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#1 2020-02-15 05:02:13

Registered: 2016-05-15
Posts: 16

"Show Only Purchasable Items" Toggle for the Stores

PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, please implement an option while shopping in the stores that toggles on/off "Only Purchasable Items"

i've been playing this game for about 4.5 years now, and shopping has always been a huge pain in the butt, because there is so much junk I can't actually purchase due to it being exclusive/limited/unavailable. i have to literally look through all of it, and sometimes it's difficult or impossible to tell when items are faded or grayed out

P L E A S E just implement a quick toggle (check the box) which hides all unpurchasable items. it would not be difficult to code, i imagine, considering you already have a system which grays out unpurchasable items.

Last edited by flowerie (2020-02-16 09:42:14)


#2 2020-02-15 14:28:50

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: "Show Only Purchasable Items" Toggle for the Stores

I would love this idea to be put into the game. It's so frustrating when I'm just trying to find something to go with an outfit or a certain element, but I have to go through items that I can't get because they are from a seasonal store that won't be open for probably half a year or more. Not to mention the VIP store, which only those with VIP membership can get. I don't mind looking at them now and then, to see what each has to offer, but not every single time I try to shop for something to buy. I don't even think a VIP can purchase items from a closed store.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

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