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#1 2019-07-05 15:01:35

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

[Call to the designers] Summer beach and extravagance!

Hello lovely dollz!

We all noticed it, it’s hot outside these days! And the sun let us go outside without burning everything, it’s the perfect time to start a party with friends, and the right opportunity to wear your favourite summer outfit! Long summer dresses, light crop tops, nice fan to keep it cool… the list is limitless as long as you have imagination!

In the evening, more wild outfits come to us to party all night, without forgetting about what fashion is. This summer is gonna be a fashion fest!

It’s time to create the summer outfits of your dream! Let’s go!

Until July 14th, send the creations from your own inventory on the current theme!

You can send up to 5 outfits, created maximum 3 month ago.

A reminder: Please do not use VIP objects in your creations. If your creation has VIP elements, it will not show up and can not be sent.

Let’s rock!

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