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#1 2020-01-26 21:34:20

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

[Flash Sale] Chinese New Year!

Nǐ hǎo les dollz!

It’s Chinese New Year! The year of the White Metal Rat will start this weekend and this celebration will be the source of many festivities  in the world for several days.

For the occasion, our team invites you to discover a new outfit for flash sales this weekend.

This 2016 outfit is offered in a new color inspired by the colors of the metal. Adorable little rats accompany this outfit, in assorted colors.

The flash sale consists of the following elements: the dress, the shoes, the wig, the jewelry, the face makeup and the little rats.
The model is not included in the sale.

You can get this exclusive outfit at an extraordinary price until Monday, 11:59pm. (CET)

What is a Flash Sale?
A Flash Sale allows you to obtain new and exclusive items in a promotional bundle. This bundle is at a more interesting price than at the Flash Boutique, which is seldom open.

Be the most metallic for the Year of the Metal Rat!


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