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#1 2019-01-16 18:40:31

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

[Fashion Show] Call to the designers !

What is love ?

Answer our call and depict true love for Valentine’s Day ! This year’s theme will be the evening of the lovers’ celebration. Roses, romance, one-to-one diner… Everything that makes a perfect Valentine’s Day with your SO.

From Tuesday, January 15 until Thursday, January 24 send your creations based on the previously described theme while giving free rein to your imagination. From the craziest dress to the complete Cupid outfit, let nothing stop you ! Your creations will then be selected among all the submitted ones.

You can send your creations directly from your inventory : we will receive them and enjoy your endless imagination. You can propose up to 5 items, created maximum 3 months ago !

Dollz whose creations will be selected will of course receive a reward, so good luck everyone and may you be inspired !


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