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#1 2019-10-04 14:37:06

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Talk about your computer's mouse

What is the strangest mouse you ever owned? What was your favorite? The most overpriced? The one with the most annoying christmas lights?
Whatever else you'd like to share about the mouse!
(laptop's built-in "mouses" count too)
You know what? Talk about any computer parts (mouse, keyboard, etc.) that behaved in unexpected ways as well. Or interesting ones you've seen in stores.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#2 2019-10-04 15:09:16

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: Talk about your computer's mouse

Weird flex but okay ;)

I usually buy gaming mice (but those on the cheaper side) so obviously I have to make sure they're not too distracting with their "cool" lightning effects. But once I didn't... and I ended up with something that was shining brigthly through the night with a full rainbow spectrum. For several months I felt like I was attending a pride parade every day!

I also once had this really enxpensive mouse (a lottery prize) that was very "left-leaning". Whenever it was left to its own devices it would slowly move the mouse cursor to the very left side of the screen. Apart from that it was a really nice mouse.

This reminds me that I have to buy a new mouse for my dad. The one he has right now is literally squeaking and it's driving us crazy.

#3 2019-10-07 22:46:07

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Talk about your computer's mouse

I only bought a gaming mouse once. It was a nice mouse (I still have it here somewhere as a backup) but the scroll stoped working. Besides, I only ever used the extra buttons to replace the scroll function when it broke, so the next mouses were common ones XD

I realy hate mouses with decorative lights. They serve no real purporse and just make the device more expensive. I accidentaly bought one once (back when I didn't know decorative lights for mouses were a thing) and it got me so mad I went to the store that sold it to trade it for another mouse, and a few other goods to cover the price difference.

My current mouse mouse is a silent mouse. It doesn't make that typical clicking noise. It was kind of disturbing in the 1st week, but if I'd convert the price to dollars, it costed like 7 (the cheapest I've ever bought) and is a very good mouse, so I'm not complaining (besides, I got used to this quirk already).

I also got a PS2 mouse for free once, because computers that can use it are a rarity now and my computer just so happens to be able to use it. The plastic surrounding it (I forgot the name of that thing products are encased in) was already yellow and snappy and the shopkeeper just gave it to me as a bonus after upgrading and cleaning my computer. Sadly, the mouse's driver was installed via floppy disc, wich my computer can't natively run, not to mention it was a wireless mouse that required batteries to work, and i'd need to change those eventualy. But hey, free stuff! And since I happened to know a person who has a desktop that is even older than mine and can run floppy discs, so I just passed the mouse to them.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

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