :P

Hahaha, is Minetest just a copy of Minecraft?

I write/create/make all my documents/spreadsheets/slideshows in Google Docs/Sheets/Slides
So I don't really need a powerful computer to do those ^^

Thank you, best of luck and wishes to you too, and to anyone one else reading this.
Now that you are loved!

Regarding Winx Club, there's quite a salad here.

That's because the RAI the original creator sold the rights to some American companies, which means that they made their own interpretations of the story, meaning, that the cartoon is different depending on which rendition you watch!

There are (this is from Wikipedia):

Original / RAI Italian (2004–15)
The original Italian version covers all seven seasons

Cinelume / RAI English (2004–09)
RAI created an English dub for the first four seasons recording by Cinelume in Montreal.

4Kids Entertainment (2004–07)
4Kids produced an English dub which aired on Fox network under its programming block FoxBox and later 4Kids TV. The dub covers the first three seasons.

Nickelodeon (2011–15)
Nickelodeon's voice cast covered seasons 3–6. Nick produced several television specials to summarise both seasons 1 and 2. The voice actors are not listed in the closing credits for both seasons 3 and 4. They are listed under "Featuring the Voices Of" starting in season 5, and detailed with roles starting with season 6.

DuArt Film and Video (2015–16)
Season 7 lists only the main Winx Club girls as well as seven supporting characters and their voice actors credited under Main Voices:

I'm currently re-watching the dubbed version of the original RAI version of Winx Club, as I hope that it is the closest to the original Italian version.
I have watched it in Slovenian few years ago, but it was kinda strange, because the songs were all in English :P

I don't really know why, but I really love Winx Club.
Could be because I know that more or less anyone that I would suggest to watch it, wouldn't watch it, so it kinda feels like it's my little gem :3

I must say, I've never really participated in any forums before, at least not with as much drive as I do here, and it is quite fun, although I do fear that I might run out of stuff to say, but I guess we'll cross that bridge once we get there, I can always, if need be, just roll my head on the keyboard and press 'Submit' :P

Lots of Love,
Winx out!

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#11 2018-05-01 09:32:35

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

i'll quote just one paragraph to answer everything above it to save space xP

ldragon wrote:

If the browser does support WebGL, but your computer isn't able to run the game, you can try a different computer, or upgrade your current computer, or just try closing tabs and other programs.

along with the TL;DR

darkjewels wrote:

i know i have enough RAM ro run them because they sometimes work. and when they load, they never crash from running out of memory...
i mean, i find it odd that they run out of memory when the game needs less than 512MB of RAM (according to a developer i talked to), the browser using arround 300MB and the available RAM being 1,5GB (3GB total). basicaly, i have arround 1500MB ro run the game, wich uses what? 800~1200MB? (brwoser RAM usage included)

lately, firefox seems to be accepting them. sort of.
sometimes, i can get the webGL game to work on 1st try, with 2 (or more) other brwoser tabs open and using up more RAM (firefox). sometimes, i need to crash the brwoser in order to get the game to work. sometimes, this will fail and i'll try another browser (opera) and the game will work just fine. and sometimes, the game refuses to load on opera, claiming the browser does not support webGL...

32 bit systems claim to have a RAM cap of 4GB, but the actual RAM cap is 3GB.
half of my RAM is being used by the OS, the other half is available.

LATELY, firefox will SOMETIMES run webGL games.
sometimes i play a webGL game on firefox, with other tabs open and using more RAM. and then, the next day, the SAME game i played "yesterday" claims there is not enough RAM, even when the game's tab is the ONLY open tab. (then why did it work "yesterday"?)
sometimes I play a webGL game on opera. and then, the next day, the SAME game i played "yesterday" claims opera doesn't support webGL. (then why did it work "yesterday"?)

TL;DR: webGL works on my computer like a bipolar schizophrenic on a driver school. but yeah, it works from time to time.

ldragon wrote:

When the bubble will burst, the prices will drop below their normal prices mainly because many crypto miners will be selling their graphics cards, but I do wonder how many will be able to sell them, as they are used, and not just used, but well used, like for the entire time they were powered on they were running at 100% performance, which has to be bad for the card.

hopefully, even the brand new ones on the stores will be cheap by then :3

ldragon wrote:

I'm saving all my money for the Razer Blade that's not even out (as of the time of writing this).
And I'm only buying a new laptop, because I want to go back to the university, and do all the work on my computer instead of using the university's computers, which are restricted is so many ways, and you can't use them past 21:00 :S

I will probably end us spending around 2000-2500€ on the laptop, but I hope to have a bit of peace after buying it, and I do intend to also use it for video editing and such, so it's easier to justify spending such high amount of money on it. I just hope it won't break on me :S

best wishes for your new laptop! (maybe there will be a sale the day you buy it and you'll get 50% off or 80% off plus a 5-year warranty *crosses fingers*). *turns at your future laptop* hey laptop, be nice to ldragon and keep working even after you are obsolete and have been replaced >:(

ldragon wrote:

