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#26 2019-06-16 16:35:41

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Where have our Moderators gone

cocobelle wrote:

I'm around, sort of.  As a mod, I got very frustrated with things around here & pretty much quit playing since there's really only so much we (mods) can do at this point.  And.. honestly, I have no interest in posting news about old repeated content.

A lot of people take breaks from this game for whatever their reasons, be it a new job, a new baby, new house... or in my case, a death in the family.  It helps to leave a note somewhere so people don't wonder and/or worry about that player.  The last post by a mod, up until a few days ago, was back in April... April 9th 2019.  No notes from any mod except for Fairykisses who left a note on her page, so you can't blame us for thinking that you all abandoned us.   PMs went unanswered as well, probably because they weren't seen because of maybe not logging in often. 


With all the rumors about the stability of this game, it would be nice to know something if there was something to know.  If I had knowledge that this game was going to end on December 31 2019, I'd still log in daily (if able) right up until the end.  But at least I would have known it was coming.  Instead of the shock like with MDD.

willowskye wrote:

Modding just isn't what it used to be, and it doesn't mean what it used to mean, and we don't have the tools we used to have, and it doesn't feel the way it used to feel, and we don't have the support we used to have, and the issues aren't the same.

That doesn't mean we just want to be replaced, though, without any say in the matter. nrv


How has modding changed?  Maybe if you explain, it might help people understand.  What tools do you no longer have?   With half of the mods seemingly not here and half of those with a good reason, do you that are left not want another mod?   Do either of you ever communicate with any of the mods on the French forum?  It would seem that would be a good thing to do.... get more heads together.


willowskye wrote:

laurelinelarose wrote:

Hi !
Just a quick news from a french mod : we heard you ! norm
Thank you Sierradane for coming all the way to see us ^^ We are trying to contact the team to tell them about your current situation and maybe organize a recruitment.
I will try and keep you inform, but if you have any question, please feel free to come ask me directly in PM on this server or on the french one.

willowskye wrote:

P.S. I don't think we should have to go to the French server and talk to mods there to try to get something done on the US server. We didn't used to need to (nor have we had success when it was previously attempted.) A perfect example of what I mean when I say we don't have the support we used to.

As said before, something needed to be done. We shouldn't look at the French server as a place to not communicate.  It should be looked at as a "sister site" of sorts.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#27 2019-06-16 21:25:43

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Where have our Moderators gone

Had to take a break from this forum, but I decided to add my words to this; starting with:

Sierradane wrote:

With all the rumors about the stability of this game, it would be nice to know something if there was something to know.  If I had knowledge that this game was going to end on December 31 2019, I'd still log in daily (if able) right up until the end.  But at least I would have known it was coming.  Instead of the shock like with MDD.

I feel the same way. With everything going on, I have already assumed the game will go extinct by the end of 2019; but a good, solid reply from the developers would be greatly appreciated. It's getting downright rude and stupid for them to keep us in the dark like this. And regardless of the answer, I would log on every day (minus the crazy, 'normal' days that I can't.) I would be more adamant about decorating all my dolls' rooms, because the one thing that got me when MDD closed was that I never got to play with some of the rooms I got from a quest, I just assumed I would have plenty of time to get to it. I barely got to take any screenshots, either; so now I'm trying to take as many screenshots as possible of my dolls and their rooms.

nrv Now for some angry talk: I created the thread The Lost News because the Mods were not updating the News section. It was a kind of 'mod thing' and I worried I would get in trouble. I didn't. One of the Mods was happy and didn't mind. It was a place to find any current news that was not placed in the official News section, where players could see and comment about them. About a year later (spring 2019) I felt like I was being yelled at for putting the news in the thread because it wasn't considered 'lost news'. Suddenly no one knew what it was meant for even though I explained it in the first post. I had at one point felt I was a kind of weekend mod, as I would answer questions asked on Saturdays and Sundays as Mods, I noticed, weren't active on those days. I'm not saying I want to be a Mod, but I have tried to help where I could and yet  it seems all my efforts were for nothing. No one seemed to care or notice. That hurts.

So I've been quietly enjoying OMD and not posting. Only checking to see if Sarah finally has lived up to her promise to update us about the game. I'm starting to think she either has already left the game; is wallowing in some kind of depression for personal reasons; or she has actually passed away unexpectedly. Or, on a happier note, she's so busy trying to get the game out of Flash that all her work hours are taken up and she doesn't have any 'on the clock' time to give us that promised update - the French are very serious about not doing any work when they are off the clock.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#28 2019-06-17 01:22:52

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Where have our Moderators gone

To lady0filia:

I want to apologize for my post or question on the post of the Lost News you had been doing. I guess I didn't fully understand the reason and perhaps when you started it may have been during the time I was caring for my mother.  What you were doing was, after all, a good thing. Maybe you can continue to do it.

I don't think there is an actual Sarah anymore. Seems I read where there was a new owner.... a guy.

I too need to get in gear and start taking some screenshots. I made a music video out of the ones from the other version.

I checked, you started the Lost News on Sept 9 2018 I believe. My mother passed away on Oct 10 2018.

Last edited by sierradane (2019-06-17 01:26:05)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#29 2019-06-17 01:46:51

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Where have our Moderators gone

There seems to be a common theme here for all of us, we're frustrated. 
For all different reasons based on our experiences here. 

As a mod over the years, I've had to deal with a lot of rudeness from people.  Griped at for things that are out of my control, or things we've tried to work on behind the scenes & just wouldn't get fixed, things aren't good enough (after spending hours working on the forums..)
Its just been years of a very thankless job.  Then you add on top all of the things that has happened with the game over this past year,  it is very frustrating & that's going to show up in my responses here.  I don't want to speak for Willow, but she would probably agree.. if we've been a bit defensive, we do have our reasons.  :(   I am still here though, never completely left & will probably be here until the end of it all.

I can also understand your frustration at us for not being as active as we used to be.  I know not all of it is directly aimed at us & I'm trying not to take it personally, because i'm sure you all are just as annoyed/worried/frustrated..etc about the game as we are/have been.

I do want to say thank you.  So many of you have been very helpful over the years, answering questions, creating guides & useful posts.  We've been able to count on you & it shows you don't need to be a mod to help out & it is appreciated!

As far as questions/interest in adding in another moderator,  I don't have much to say on that matter at the moment.  We have been in contact with the French GM, i'm just going to cross my fingers & hope they will be helpful over here!  :)

In the meantime, I will try and do better!


#30 2019-06-17 09:08:12

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Where have our Moderators gone

@lady0filia: If the game doesn't survive, I hope we'll be allowed to at least download the assets for personal use... Also, I would like to thank the mods who are still active in the game for their hard work and you, for the lost news thread!

I wanted to say something more usefull for this thread, but all I could think of was to say "thank you" to the mods...

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

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