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#1 2019-06-30 08:03:31

From: phoenix
Registered: 2011-01-20
Posts: 41

i am not getting my feez

ugh i am so mad i am not getting my feez and idk what to do and i really want to speed my feez on my doll like Music Festival and the old replay quest sad pleur nrv non


#2 2019-06-30 17:31:46

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: i am not getting my feez

I'm referring you back to the original topic you started re: this issue. (Please don't start new topics for the same issue.) … 39#p341539

You don't say how you purchased the feez, or if it was from one of the peanut lab surveys. Can you please explain how you got the feez you are expecting?

Also, have you filled out a ticket (if you purchased thru the bank on this site) or have you tried to contact any of the peanut lab vendors (if it was from surveys)?

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