What kind and which video games do you play?

mostly sandbox, metroidvania, RPG, puzzle and tower defense.
the gemcraft series has been keeping me busy lately.
listing them all would take me a while.

ldragon wrote:

Hahaha, is Minetest just a copy of Minecraft?

actualy, both minetest and minecraft are just copies of infiniminer. xP

if you check minetest's forums, you'll find many topics detailing the differences. such as one being a C++ engine with built-in mod support and the other being a Java game that breaks the mods every update, etc. some say that minetest is to minecraft what linux is to windows. or something.

PS: gemcraft is a tower defense series.
PS2: woah! 7 seasons? it will take me a while to get there...
PS3: wellcome to the forums! (i usualy spend a few hours reading the terms of use of a forum before i make my 1st post in it to avoid geting scolded by a moderator xP)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#12 2018-05-01 15:34:39

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

If the game works one day and it doesn't the other day, it could be because your computer is doing something in the background, that's quite often the case with such stuff.

Have you tried Google Chrome?

plus a 5-year warranty

Hehehe,  Razer is known for not giving much support for their devices nor any useful amount of time for warranty :P

Mmm, I like The Elder Scrolls games and universe, it's really cool, specially if you get really deep into it, like learning the creation of the universe and the worlds and all the stuff;
Really cool.

Minecraft was inspired by Infiniminer, but Minetest is a copy of Minecraft.
There's a difference :P (I think/hope)

What is Linux to Windows?

I've played gemcraft before, I quite like tower defence games, but I prefer those where you just endlessly build your defence, unlike those others, where you have like a level one, and once you finish it you go to level two and need to start all again.

For keeping track of what and how far you've watched something, I suggest using a spreadsheet, it's quite practical and cool!

Thank you for the welcomes, I could go and read the rules, but I would rather read something else. I do believe that if I behave like a human, there shouldn't be any problems.


Say, how active would you say, this forum is? And is it growing or dying?

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#13 2018-05-03 01:12:12

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

I've played gemcraft before, I quite like tower defence games, but I prefer those where you just endlessly build your defence, unlike those others, where you have like a level one, and once you finish it you go to level two and need to start all again.

why don't tower defense games have a sandbox mode? oh, wait... bloons tower defense has one. but you need to unlock it. good thing there is freeplay. i only played bloons tower defense 4 and 5. i like 5 better because you don't realy need to pay for the premium content and your progress is saved on the server so i don't need to back it up.

Say, how active would you say, this forum is? And is it growing or dying?

it used to be more active (see the games forum) but i don't think it is dying yet... i guess... oh well... it is not growing at all...

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#14 2018-05-04 01:45:29

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Say, do you have any experience with programming?

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#15 2018-05-05 03:59:37

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

i gave lua a few tries by messing arround with stencyl. also, some games use lua-based mods that are easy to change, so if you don't like something about a mod and you have notepad++, paint[dot]NET and a clue about lua language, you can easily change that, no need to wait for the mod's developer to do it.

i think i'll give python a try too, since i downloaded blender and it uses that language. i think blender is mainly a game-making tool, but it can also be used as a (free) video editor. but i am yet to figure out how... if i'm not mistaken blender can also be used for rebuilding a person's face from a 3D image of their skull. and that s kull (ok, i'll stop with those lame puns).

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#16 2018-05-06 17:14:11

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Hehehe, s kull :P

I like lua, mainly because of it's name, but I haven't yet done anything with it.
I think some of Minecraft mods are written in lua, but I could be wrong!

I want to learn python too, so that I can finally see what's all the fuss about.
Many say that it's the best programming language, and it is the most popular.
Also you can do machine learning with TensorFlow in python so that's really cool.

You can make games in blender?

That's the first time I'm hearing about it.

I've mostly heard and used blender for animations and 3D modelling.
They do say that it's supposed to be a quite solid video editing software, but I have yet to try. I primarily use Adobe Premier and Sony Vegas, but I have used DaVinci too.

I am planning to try Blender again, due to it being free, but I'm kinda waiting for a new computer, since my current one is not strong enough to do anything serious on it.

I've also been playing around with Unreal Engine, and I must say that it's really cool.

I hope to do much more with it!

You know what would be cool?
    To do something together :)

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#17 2018-05-07 19:53:35

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

assuming the json file (wich can be edited with notepad++) is using lua language, then you'd be right.

i actualy can't remember why i downloaded blender (if i was looking for game-making tools or for 3-D modelling ones xP) other than the fact that it is free.
all of those 3 video editors you mentioned are paid, i presume? XD
if my computer's current state is powerfull enough to run blender, i bet your computer can run it just fine.

is Unreal Engine free to use? i left contruct2 alone because it was freemium (among other things). i sometimes try to make a game, but always stop the project for some reason. pokemon fangames require either RPG maker (paid editor) or skill to adapt pokemon essentials to another editor, wich can take a while, specialy if you have no idea what you are doing... there is solarus quest editor, wich is a (basicaly) zelda-clone-maker, but i never managed to get that thing to work at all. maybe when i have free time again i'll give it a second chance...

yeah, i know there is a free-version-thing of RPG editor, but it requires Steam (it has no desktop version). it took me forever to delete blender's steam version so i could install the desktop version...
using a steam app instead of a desktop one means having to wait for a useless software to load, need the internet to be working at that moment (i'm more likely to even try to make a game when the internet is NOT working), having (at the very least) one more process using your RAM up, and having to keep the software up-to-date at ALL times.
new version replaced the feature you used the most with one that requires twice the effort to get half the result? TOO BAD, NO DOWNDATES. new version messed the interface up moving the tools to counter-intuitive places? go waste your time re-learning how to use the software instead of, you know, finishing the game you were working on BEFORE updating (and leaving the update to a day when you have time to re-learn how to use the software).

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#18 2018-05-09 23:01:43

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Hmm... I thought that json files where in json language :)

DaVinci is free. Other two can be 'free' if you know where to get them ^^

Unreal Engine is free yeah, and they also give you a lot of stuff to work with, and lots and lots of good assets. Also there are video and text tutorials as to how to use it, in various different ways. I kinda really dislike freemium, because if you don't give them money, you either have to work really hard or you just can't keep up with those that pay.

You should start a project and write everything down, into a real notebook, and see it through to the end, even if it will be bad. It's much more important that you finish it, then that you make it good and then never finish it.

You could write your own Pokemon, like from zero. C++ or something, I've heard you can even do gaming in python!

Yeah... Steam is quite annoying, because it kinda forces you to either have it open all the time, or not use the software they provide.

Ohh! I've just got an even better idea. You could make Pokemons in JavaScript :O
Then you could play them anywhere on any device, and you could even make it multiplayer!

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#19 2018-05-10 07:11:12

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

*goes seach DaVinci and Unreal Engine*
hahaha movavi can be 'free' too in those places xP and it seems to have a user-friendly interface. ^.^'

You should start a project and write everything down, into a real notebook, and see it through to the end, even if it will be bad. It's much more important that you finish it, then that you make it good and then never finish it.

good point. *noted*
i think i'll try taking a look at the lundum dare themes and make something that fits it. even if i don't submit the game, at least i'll have a clue. and a goal. and a focus.

i'd need to learn the languages 1st in order to make a C++ or java pokemon game XD
but the main problem with pokemon fangames is that you need to either be sthealthy about them or some lawyers will demand you to abandon the project...

Last edited by darkjewels (2018-05-10 07:13:28)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#20 2018-05-11 00:37:50

From: Sun is where the flowers bloom
Registered: 2011-01-26
Posts: 13

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

Yee, DaVinci and Unreal Engine are quite cool.

DaVinci is also (if not primarily) used for colour correction, which is cool!

When you'll finish the game, do make sure to share it with us ^^

I think a good way to learn anything is to actually do what you're learning.
So if you want to learn how to write games with C++, then just start a project and start writing, you could even start with something simple like a TextRPG.

And as you stumble across problems which you don't know how to solve, you use Uncle Google! He's always there to help you, and what cool is that because C++ is kinda old, there's already a lot of answers on the webz.

One day, I want to try making a game in a team, because so far, no one wanted to make anything with me :S

But I'm sure that if I keep doing what I do, than sooner then later, I'll find someone who will want to do and make stuff with me!

If you need any help, with anything, just ask!

I'm modestly good with C++, and I kinda know what's going on with Java.
Lately, I've been daydreaming about making my own Minecraft mod.
Mostly because I like Minecraft and because it's actually quite easy to make mods for it, what's harder is making original mods :D

You could/should also take a look at HTML, CSS and JS
As those can be quite fun to play with, and maybe even easier to start playing with graphical stuff.

But C++ can also be quite easy, specially with WinBGIm.


YouTube's your friend and there's a lot that you can learn on it!

Lots of Love,
Winx out!


#21 2018-05-11 10:48:10

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: browsers, HTML5 and WEBGL (casual) discussion

thanks! i'll take a look at those. ^-^
if i ever get the game done, i may post it somewhere.
kongregate has a developer forum in the forums where you may be able to find help and/or people looking for a team.
i need to find a place to upload pixel art and leave it under some licence that allows people to freely use it (that would likely help a few developers).

anyway, good luck there! gai

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

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